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Alphabetical Crossword Puzzle

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The first letter is given. Form a word with the clue given. Example (R + frozen water = R + ice = Rice).
Author: sw11 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. S+lobby
      4. B+surprise attack
      7. A+perform an act
      8. A+boxing match
      9. L+take it easy
      10. E+you and I
      12. P+slippery fish
      15. S+cease
      17. I+estimate
      18. W+number of years
      20. T+single unit
      23. P+chemical symbol for element with atomic number 68
      25. E+not early
      26. A+similar
      27. K+opposite of out
      28. T+at this place
      29. T+payment for leasing a property (nearly a city in northern Italy)


      1. S+pack down firmly
      2. A+sound of distinct pitch
      3. L+past tense of eat
      4. B+cheer in Spanish
      5. A+past tense of give
      6. D+study a book
      11. W+in good health
      13. E+Egyptian sun god
      14. L+abbr. that is to say, in other words
      15. S+Steven Spielberg's 1982 classic movie
      16. N+indefinite article
      18. W+transfer of energy from one body to another
      19. G+running competition
      21. O+not dead
      22. E+small opening for gases to escape
      23. P+struggle to live (informal name of type of dog)
      24. R+hardworking insect