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More Anagrams Over Easy 2 Crossword Puzzle

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Anagram the first, capitalized word to find the answer, which is defined by the second part of the clue.
Author: misstified - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. EATS: fully satisfy
      4. RESIST: female sibling
      7. TIER: ritual
      8. DARE: peruse
      9. DRAWER: recompense, return
      11. OWE: misery
      12. WEN: not old
      14. TEATS: flavour
      16. STARE: plant with daisy-like flowers
      19. NIB: receptacle for waste
      21. WAS: perceived
      23. CANTER: daze, reverie
      24. SEAT: compass direction
      25. GRIN: circular band
      26. HEATER: warm up again
      27. RATE: rip


      1. TRAITS: narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water
      2. STRAIN: teaches
      3. DIE: Muslim festival
      4. VERSE: give out (food or drink)
      5. WHAT: melt
      6. DIRE: go by horseback
      10. PORE: thick cord
      12. BEN: beak
      13. AWN: pale
      15. RAJA: open a little
      17. GAITER: brief preliminary examination to establish medical priority
      18. RETORT: scoundrel, cad
      20. TRINE: unmoving
      21. RATS: heavenly body
      22. HAWS: clean with water
      24. TEN: tree-like being from Tolkien's Middle Earth