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A Young Person's Guide to This and That Crossword Puzzle

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A small crossword with animals, places and sounds. I hope you like playing it.
Author: windrush - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Biggest mammal in the world, blue ___
      4. Go Fish and Snap are played with these
      7. Large extinct bird of New Zealand
      8. Large country in South Asia
      9. Young sheep, plural
      11. French breed of dog
      12. Sea creature with shell and sharp claws
      16. Rise and fall of the sea
      18. Someone who tells lies
      20. Striped animal in the horse family
      22. Big dangerous African animal, for short
      23. Motor vehicle
      24. A rough path
      25. Artist's stand


      1. Dog that looks like a small greyhound
      2. Robot that looks like a person
      3. Computer messages
      4. Young cow
      5. Male sheep
      6. International call for help, initials
      10. Noise a sheep makes
      13. Bunnies
      14. Night-time bird of prey, nests in farm buildings (4,3)
      15. Capital of South Dakota
      17. Frozen water
      19. Opposite to front
      20. Face pimple
      21. Large snake