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FunTrivia Help Center

Why would I create a FunTrivia quiz?

Everything on FunTrivia revolves around our fantastic quiz system.

Over the last 20 years, over 150,000 quizzes have been submitted and accepted, and we look forward to adding many more fine creations in the future.

By creating a quiz you can learn a lot, teach a lot, meet new friends, stumble upon other players with similar interests, and get the satisfaction of creating something that thousands of people around the world will enjoy.

In addition, being a quiz author has some wonderful perks:

1. You earn 2000 points per quiz that gets accepted.
2. You become eligible to complete a large number of challenges and earn a lot of badges.
3. You will get to meet some fantastic people in our authoring community.
4. You will brush up on your English language skills and other communication skills that are incredibly useful (and valuable!) in the outside world.