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All About Animals Crossword Puzzle

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Many different kinds of animals and groups of animals are featured here, as well as some unrelated clues. I hope you're ready for the menagerie. Good luck!
Author: Rizeeve - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. One who rubs or pushes gently with one's snout
      5. Capybaras and guinea pigs are rodents native to South ___
      9. One who digs in tunnels for ferrous ores (4,5)
      10. Was fond of
      11. Careful management of money
      12. A group of cats
      14. Vestments for ministers at mass (plural)
      15. Of or relating to ecology
      18. Large insect, males have large jaws that resemble antlers (4,6)
      19. Common, small rodents (plural)
      21. Solo instrumental performance
      23. Family of nonvenomous snakes or a programming language
      25. Interesting and fun (slang)
      26. Carnivore (4,5)
      27. One who removes the wool from sheep
      28. Small monkey with an impressive mustache?


      1. The quick is the sensitive flesh under the ___
      2. Fear of animals
      3. Unclouded; clear
      4. Primate of Madagascar with a black and white terminal appendage (4,6,5)
      5. Largest land animal (7,8)
      6. Nematodes (plural)
      7. Squid ejected its defensive liquid
      8. Megalopteran insects (plural)
      13. Birds of an order that perch (plural)
      16. A bat
      17. A slaughterhouse
      20. A group of hawks
      22. A tall wading bird or machine for moving heavy objects
      24. Small songbird or English architect