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FunTrivia Help Center

How do I cancel my Gold Membership?

If you selected one time payment when you signed up for Gold Membership, you will NOT be charged again. Your subscription will expire automatically and you need not do anything.

If you selected recurring payment when you signed up for Gold Membership and you'd like to cancel, please log in to, and cancel your FunTrivia subscription from there. Paypal handles our recurring payments, so once you cancel the auto-payment with them, you will be all set. To check whether you have a recurring subscription, log into Paypal and locate your recurring and preapproved payments: You will find this option by first clicking the gear symbol at the top right, then choosing "Preapproved Payments" (bottom entry in the right column) and then choosing the FunTrivia line on the screen that appears. If you wish to no longer automatically renew, you can then choose "Cancel".

If you cannot remember whether you signed up for recurring payments or not, please log in to They will show you there what sort of subscription you made. If this does not answer your question, feel free to ask us below:

Please enter your real email address and double check it, otherwise we will not be able to contact you regarding your query!

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