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Breath of the Wild Crossword Puzzle

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This video game puzzle is written for fans of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" (NS). This game is incredible! It allows players to wander around a vast world with gorgeous scenery and fun puzzles. There are some monsters to fight too. A must for any gamer!
Author: BigTriviaDawg - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      4. A Vital piece of equipment to keep from getting lost
      8. Impa's village
      9. You need to bring 10 flint to Isha for her Jewelry shop to be able to do this
      10. Nighttime creature made out of skeletal bones (sing.)
      11. Sub boss made of molten rock (5, 5)
      12. Possibility or likelihood of success
      15. The Eventide quest in the south east corner is located on one of these
      17. A clan who are allies of Ganon. There is great wealth in their hideout
      19. One should be this before battle
      20. Great fairies ___ items to upgrade armor
      22. Stables can also serve as this in the game (pl.)
      23. Even though you are free to wander you are never this in the game
      26. Valuable gift given to you by the Old Man
      29. Much like Odysseus your quest will probably be this
      30. Link starts the game next to this ruined building once dedicated to time
      31. A walkthrough which can be helpful to a lost hero
      32. Food never does this in the game


      1. Link's ultimate sword
      2. A lizalfos might drop one of these when they are killed
      3. Adjective to describe the four great Beasts
      4. A blood one results in monsters respawning and growing stronger
      5. Actions that are critical to winning the game (sing.)
      6. Domain of the water-loving people
      7. Proper order to solve a puzzle
      12. To have his house built Link must do this
      13. The very first item Link obtains in the game is a Sheikah ___
      14. A distinguishing characteristic which is common to a group
      16. Very tough enemy resembling a centaur
      18. The game starts in a smaller area called the ___ Plateau
      19. A settler of a dispute
      21. There are several families in the game; the partner of Ma (pl.)
      24. A place you go to obtain a health or endurance orb (sing.)
      25. Link needs to present 4 ___ orbs to a goddess statue to gain a heart
      27. Several mountain ranges in the game are as tall as these European mountains
      28. Dirt or sand particles; Can make getting through the Gerudo Desert difficult.
      29. To catch sight of; like a enemy encampment around a bend