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Can I use FunTrivia content in my book, newsletter, website, etc?

Please feel free to use SMALL excerpts from FunTrivia quizzes (up to 15 questions) in your publications, in the spirit of fair use. FunTrivia content may NOT be sold in any form and may not be the only content making up your publication.

You may want to double check trivia questions before publication as we do NOT thoroughly check sources, and instead rely on website visitors to help spot errors. Our Terms and Conditions apply. You use excerpts at your own risk.

This fair use usage of FunTrivia excerpts must credit ", the World's Largest Trivia Website" with the content, and a link to if the content appears on a web page.

If you wish to use more than 15 questions or entire quizzes, please outline your request below. takes its intellectual property very seriously. Thank you.

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