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FunTrivia Help Center

When will my quiz go online? How long must I wait?

When a player submits a quiz for editor review, it enters a queue. The time for our editors to reach your quiz may be anywhere from a few hours up to a couple of weeks, depending on the number of quizzes that are currently in the queue.

To ensure that your quiz has been submitted, enter the "Author Central", and click on "Works in Progress". If the status of your quiz is "Awaiting Editor Approval", then it is safely in a quiz queue. The editors WILL get to it. Note that editing a quiz that you have submitted will place it back at the end of the queue.

Please do not send editors, the webmaster, or anyone else questions regarding when your quiz will be dealt with. It will be dealt with when our editors get to it. Don't worry -- it can't get lost!

One tip: if you have a history of submitting poor quality quizzes, the editors may give subsequent quizzes that you submit lower priority. Avoid this by ensuring that you check over your quizzes carefully before submission!