fenian1213 has been a FunTrivia author since Mar 28 11 and has written 5 quizzes.
fenian1213 strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Sci / Tech, and
General Knowledge.
has earned 120 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
last seen online Sep 04 24, and most recent quiz went online May 16 11.
The green flags of the Irish Brigade
flew over many of bloodiest battles of the Civil War. So "Faugh a ballaugh" and charge into a brief look at their heroic time on history's stage.
"Homicide: Life on the Street" was one of the finest police dramas of all time. What made it truly unique was that it was filmed almost entirely on location. Baltimore became a regular character in the program.
One of the biggest problems facing the environment today is the encroachment of non-native species into an ecosystem. This quiz takes a look at North America.