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Animal Magic Crossword Puzzle

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The title is taken from a BBC children's TV series which ran from 1962 until 1983. Presented by Johnny Morris, the series broadcast a total of 440 episodes. Each clue or answer is animal related.
Author: moonraker2 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Classification of animals with segmented backbones (11)
      7. The Drakensberg siskin is an endemic breeder in this landlocked country in Southern Africa (7)
      8. A nocturnal bird of prey of the order Strigiformes (3)
      9. A redback or black widow should lead you to the answer here (6)
      10. The common name for several types of bivalve molluscs and shellfish (4)
      12. ___ Rowlands was awarded the 'Silver BEAR for Best Actress' for the 1977 film "Opening Night" (4)
      13. A common European songbird with pale brown speckled plumage, ___ pipit (6)
      16. A long thin fish that resembles a snake, with a continuous vertical fin (3)
      17. The horse ridden by Queen Elizabeth II in the Trooping the Colour ceremony from 1949 to 1956 (7)
      18. Caviar is the roe from wild sturgeons found in The Caspian Sea and ___ (3,6,3)


      1. Small rodents similar to lemmings, sometimes known as meadow mice (5)
      2. A domestic cat breed with green eyes and dense silver to grey fur (7,4)
      3. Irish bred racehorse, winner of the 2000 Guineas Stakes in 1996, "Mark of ___" (6)
      4. A large black bird of the corvid family, also a piece in chess (4)
      5. A genus of small passerine birds in the wren family (11)
      6. A fictional cat in the comic book series "Sabrina the Teenage Witch", ___ Saberhagen (5)
      11. A small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara, with large pointed ears (6)
      12. A large powerful and smooth-coated breed of dog of Northern Europe, ___ Dane (5)
      14. "A Fish Called ___", a 1988 British comedy film (5)
      15. The ancient name of Bahrain, resembling the head of an ox (4)