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Sports assortment Crossword Puzzle

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Names of individual and team sports as well as items and terms associated with them.
Author: misstified - Diff: Harder



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      1. This sport involves trying to catch creatures who live in water and is sometimes called angling
      6. In golf, the term for number of strokes a proficient player is expected to take
      7. Behaviour that is against the rules in a particular sport
      8. Most tennis players prefer using their right ___
      10. A referee's or an umpire's role can be described as being this of a game (Init)
      12. The ___ and spoon is a fun race, often for youngsters
      14. Scottish football team, Heart ___ Midlothian
      15. Game played with an oval ball and thirteen players on a team (2 words)
      16. A fan identifying with a successful team may say '___won'
      17. English-speaking footballers score a goal while German-speaking ones score ___ Tor
      18. Sportspeople living in Tennessee have this as their postal abbreviation
      21. Football annuals are published every ___
      22. Artificial bait used in angling
      23. A two part lift in weightlifting, the clean ___ jerk
      25. Games of golf between just two people are these type of matches


      1. Number of players on a polo team
      2. Betters on a horse race can opt to take these odds, which apply as the race begins (Init)
      3. Sport in which people 'fly' using kite-like unpowered craft (2 words)
      4. NFL and NHL teams use this list to show which players are not playing due to injury (Init)
      5. In hockey, a team wins by scoring at least one more ___ than the opposing team
      7. Smooth part of the grass between tee and green in golf
      9. This part of a team tries to stop the opposing team from scoring
      11. Snooker and billiards players use this to strike a ball
      12. In many games it is important to keep an ___ on the ball
      13. Having a lot of this information on the opponent(s) helps when making a match plan
      14. In a tennis match a ball can be called 'in' or '___'
      19. Formula 1 motor races involve going round a circuit for a certain number of these
      20. Trophies awarded for achievement in many team sports
      23. Sportspeople generally consider it ___ honour to play for their country
      24. Previous term for IL, the MLB record of injured players who are unable to play (Init)