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Stories Sketched in Sand Crossword Puzzle

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This small crossword touches on some of the rich life and legends of Australian and American indigenous peoples. It is a part of my November crossword challenge. I hope you will enjoy it.
Author: windrush - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Early artisans would __ flints to make tools and arrowheads
      4. Queensland tribe, territory from the Upper Mission River and Cox Creek (alt.)
      6. Common term for any of this large family of marsupials
      8. The Tachi Yokuts people live on __ Rosa Rancheria, California
      9. Central to the Creation story of the Anangu, Ayers Rock
      10. Meadow
      11. With 12A , godlike being that gives or destroys life, Aust.
      12. See 11A, second word
      14. Murnong, aka __ daisy is 'bush tucker' (wild food) in Australia
      15. People of N. California, called A'shochamai by the Pomo tribes
      16. Nut used as food and for trade by central and eastern American tribes
      17. Important star sign for early Egyptians at Nile flooding
      18. Aborigines and American Indians used root and __ of local plants for medicine
      19. Chinook story, Coyote built a __ to catch and hold salmon


      2. In Western Australia, Kalbarri is part of traditional lands of these people
      3. American Indians have many stories about the cunning coyote or __(7,4)
      4. Ananga people have reclaimed 9A so it is no longer just this (7,4)
      5. Local name for Door Peninsula WI, former home of the Potawatomi
      7. In Australian Aboriginal myth, there are Moon Man and __ (3,5)
      8. Most wild food plants are naturally propagated or __ (4-4)
      13. Seam or ridge on outside of seeds
      14. Desert plant in USA and Mexico, used for soap, rope fibre