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FunTrivia Help Center

Is it difficult to author a quiz?

No, the process is quite simple. However, it will take a little time and some effort on your part.

Not only does FunTrivia have a lot of quizzes, but we pride ourselves on having GOOD, quality quizzes. We expect all submissions to be written in well-formed, accurately spelled English. Please attempt to write a quiz only if you have a good handle on the English language, otherwise you will likely find the process frustrating.

FunTrivia visitors come here to have fun and authors write quizzes to also have fun. Play with your favorite topic, tackle it from a new angle, think of new, interesting ways to present it. Anyone can whip up a half-baked quiz, but we challenge you to craft a trivia work of art. Take your time, create your questions carefully, and submit only when you are proud of your creation!