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Bird Brained Crossword Puzzle

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All things bird from all 50 US states
Author: pusdoc - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      3. Fast flier in Atlanta?
      8. Brown or white New Orleans hoopster?
      10. Galena or bauxite
      11. Boar's mate
      12. Little or great blue wader
      13. A place to perch or a piece of home
      16. Type of neck seen on a pheasant
      19. Bohemian or cedar
      21. Tuna served rare
      22. Proper pronoun for an unidentified bird
      23. Aleutian island of oddities
      25. Crazy as a red-necked or Pacific
      29. Mouse reaction
      30. Cod fish
      31. Heard in the bullring
      32. Widespread duck
      34. Junco color


      1. Oft-feathered aerie
      2. Scarlet honeycreeper
      3. A long, long way to go on the scale
      4. Darter or snake-bird
      5. Type of crake or what a crow might eat
      6. Spanish gold
      7. Hawaiian state bird
      9. How skimmers fly over the ocean
      14. Gizzard digestive aid
      15. Tough to, bank, barn or tree
      17. Enclosed
      18. Imported quail from India, not part of a polo match
      20. Enables flight
      21. What you did at lunch yesterday
      24. Green/blue color or cinnamon
      26. Spread during preening
      27. Dollars in your wallet
      28. Yellow-breasted talker
      32. Pa Kettle's spouse
      33. Article seen on the masthead with 'Monde'