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First Came the Animals Crossword Puzzle

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Before Man got to show his face on Earth, there were animals already here. Here are a few of them. This is a challenge crossword.
Author: 1nn1 - Diff: Harder



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      1. Big cat you would not want to play cards with
      5. Type of duck
      9. See you later, crocodile-relative
      10. Diprosopus, seen rarely in snakes, turtles and some other animals means that the animal is two-___
      11. Sheep-like
      12. Informal term for stores where items are pawned
      13. Pinniped
      15. Practice where one animal needs to feel superior to another animal or species
      18. Horned animal from the real world
      19. Habitat of the elephant with the smaller ears
      22. Able to have kept food down no matter how unpalatable
      24. Species of bacteria causing massive numbers of global gastrointestinal infections
      26. Preferred transport routes for birds
      27. New World scaly mammal whose name in Spanish means "little armoured one"
      28. Seasonal attribute of plants rather than animals
      29. Muskrat genus


      1. Goat-antelope from the Pyrenees you might dry your car with
      2. Zhou ____ (1898 - 1976), first Premier of the People's Republic of China 1949-1976
      3. Many animals are ____ to track their movement patterns
      4. Home for a rabbit
      5. Guiana dolphins, known locally as tonina, are found in this region of Venezuela
      6. The ____ of an animal can be from a few minutes to over a hundred years
      7. Small fish that spend a lifetime avoiding close proximity to pizzas
      8. Lewis Carroll's surname at birth
      14. Phoenix, USA resident
      16. What happens to a dog if he cannot pant effectively
      17. Home of the largest living thing on earth: Great Barrier Reef (5,3)
      18. Body of water where you are likely to see penguins (4,3)
      20. Wildcat, cardinal, diamondback and coyote habitat, so to speak
      21. Castrated
      23. Fictional elephant capable of filing a flight plan
      25. Apparently wise bird of prey but smaller