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Haphazard Historical Happenings Crossword Puzzle

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Some Western bias but at least one historic event from every continent, including Antarctica, is included.
Author: misstified - Diff: Average



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      1. The Athenian Draco drew up these severe legal codes in about 621 BC
      5. The Black Death or bubonic ___ first emerged in China in the 1330s then spread to many countries
      10. In the 1066 Battle of Hastings King Harold of England died through being shot in the eye by this
      11. European linguists devised this notation system for multinational speech sounds in 1886 (Init)
      12. Sir Francis Chichester was the first person to ___ single-handed around the world in 1966-7
      13. The first Nobel ___ were awarded in 1901
      15. 16th century fights between conquistadors and indigenous South Americans were ___ with many killed
      17. Henry VIII of England (1509-1547) was said to ___ and rave at anyone who did not agree with him
      18. An expression of pleasure that may be said on making a discovery eg of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922
      19. Explorers, eg Amundsen in 1911, have found Antarctica to be dry or ___ due to low precipitation
      21. This famous passenger ship sank on 15th April 1912 on her first voyage
      26. Name of Winter Storm that brought blizzards to parts of North America in February 2013
      27. The successful launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957 seems agreed to have started the Space ___ or era
      28. Tins or ___ were first used to preserve food in Europe in the early nineteenth century
      30. The battle of Marathon in 490 BC saw the Greeks defeat an army from Persia, now known by this name
      32. The ___ Nations officially began on 24th October 1945
      34. This Indonesian island popular with tourists suffered terrorist bombings in 2002 and 2005
      36. The UK '___ penny' (issued 1860-1894) was the first to use bronze, not copper, for lower value coins
      37. Type of chair used to carry people around some Western towns mainly in the 17th and 18th centuries
      38. On 20th July,1969, astronauts in the module Eagle landed on the Moon, carried there in ___ 11
      39. The first Dalai ___ was abbot Gedrun Drubpa (1391-1474), who was given the title posthumously


      1. The first of these devices giving a beam of light from stimulating atoms was built in the US in 1960
      2. One term for land-based armed force of New Zealand's larger neighbour, founded in 1901 (Init)
      3. On 17th December, 1903, these brothers made the first powered aeroplane flights
      4. Charles Lindbergh made the first ___ non-stop flight across the Atlantic on 20th -21st May, 1927
      6. First used in France in the 1790s, this metric unit is equal to 1.76 pints (Abbrev)
      7. Place near Cairo, Egypt, where complexes to house deceased rulers were built from 2580 onwards
      8. Galileo's writings, eg of 1609, helped to overturn or ___ earlier ideas about the solar system
      9. Christopher Columbus was actually seeking a route to the ___ or orient in 1492
      13. Largest and oldest of the buildings at 7D is the Great ___ (of Cheops), completed around 2560 BC
      14. Several countries, eg Kenya from 1979, foster innovations in the sciences through such a body (Init)
      16. The speed or ___ of advancements in technology may seem to increase constantly
      20. First tennis championships (at Wimbledon) were in 1877, when officials called balls '___' ___ 'out'
      22. Short form of word used for 'the current month' in some business letters until at least the 1950s
      23. This North American land was established as a self-governing country in 1867
      24. In the Christian year 622 Muhammad went from Mecca to this city and the Islamic calendar began
      25. In the USA in 1920 alcohol was prohibited and was under a ___ ___ to 1933 (3,2)
      28. This Caribbean island was one of the places the 9D explorer landed on in October 1492
      29. El ___ is the water-warming part of a climate cycle in the Pacific, recorded for thousands of years
      31. Dutch voyager ___ Tasman first reached the Australian island and state named after him in 1642
      33. Measurement of length used in some northwestern European lands from medieval times but now obsolete
      35. This mainly US expression meaning 'fleeing' was first used in 1897: 'on the ___'