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An Eclectic World Tour Crossword Puzzle

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This November Challenge crossword in the Eclectic series is dedicated to some of the topics you can find in the World category. Enjoy!
Author: LadyNym - Diff: Harder



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      3. Currency of Genghis Khan country
      6. French colour of the sea and the sky
      9. Home to St Basil's Cathedral and the Bolshoi Theatre
      10. "____ facto", Latin phrase meaning "by the fact itself"
      12. Exclamation used to express disgust
      13. German for the loneliest number
      14. At ____, often used as a military command
      16. São Tomé and Principe currency unit
      17. Spent in Mexico, Uruguay and the Philippines
      19. German-owned discount supermarket chain
      20. ____ Pacis, the "Altar of Peace", famous monument of Ancient Rome
      22. "____ and void", having no legal value
      23. You need this currency to go on a shopping spree in Dubai
      25. You can admire Van Gogh's "Starry Night" there (init.)
      26. What a submarine does when rising to the surface


      1. Engineering feat such as Three Gorges, Aswan or Itaipu
      2. Gateway or Marble
      3. Iconic London landmark, built between 1886 and 1894 (5,6)
      4. Former British gold coin, also the name of an African country
      5. Regal-sounding Scandinavian currency
      7. A member of a light-infantry corps of the French Army disbanded in 1962
      8. Association of public institutions of higher education of the Peach State (init.)
      11. Non-commercial TV spot (init.)
      15. Common greeting in Arabic-speaking and Muslim countries
      16. More than 20 world currencies bear this name
      17. Precedes "Rialto" or "Vecchio"
      18. The English word for "fixed monthly pay" comes from this Latin word
      20. Land-based branch of the military
      21. In finance, this Greek letter represents sensitivity to the interest rate
      24. This object appears on the flags of Cyprus and Kosovo