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Sporting Mish Mash Crossword Puzzle

Home» Crosswords» Sports
A crossword featuring many sports, from sport fishing to soccer, from ballroom dancing to gymnastics. I hope you will enjoy it.
Author: windrush - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Quick informal strategy meeting (6)
      4. Olympic team sport, 7 a side (8)
      9. Multiple disciplined athletic event (9)
      11. Harold Davis, sprinter, the "California ___" (5)
      12. Dowie, striker for England's women's soccer team (7)
      13. Game derived from sport played by NBA (7)
      14. Most international sports ban drug __(5)
      16. A World Iron Man venue (8)
      19. Fast three-hulled yacht (8)
      21. Spanish tennis player, Rafael (5)
      24. Powerful gamefish, valued as food (7)
      26. Olympics 2004 medallist, __ Coughlin (7)
      28. ___ White, left winger for Heart of Midlothian (5)
      29. Former Pakistan captain, now politician (5,4)
      30. Former Indian fast bowler, batsman (5,3)
      31. __ Marsh, former Australian wicketkeeper (6)


      1. A French form of boules (8)
      2. Used by umpires, referees (7)
      3. Famous hockey player, coach, Adam __(5)
      5. __ Akmal, Pakistani wicketkeeper (5
      6. Multiple disciplined athletic event (9)
      7. Type of bowling delivery in cricket (3,4)
      8. Sporting programs for juniors, __ Athletics (6)
      10. Many sports balls are clad in this (7)
      15. Penultimate round in a premiership series (9)
      17. Negative prefix (3)
      18. Annual sailing regatta, Channel Islands (8)
      20. Sweetwater Texas, Annual Rattlesnake __(7)
      22. Member of Miami football team (sing.)(7)
      23. US sprinter, 1972 Olympic medallist (1,5)
      25. Some sports are quiet, others make a lot of __(5)
      26. Neither, __(3)
      27. A ballroom dance (5)