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Team v Team Stats

Mind Melt : Monthly Standings
The following chart displays the teams that have the most team points in this game this month.
For details on where these numbers come from, check out our Team vs Team FAQ

League D

TeamYesterdayMonth Points
1. Just Regular People1505927
2. The Titans2044552
3. TV Watchers Anonymous2393265
4. United States of Trivia833024
5. Dynasty Dominators of Death1952698
6. Hakuna Matata712551
7. Totally Trivia1902478
8. Canberrans962471
9. The Astute Achievers702453
10. Trivially Challenged592399
11. Yes, We're Babes!892304
12. The Frost Dragons02266
13. The Trivia Sisters932252
14. USA West Coast2052240
15. Travellers812220
16. StarStruck822127
17. Adz Mates762087
18. The Westerners612085
19. The Mavericks02081
20. South African players902040
21. The Green Thumbs671855
22. WWE Champions Team741806
23. The Proud Peacocks641741
24. Trivia Garden601587
25. takuwinds691453
26. Rose Petal Quizzers581425
27. The Palmetto Players01412
28. My Own Little World861408
29. The Lost Connection01406
30. Raised in the Sixties551405
31. the banana splits841253
32. Texans01121
33. Scotland the Brains01109
34. Rhinoceros01087
35. Casual Quality Quizmasters88958
36. Romania Team62928
37. Team Spirit Uk108921
38. Hoi Polloi0915
39. Maximum Effort68832
40. worldwide members0798
41. Nightingales Nest0732
42. Bible Believers Brigade0705
43. Skelton House0654
44. New York State Folks0612
45. The Spaniards0606
46. Children of Terra0587
47. The Cool and the Nerd0511
48. Dumpster Fire53485
49. Galt's Gulch Groupies0482
50. Trivia Geeks0433
51. Any Day A Thursday0432
52. Rednecks Do Have Grey Matter0428
53. The Misplaced0414
54. The Europeans.0387
55. I'll take Potpourri for $1000387
56. New Joisey 75363
57. Dreamers57360
58. Harry Potter Fans114326
59. Trivia For Adults0320
60. The Movie/Music Lovers0293
61. THE Baker's Dozen66293
62. DC Team0271
63. The White Angels0270
64. Lumsdino0244
65. No Groups0234
66. Music Moguls65226
67. A Group Called Sport63174
68. Laid Back Larrikins0149
69. The Wild Mutant Noggins0145
70. Introverted Geeks0136
71. Jane Austen Lovers0114
72. Quizzpecialists0114
73. the unusual suspects0111
74. 50+ And Proud Of It0105
75. Gold Star Players102102
76. Supernatural Fans088
77. Philippine Trivia Addicts087
78. Indian Gang082
80. Sports Kings081
81. Mushers United076
82. Backwoods Bloomers068
83. Homs065
84. Stay at Home Moms & Dads5656
85. Trivia Just For Fun5454