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Crossed Animals

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A crossword with most clues relating to animals, and with every letter part of two linking answers. Have fun.
Author: Creedy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Genus of Macaw
      4. Bird in the cuckoo family
      7. A species of baleen whale
      10. A rodent that likes bacon?
      12. Species of cereal grain fed to horses (singular)
      13. Critically endangered leopard from Russia and China
      14. This sea creature has a "whale" of a time
      16. One of the Tanga islands
      18. Also known as an alderfly
      19. This simian lacks a tail
      21. Mary had a little one
      24. This little creature wanted to "Phone home"
      26. It miaows
      27. Large Australian bird
      28. American public technological university in Michigan
      29. Half an em in measurement
      30. Goldilocks ate his porridge all up
      31. It apparently bit Cleopatra
      32. Number of toes on one species of the South American sloth
      34. What the rabbit did when it saw the gun-toting hunter (Noel Coward song)
      36. A short crustacean?
      39. Inferior horse or a heifer (obs)
      42. Native Hawaiian politician, born 1953, Clayton ___
      43. Asian primate with very long fingers
      45. American professional wrestler, born 1958, ___ Anderson
      46. This night bird has a hooting good time
      47. Upward curve on a ship's plank


      1. A wasp endemic to Western Australia. Perhaps it even laughs?
      2. Mrs Ewe's husband
      3. A rabbit's foot is a good luck ___ in many countries
      4. Preposition meaning by or near something
      5. Beak of a bird
      6. Wrath
      7. Acidic and bitter tasting
      8. Baby chicks of large stately birds with hooked beaks
      9. Country code for a country with the capital of Rome
      11. The purple-faced leaf monkey is endemic to ___ Lanka
      15. High tennis shot that is also a fish
      17. Many animals ___ at the approach of man
      19. This guitarist plays with the band Skunk Anansie
      20. Black leopard or jaguar
      22. Female Japanese ___ divers collect pearls from oysters
      23. "Life and Opinions of the Tomcat ___" (Hoffman)
      25. Male sheep left - ahem - intact
      28. It ungratefully kills its partner after mating
      30. Meme of an animated frog on a unicyle, Dat ___
      33. This small bird designed St Paul's Cathedral?
      35. A stupid person or a beast of burden
      36. Egyptian god Set's totem animal
      37. IATA code for Coles County Memorial Airport, Illinois
      38. Foot of a house pet quadruped
      40. Dutch word for a castrated donkey or a nincompoop
      41. Attempt
      44. Breakaway football game from Rugby Union (init)