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Confederacy of Dunces Strikes Again Crossword Puzzle

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Published posthumously in 1980, this picaresque novel provides a fascinating look at mid 20th-century New Orleans through the eyes of some truly unique characters.
Author: ubermom - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Mr. Gonzales's domain at Levy Pants
      7. When Ignatius made this, Miss Annie would start hollering
      11. A simple weapon from Ignatius's favorite period of history
      14. At this time
      15. Ignatius called for this in vain at the kick-off rally
      17. What Ignatius did with a lot of his Paradise inventory
      18. Abbreviation for the organization that has bell-ringers at Christmas time
      20. Partner of fro
      21. Darlene's unwanted vocation (1-7, hyphenated)
      22. What Mrs. Riley, Patrolman Mancuso, and Ignatius drank their coffee from
      24. Italian volcano
      26. "I think, therefore I __."
      28. Beat leather until it is smooth
      30. Abbreviation for the capital of Canada
      31. The wan little policeman who sought suspicious characters (6,7 - first and last names)
      33. Ignatius used many of these for himself in his "Journal of a Working Boy"
      34. Third person
      36. Unit from a Big Chief
      40. How Boethius would abbreviate "That is"
      41. A holiday bonus Miss Trixie demanded
      45. Myrna's home turf
      46. Patrolman Mancuso's was stuffy
      48. What Dorian was to the attendees of the kick-off rally
      51. Abbreviation for an organization Mr. Palermo might consider joining
      52. Bar of precious metal
      54. Capital of Canada
      56. Abbreviation: Ignatius asked his mother to warm it up in anticipation of the Yogi Bear show
      57. Signal
      58. The most volcanically active body in the solar system
      59. Ignatius would never dream of sailing upon it
      60. What Miss Trixie's visor was made of


      2. She spun Ignatius on her wheel
      3. Santa clicked a piece of this against the glass when she kissed the picture of her mother
      4. What Ignatius sat on outside the Night of Joy
      5. Suffix to form the past participle
      6. What Miss Trixie wanted more than anything else
      8. What you wish you could do when you look at something nasty
      9. Interior-indicating preposition
      10. Darlene's scrofulous showbiz partner
      12. Long-snouted fish
      13. Nickname for the man who sold religious goods after seeing a psychiatrist
      16. Rex
      19. What kind of show the ladies with the hats were having
      23. What Ignatius's stomach does when he is abed
      25. Ignatius might apply this adjective to his prying mother
      27. Ignatius, Claude, and Patrolman Mancuso
      28. What Ignatius tried to put in his bun compartment, if it was male
      29. Existed
      32. First name of the Night of Joy's owner
      35. Ignatius seemed to cause this everywhere he went
      37. A means of travel Ignatius would never consider
      38. The adolescent hoodlum who haunts Ignatius
      39. Mrs. Battaglia
      41. Darlene's dream was to be one
      42. George thought that Ignatius had probably spent far too much time here
      43. Ignatius wanted to know if Mr. Clyde did this at his garage/headquarters
      44. Abbreviation of the Show-Me State
      45. Jones' dream ride
      47. It is likely impossible to do this to Ignatius's appetite
      49. Abbreviation for somebody trained to help people re-learn skills after an accident or illness
      50. Abbreviated title of the Timothy that Ignatius might pray to about his valve
      53. Expression Myrna or her father might use to signal agreement
      55. What Claude did to Irene
      59. Abbreviation of the state where you'd see Mt. Rushmore