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Into the Ark Crossword Puzzle

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Land, sea and air creatures included in this crossword, along with a few fillers. Have fun.
Author: Creedy - Diff: Harder



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      1. Very large striped jungle cat
      4. Small mole-like mammal Shakespeare tried to tame
      7. Very warm
      8. Also known as the snow leopard
      9. African Ourebia ourebi
      10. This Gardner was Mickey Rooney's first wife
      11. Also known as Tomato leafminer (pl)
      14. A collection of valuables, treasure ___
      17. Large mud loving African mammal
      20. African scavenger
      23. Constructed language
      24. Also known as the honey badger
      25. Small rodent
      26. A horse has the biggest ___ in the land mammals
      27. Taurotragus oryx antelope
      28. Also known as the water opossum


      1. Schubert wrote a song about this fish
      2. Small spotted carnivorous cat-like mammal of Africa
      3. Large flightless South American birds
      4. Also known as an ermine
      5. Large, dangerous, charging African horned mammal
      6. ___ tailed deer
      12. This Geller was a famous spoon bender
      13. This reptile bit Cleopatra
      15. Steve Irwin was killed by a sea ___
      16. The Turkish angora feline is also called the Turkish ___
      17. It neighs
      18. Female dog in "Blue Peter" (1962-1977)
      19. Greased
      20. Cozy and family like
      21. Kit out with gear
      22. Wapiti is also known as ___ ___ (2,3)