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Generally Speaking: A Word by Any Other Name Crossword Puzzle

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Take the letters of the first word and jumble to find a word to match the clue given.
Author: leith90 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. TABLE: Lamb's lament
      4. INAPT: Wall covering
      7. ASH: Possesses
      8. VEALS: Ointment
      9. AIDES: Notions
      11. ENDEAR: Merited
      13. GEED: Border
      15. ASP: Plant fluid
      17. PEST: Stair
      19. STREAM: Expert
      21. PLATE: Colourful flower part
      24. NORTH: Prickle
      25. LEA: Beer
      26. MITRE: Send payment
      27. TILER: Liquid measurement (UK Spelling)


      1. ABETS: Loose sewing stitches
      2. GENERAL: Make bigger
      3. BEHEST: Ancient Egyptian city
      4. SIP: Greek letter
      5. REI: Anger
      6. STATE: Sample
      10. ODE: Female deer
      12. MAD: River barrier
      14. DOTTIER: US automobile capital
      16. STAPLE: Artist's medium
      17. PURSE: Extraordinary
      18. APE: Pod vegetable
      20. REINS: Wash lightly
      22. MAT: Scottish cap
      23. ALT: Back muscle, in short