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Animals, Alphabetically Speaking Crossword Puzzle

Home» Crosswords» Animals
This crossword is in response to an author's contract: - Construct a symmetric crossword which contains at least 26 animal name answers, one for each letter of the alphabet (eg: ... Xerus, Yak, Zebra). I am pretty sure that all letters are catered for. Please enjoy.
Author: windrush - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Several species including the family Sebastidae
      5. Australian aquatic monotreme
      10. Striped equine
      11. Sub-Saharan lizard, suborder Iguania
      13. Snake, fer-de- __
      14. Irish folk tale, 'The Children of __'
      15. Extinct New Zealand flightless bird
      16. Horse colourings, blue AND red
      18. Australian tree-dwelling marsupial
      19. Mid-sized game bird
      21. Largest lemur
      24. Pink and grey cockatoo
      26. Species of freshwater fish
      28. Lasiurus cinereus, flying mammal (5,3)
      29. Largest land animal
      32. This goes round and round
      34. Spiral-horned antelope
      35. Large pachyderm, for short
      37. Princess Jasmine's tiger
      40. Serpent
      42. Winter-growing legume
      44. Domesticated shaggy ox
      45. Hawaiian garland
      46. Non-striped equine
      47. Claim to be elsewhere during a crime
      48. African ground squirrel
      49. Cobwebs
      50. Tyto alba, nocturnal birds of prey (4,4)


      1. Bivalve, Ensis magnus, alt.
      2. Elapid snake
      3. Young horses
      4. Predatory fish
      6. South American camelid
      7. Islamic divorce by repudiation
      8. Chinese bear, eats bamboo
      9. Small species of sturgeon
      12. Land suitable for crops
      17. Neither's partner
      20. Former Middle Eastern state, inits.
      22. Male duck
      23. Picturesque scene or situation
      24. Small dry seed
      25. Hagar the Horrible's wife
      26. Pig-like mammal of Central America
      27. Commonly called the forest giraffe
      30. Genus of top-shaped sea snails, pl.
      31. Red-faced South American monkey
      32. Pig relative of sub-Saharan Africa
      33. Historic period
      36. Garden tool
      38. Trichonephila clavata, type of spider, pl.
      39. Laughing doglike feliform predator
      40. Cartilaginous fish
      41. Main character in 'Pygmalion' and 'My Fair Lady'
      42. Female fox
      43. Toss something through the air