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One Adam-12 Crossword Puzzle

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One Adam-12 is the call sign of a very popular police procedural TV series of called "ADAM-12" which ran for seven seasons 1968-75. This quiz and crossword is a challenge where the quiz and the crossword had to have the same title. Do the quiz first and find ten of the words in this crossword or take this crossword to give you the answers to the quiz. You can't lose!
Author: 1nn1 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. To film this show without glare or reflection, this needed to be removed from the patrol car
      6. Designation to indicate this is a two-man patrol car
      10. Frequent crimes witnessed on this show
      11. More than precise
      12. You never saw this Japanese automobile as a police car in this series
      13. Subdued completely
      14. The pair
      15. Swampier
      17. Commercials but shorter
      18. Too many of these commemorations are seen in police procedurals
      19. In LA Police speak, "No lights no sirens" is ____ 2
      21. The referring of a matter for decision to an authority
      23. A US state a long way from California
      26. French remark indicating farewell
      27. First of something
      28. Heavy cups, or colloquially, collective photos of criminals
      29. A flashlight dim beam may be due to this (3,7)


      1. Heat
      2. Mr Wirkowski Canadian football player famous QB for 1952 Grey Cup final
      3. Innocent bystander
      4. When you use the patrol car radio you are going to "call____" (2,2)
      5. Equally famous police force in adjacent state (3,5)
      7. Facilitates run-off from a roof
      8. Automobile model used as a patrol car Seasons 5-7: AMC____
      9. Officer Jim from 1 Adam-12
      14. Starting to lose feeling in part of the body
      15. Forensic pathologists known by their shorter qualifications
      16. Often seen on a roof of patrol car
      17. Character actor who played a cop called Serpico or another, Vincent Hanna in "Heat" (2,6)
      18. A gun
      20. Officer Pete from 1 Adam-12
      22. Accurate
      24. Shorter shift supervisor
      25. Prison attire is often called this