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Return to New Orleans in the company of Ignatius Riley. Most clues are directly related to the book.
Author: ubermom - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. How many daughters Mr. Levy had
      6. Rowing implements
      8. Nemesis or love interest to Ignatius (2 words)
      13. Head of the church Ignatius was estranged from
      14. Insult that Ignatius sometimes throws at people
      15. Operatic star
      16. What Ignatius wanted his valve to do
      18. State Myrna would have driven south of on her trip to New Orleans
      20. First person plural
      21. One might be seated near Ignatius in the theater at matinee time
      22. Patrolman Mancuso probably did this with the motorcycle's engine
      24. First name of the man who bought Mrs. Riley's hat
      25. Behold!
      27. What Ignatius abused when he was stressed out
      28. Myrna's salutation
      29. Famous physicist's initials
      30. Angelo's nervous wife
      32. What Darlene encouraged Burma Jones to do
      34. The one gift from Mrs. Levy that Miss Trixie seemed to appreciate
      36. Surname of the Nazi proprietress
      37. What Ignatius does to the top of his mother's head outside D. H. Holmes
      39. Ignatius let the air out of Patrolman Mancuso's ___
      41. Kept on Mrs. Riley's stove to heat the milk for the coffee
      42. Abbreviation for Eastern New York
      43. Ignatius doesn't want to look in this direction
      44. Authoritative rule
      47. His psychiatrist helped him turn his business around
      49. Claude always saved up so he could buy some of these (2 words)
      56. Mr. Levy was named an honorary one
      57. George's contribution to Lana's photo
      58. Abbreviation: This country's capital is Manila
      60. Oriental sash
      61. What Ignatius felt when he realized why his mother had become so lachrymose
      63. What the Crusade for Moorish Dignity did much faster than Ignatius expected
      65. Hunky-dory
      66. What Mattie's Ramble Inn lacked
      67. According to Ignatius, his mother is one, as is the factory foreman
      68. Ignatius wondered if he detected the fragile scent of these


      1. Mr. Gonzales had one that was tall and black
      2. Songbird
      3. Opposite of off
      4. Prefix meaning "one"
      5. Typical architecture of Ignatius's preferred historical period
      6. Pertaining to
      7. One of the places Claude was getting all that money from (2 words)
      8. Tool for Burma Jones
      9. Third musical tone
      10. How Mrs. Levy identified Ignatius
      11. How Mr. Levy identified Ignatius
      12. Ignatius was all heart, but he was also part _____.
      13. When Ignatius kissed his mother's cheek, he got a mouthful of this
      17. Mr. Gonzales paid $2 for his.
      19. The part of Ignatius's psyche that tended to seize control
      20. Adjective to describe Patrolman Mancuso
      23. First woman
      26. Conjunction indicating an alternative
      27. Surname of the young man who sang "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" to Ignatius
      31. List of available items
      32. Genuine
      33. Ignatius's bedroom was reminiscent of this porcine abode
      35. Song from "South Pacific" -- "Bali ___"
      36. Two letters that designate a 33 1/2 rpm record
      38. Not any specific one
      39. Ignatius monopolized this sloshing locale
      40. Numerical label identifying a specific internet connection
      45. Item to produce a flash for Patrolman Mancuso's camera
      46. What Mr. and Mrs. Levy brought to Mandeville
      48. Moray or electric
      49. Rend or tear
      50. At this time
      51. Abbreviation: telegraphic transfer
      52. A word that could apply to Rex
      53. Mr. Levy's was terrycloth.
      54. The type of attention Ignatius expected at the kick-off rally
      55. Ignatius gifted Miss Trixie with these
      56. High school dance
      59. Mine output
      62. Charged atom
      63. What we celebrate on March 14
      64. Take action