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Poor Little Crossword

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This crossword puzzle includes several clues and answers related to the music of Ricky Nelson. Unless otherwise stated, all answers are spelled in US English.
Author: bernie73 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. 1961 Rick Nelson song; "Sure Fire ___"
      3. German "I"
      5. 1960 Ricky Nelson single: "I'm ___" (3,6)
      10. Female chicken
      11. Female sheep
      12. Chinese actress ___ Ling
      13. 1958 Ricky Nelson single
      16. Porcine animal
      17. Not the id
      18. 1960 Ricky Nelson single: "___ Side" (5,2,2)
      21. Droop
      22. Large, unruly group
      23. One of numerous choices
      24. 1961 Rick Nelson single
      27. 1957 Ricky Nelson single: "___ Love" (5,2,3,3,4)
      34. 1959 Ricky Nelson single: "Just a ___ Much" (6,3)
      36. Wildebeest
      37. Zero
      38. Volcanic field in Chad: Tarso ___
      39. 1967 Rick Nelson single: "Take a ___" (4,5)
      42. Waters ___ and flow
      43. Pitch
      44. 1962 Rick Nelson single: "___ Idol" (4,3)
      48. Cousin of the Addams family
      49. Chinese dynasty before Tang
      50. Not dad
      51. 1974 Rick Nelson song: "___ Me Here" (4,5)
      52. 1964 Rick Nelson song: "___ Very Thought of You"
      53. Adam's wife


      1. 1957 Ricky Nelson single (5,4)
      2. 1966 Rick Nelson single: "___ Gave Me" (6,3)
      3. 1959 Ricky Nelson song: "It's All ___" (2,3,4)
      4. 1961 Rick Nelson single: "___ Lou" (5,4)
      5. 1959 Ricky Nelson single: "___ But You" (5,2,6,4)
      6. Frank McCourt memoir
      7. "Fee, fi, fo, ___!"
      8. Not subtract
      9. Not night
      14. Large city in Kyrgyzstan
      15. Upper limb
      19. Israel city: ___ Aviv
      20. Japanese currency
      25. Faster than jog
      26. 1958 Ricky Nelson song: "___ Walk Alone"
      28. Kimono sash
      29. Leader of the Three Stooges
      30. 1958 Ricky Nelson single: "My Bucket's Got ___" (1,4,2,2)
      31. 1969 Rick Nelson single: "___ on Your Wife" (4,5)
      32. 1972 Rick Nelson song: "___ Lady" (5,4)
      33. 1960 Ricky Nelson single: "___ Only One" (3,3,3)
      34. Lancelot du ___
      35. Where a scientist works (abbr.)
      40. 1962 Rick Nelson song: "___ Got My Eyes on You (And I Like What I See)"
      41. Carpet
      44. Edward "___" Kennedy
      45. German "one"
      46. 1962 Rick Nelson single: "That's ___"
      47. Historical time period