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A Mixture for Children Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword has clues related primarily to children's literature and nursery rhymes, with some on films aimed at children.
Author: rossian - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Colour of the horse Anna Sewell wrote about
      4. Bear friend to Mowgli
      7. What Jack used to cut down the beanstalk
      8. What ET could be described as
      9. Little orphan in comic strip and film
      10. Warning noise made by a dog
      11. Name of wolf who adopts Mowgli
      14. Appears in lots of stories and brings gifts at Christmas
      17. Month associated with a hare in Lewis Carroll stories
      20. Children's book by John Cena '___ Grease'
      23. Author of 'Silver Spires' books (first name)
      24. 17 down hid ___ the chair
      25. Flying elephant
      26. A pocketful of ___
      27. What 12 down was to Mowgli
      28. What washed Incy Wincy spider out of the water spout (plural)


      1. ___ Bella, stories by Loretta Kay-Feld
      2. She visited Wonderland
      3. Australian friend to Winnie the Pooh
      4. Goldilocks upset three of these
      5. A princess could sleep on sheets made of this
      6. Drama set to music; can be based on fairy tales such as Cinderella
      12. Snake in the 'Jungle Book' stories
      13. French lake
      15. ___ the king's horses and ___ the king's men
      16. Number of little ducks who went swimming one day
      17. What the pussycat frightened when he visited London
      18. Paul Goble wrote 'Beyond the ___'
      19. First name of famous young wizard
      20. Hero of various novels by Orson Scott Card
      21. Orphaned deer in Disney film
      22. Where the babes got lost (plural)