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Flowering Plants Crossword Puzzle

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Botany is a multi-faceted science. This crossword explores (mostly) flowering plants. Enjoy!
Author: windrush - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Flower given on Mother's Day, for short
      6. Colour between pink and orange, or a tasty fruit
      9. Tiny flying pest
      10. Flower extract, used in Turkish Delight
      11. Antirrhinum, aka ___ opens and closes its mouth when squeezed
      12. Flower named for Greek goddess of the rainbow
      14. Latin name for meadowsweet, pl.
      15. Tree-like flowering cactus, native to Arizona and Mexico
      17. Flowering black caraway, or the Kitchen Goddess
      19. To change the place a flower or shrub is positioned in
      20. Vast genus of flowering bulb, sing.
      22. Flowering tree from S.America, large round fruit
      25. Member of the aquatic family Nymphaeaceae (5,4)
      26. Dislikes intensely
      27. Calculate again
      28. Former amusement park in Oregon, named for India's flower (5,4)


      1. Wild hyacinth, member of asparagus family
      2. Most palms have fronds ___ from a single trunk
      3. Another name for plants of the veronica family, pl.
      4. The people who took over England in 1066
      5. Flowering herbal, in the mint family, pl.
      6. Animal's feet
      7. Genus named for its star-shaped flowers
      8. Trifolium arvense (5-4)
      13. Lily of the Nile
      14. Vincent Van Gogh's cheery bloom
      16. Annual plants with catkin-like flowers
      18. Upper surface of a leaf, adj.
      19. Moan about a slow cricket match; "What - no ___ ?" (4,3)
      21. India's national flower, sometimes mistaken for 25A
      23. Smooth cotton thread, used for thick stockings
      24. Flowering plant with arrow-shaped leaves, wrongly called lily