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Parrots Trivia Questions and Answers

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1. Parrots are part of the Psittacorpssera group of birds. Roughly how many species of different parrots are in this grouping?

Answer: 400

Interesting Information:
There are approximately 398 known species of Psittacopasserae. They are split into three main families: the Psittacopasserae (true parrots), Cacatuoidea (cockatoos) and Strigopoidea (New Zealand parrots; kea, kaka and kakapo). Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
50, 750, 1250

2. Which country is home to the critically endangered Kakapo parrot?

Answer: New Zealand

Interesting Information:
The Kakapo can only be found in the island nation of New Zealand. It is one of the oldest species of birds found on the planet and has remained virtually unchanged for millions of years, according to the fossil records found on the islands. It has a loud echoing mating call that can be heard miles or kilometers away. At night the call of the Kakapo is distinct and haunting. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Unique Kakapo Parrot
Some incorrect choices:
Peru, Egypt, Greenland

3. The little budgerigar is native to which continent?

Answer: Australia

Interesting Information:
Budgies, which is how we usually refer to them here, are brightly coloured, seed eating little birds with long tails. Referred to as parakeets in other countries, the budgie is also called a lovebird by some because of its tactile behaviour of gently pecking and preening other birds. It has existed in this country for some five million years, was first described by British zoologist and botanist, George Shaw, in 1805, and given its name in 1840 by British ornithologist John Gould. Well, first described and named for the benefit for the rest of the world, that is. Indigenous Australians have been familiar with the budgie for the past 40,000 years. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
Antarctica, Siberia, West Ireland

4. In which country might you find a macaw in the wild?

Answer: Brazil

Interesting Information:
Macaws are native to the forests in Mexico, South America, and Central America. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
Indonesia, Kenya, Australia

5. Cockatoos might be found in the wild in what country?

Answer: Indonesia

Interesting Information:
Cockatoos are found in the wild in only a limited area of the world. They are found primarily in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, as well as surrounding areas in the South Pacific. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Brazil, Peru, Senegal

6. If I wanted to see parrots in the wild, what would be a really bad travel destination?

Answer: Norway

Interesting Information:
Despite what "Monty Python's Flying Circus" would have you believe, there is no such genus of parrot as the Norwegian Blue. Many species of parrot are native to Central and South America, especially Amazons and Macaws. Smaller parrots, such as lorikeets, are common to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Parrots found in Cameroon include the Gray parrot, Meyer's parrot and Niam-Niam parrot. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
Brazil, Indonesia, Cameroon

7. What colour is the forehead and face of the natural (wild and free) adult budgerigar?

Answer: Yellow

Interesting Information:
While they are babies however, or moody teenagers, the young budgie has two dark coloured stripes which descend down to the top of its beak. It retains these until reaching adulthood. This occurs when the bird is between three to four months old. The body of the natural budgie is usually light green with black markings, the feathers are yellow and black, wings are green, black and yellow, and the tail is dark blue. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
Purple spots, Red ticks, Achromatic

8. What is the maxilla?

Answer: The upper beak

Interesting Information:
The upper beak is called the maxilla, while the lower beak is referred to as the mandible. Parrots' beaks are very strong and sharp. In addition, eating and biting annoying creatures (people) aren't the only things their beaks are good for. Parrots are known to use their beak to pull themselves upward from perch to perch.

The large flight feathers are called remiges (the plural form of "remex"). Many parrot owners who attempt to clip their parrots' wings on their own end up cutting the blood feathers. Blood feathers are new feathers that will bleed when clipped.

Collectively, tail feathers are called rectrices (singular: rectrix). Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
The lower beak, A large flight feather, A tail feather

9. What is the largest macaw species?

Answer: Hyacinth macaw

Interesting Information:
Although hyacinth macaws are the largest, they are also one of the more gentle macaw species. However, they are an endangered species and take lots of time and attention when kept as pets. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
Blue and gold macaw, Scarlet macaw, Jamaican red macaw

10. Cockatoos, like other parrots, have a zygodactyl foot. What does this mean?

Answer: They have two toes forward and two toes backward.

Interesting Information:
A zygodactyl foot means that the bird has two toes forward and two toes backward. This allows them to grip branches athletically as well as manipulate their food with their feet. While they can easily stand on one foot, so can other birds with non-zygodactyl feet. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
They have three toes forward and one toe backward., They have opposable thumbs., They can easily stand on one foot.

11. Which type of cockatoo usually has brown-eyed females and black-eyed males?

Answer: Umbrella

Interesting Information:
Little Corellas are nearly impossible to sex visually. DNA testing is recommended.

Gang-gangs are dimorphic (can be sexed visually). Among other obvious differences, the male has a red head and the female doesn't.

Sometimes Goffins can be sexed based on eye color. The males often have dark brown eyes and the females often have light brown eyes. Sound ambiguous? It is. DNA testing is recommended. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
Little Corella, Gang-gang, Goffin's

12. What color is a scarlet macaw?

Answer: Mostly red with some blue, yellow, and green feathers

Interesting Information:
One of the prettiest macaws, the scarlet often visits clay banks in the wild. A flock of these beauties must be an incredible sight to see! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
Solid red, Mostly green with a brilliant red head, Light blue body with red wings and head

13. What do most parrots eat in the wild?

Answer: seeds, fruits and nuts

Interesting Information:
Most species of parrots are vegetarians, living off seeds, nuts, fruit and other types of plants. The bills of parrots have specifically evolved to be especially strong to crack open the shells of nuts, to get to the food inside. Some New Zealand parrots have been known to attack animals and other birds, as well as burrow for grubs. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
small animals, other birds, insects like grubs

14. What part of the bird is the cere?

Answer: The area where the nostrils are located

Interesting Information:
The cere is a soft swelling found just above the beak of certain birds, such as hawks, parrots and budgerigars. I didn't know that birds actually had nostrils, so that was interesting to learn. With the budgie, the cere is a different colour depending on the sex of the bird. When adult females aren't breeding, their ceres are naturally pale brown or white, but during breeding and child-rearing, it changes to a dark brown shade. The adult male bird usually has a royal blue cere, and young birds of both sexes have pink ceres. It is therefore easy to tell the sex of a budgerigar by the colour of its cere. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
The section where the egg pops out, The tip of their fingers, Its wisdom teeth

15. What color are the rings around the eyes of the hyacinth macaw?

Answer: Yellow

Interesting Information:
Hyacinth macaws are, with the exception of the rings around their eyes, a stunning shade of indigo. Their eye rings are brilliant yellow and their beaks are black. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
Indigo, Red, White

16. What, in 2005, is unusual about the Spix's macaw?

Answer: It is believed to be extinct in the wild.

Interesting Information:
This Brazilian native is now believed to be extinct in the wild, with only about 60 birds alive in captivity. It is a beautiful blue macaw, and only through captive breeding and possible reintroduction can this species be saved.

Editor update in 2023 - the bird was officially declared extinct in the wild in 2000, but efforts are ongoing to reintroduce it using captive bred birds. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
It has the largest vocabulary for a macaw., It is the only macaw native to North America., It is a popular pet because of its gentle disposition.

17. Cockatoos have feathers they can raise to display when they are alarmed or excited. What are these feathers called?

Answer: Crest

Interesting Information:
The vent is the opening for excrement. I made up the term blassimo. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Tiara, Vent, Blassimo

18. Roughly what percentage of parrots live in captivity?

Answer: 50 percent

Interesting Information:
Due to their ability to "speak", parrots are highly sought after as pets and are subject to more exploitation than any other type of birds. About 50 million parrots (roughly half) live in captivity, the vast majority as pets.

Humans have kept parrots as pets for at least two millennia, as Roman historian Pliny the Elder notes humans owning parrots. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
85 percent, 5 percent, 25 percent

19. Apart from telling the sex of the bird by its face markings, how else can one distinguish between the sexes?

Answer: By their behaviour

Interesting Information:
The male budgie is described as a cheerful extrovert, sociable, flirtatious and loud. A true Australian male, to be sure. The female, on the other hand, is said to be highly dominant and intolerant. Oh, how dare they make such an inherent criticism of her! How else is she supposed to control the behaviour of her mate? The head shape of the two is also different, with the male's head rounder than the female's head. Her head is slightly flattened at the back. That's quite possibly the result of bashing it against a brick wall over her noisy mate's flirtatious antics. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
By their clothing, By their hairstyles, By the way they drive their cars

20. What is the most notable difference between the Catalina macaw and the blue and gold macaw?

Answer: Chest color

Interesting Information:
Blue and gold macaws are mostly blue with a yellow chest; Catalina macaws are mostly blue and green with an orange chest. They're about the same size. The Catalina macaw is actually a hybrid of the blue and gold macaw and the scarlet macaw.

Make no mistake about it, all macaws can bite VERY hard. A pretty good rule of thumb is to avoid parrot bites altogether. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
The Catalina macaw is bigger, The blue and gold macaw doesn't bite very hard, There is no difference

21. Why are blue and gold macaws such popular pets?

Answer: They are beautiful, intelligent, sociable creatures.

Interesting Information:
Blue and gold macaws are popular because of their intelligence and beauty. They often are good talkers, although (as in all parrots) some members of the species never talk at all. They can bite hard and love to chew up anything they can get their beaks on. They can also be extremely noisy. Because they live so long, prospective pet owners should do lots of research before entering into the long term commitment of owning one of these rewarding yet demanding pets. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
They don't bite as hard as other parrots., They don't chew destructively like other parrots., All of these

22. What overall color is the Moluccan cockatoo?

Answer: Salmon or pink

Interesting Information:
Moluccan cockatoos are also known as the salmon-crested cockatoo. They are usually a pinkish white or salmon color with pale yellow feathers under the wing. Peaches is a popular name for Moluccans! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Black, Pure white, Pale yellow

23. If I am looking for a really large parrot, what type should I choose?

Answer: Hyacinth macaw

Interesting Information:
The Hyacinth macaw can be as tall as one meter (39 inches). The Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus is bright blue, with yellow markings around its eyes and face. The macaw has enormous, 39 to 42 centimeter, wings. The Hyacinth is found largely in the Amazon River basin of Brazil, and has adapted so that its strong jaws can crack coconuts and brazil nuts. Hyacinth macaws were extremely popular in the bird trade in the 1980s, and their population in the wild has dramatically diminished, so you should try a different species as a pet.

While the palm cockatoo is the largest of the cockatoo species, they average 55-60 centimeters in length. The Electus parrot is native to Oceania and averages 35 centimeters in length. The glossy black cockatoo, which is native to eastern Australia, averages 46 to 50 centimeters in length.
Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
Palm cockatoo, Electus parrot, Glossy black cockatoo

24. As with most birds, the Kakapo has more than one color of feathers. But what lucky color is the primary hue of this magnificent bird?

Answer: Green

Interesting Information:
The Kakapo is a lovely moss green with sprinkles of black and brown spots throughout. Unlike many birds who use color to draw attention to themselves for mating purposes, the Kakapo uses its color for camouflage. The Kakapo can be very hard to see, until it moves. For millions of years this defense worked well, and the species thrived on its island home. Older stuffed specimens hint that the bird many have at one time had shades of yellow. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Unique Kakapo Parrot
Some incorrect choices:
White, Red, Purple

25. When budgerigars feel threatened, how do they behave?

Answer: Try to make themselves appear smaller

Interesting Information:
They do this by flattening their feathers as close to their little bodies as possible, thereby shrinking their normally perceived size - less satisfying mouthfuls, no doubt. They will also try to climb as high as possible if they cannot fly away, right up into the top corners of their cages, and cling there, trembling with fear. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
Faint, Scream, Become very aggressive and attack

26. Why might some people consider macaws to be cleaner birds than cockatoos?

Answer: Cockatoos are dusty

Interesting Information:
Cockatoos, along with African Greys (etc.), produce copious amounts of feather dust. Comparatively, macaws aren't very dusty at all. Just as some people are allergic to cats, some people are allergic to feather dust.

All parrots are messy eaters. They drop food by accident and on purpose. They throw food for fun and some parrots will even throw food at people they dislike (they pick up on the squeals of displeasure emitted by their chosen targets).

Most parrots love to bathe. Cockatoos, for example, are native to the wetter areas of Australia and tend to enjoy showering (if no warm rain is available). Many parrots, macaws included, like to bathe in pools or tubs. The water helps the parrots keep their feathers shiny and beautiful.

Parrots like to wreck stuff. Period. That's how most parrots play with the toys we give to them: They tear them to pieces. Of course there are a few exceptions, but the average parrot (cockatoo, macaw, or otherwise) will shred paper, pulverize fabric and gnaw on wood. They do this to stave off boredom, so parrot owners are advised to provide toys for their birds to destroy. The larger macaws actually have stronger beaks than cockatoos do, so they can do a bit more damage. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
Macaws, unlike cockatoos, love to bathe, Cockatoos tend to be the messiest eaters, Macaws don't destroy furniture very often

27. What is a Catalina macaw?

Answer: A hybrid cross between the blue and gold macaw and the scarlet macaw

Interesting Information:
Catalina macaws are not found naturally in the wild, but are due to domestic breeding of a blue and gold macaw and a scarlet macaw. Many people believe that this type of hybridization should be discouraged because of the threatened nature of macaws in the wild. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
A now extinct macaw that was native to an island off the coast of California, A dark blue macaw native to Australia, The largest macaw native to Brazil

28. What genus does the umbrella cockatoo fall in? Hint: The genus is the first term in the scientific name of this species, ______________ alba.

Answer: Cacatua

Interesting Information:
The scientific name of the umbrella cockatoo is Cacatua alba. Cacatuidae is the family name and Psittaciformes is the order rather than the genus. Probosciger is the genus of the palm cockatoo. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Cacatuidae, Probosciger, Psittaciformes

29. What is the Kakapo's main defense?

Answer: Sits perfectly still

Interesting Information:
As there were no predators, there was no need to develop defense techniques. The Kakapo does not run from humans, rats or cats, as it was never hunted. They are non-venomous and are not known to bite. The Kakapo simply freezes and does not move. In the past, this made them sitting targets for the newly introduced species, including man, who combined to hunt them to near extinction. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Unique Kakapo Parrot
Some incorrect choices:
Uses its sharp talons, It sprays venom from its mouth, Biting with a razor sharp beak

30. To what country is the Goffin's cockatoo native?

Answer: Indonesia

Interesting Information:
Goffin's cockatoos are native to the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia. They're seriously endangered in the wild, mainly due to the destruction of their natural habitat and the proliferation of poachers. Goffin's cockatoos are CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Appendix 1 listed. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
Brazil, Zaire, Mexico

31. What is the most notable difference between the severe macaw and the blue and gold macaw?

Answer: The severe macaw is about half the length of the blue and gold macaw.

Interesting Information:
Known as a mini-macaw, the severe macaw is only about 18 inches long, as compared with the blue and gold macaw that can be twice that length. This little macaw has all the personality of his larger cousins in a pint-sized package. Their wingspan is only about nine inches. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
The severe macaw is solid orange in coloration., Unlike the blue and gold, the severe macaw has been known to hunt and eat rabbits., There is no difference. Severe macaw is another term for the blue and gold macaw.

32. Five types of cockatoos are listed on the CITES I list. What does CITES stand for?

Answer: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Interesting Information:
CITES is an international agreement for endangered species. Five cockatoo species, including the Goffin's cockatoo, palm cockatoo, red-vented cockatoo, lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo, and the Moluccan cockatoo, are listed in Appendix I, which means they are threatened with extinction. All other cockatoo species are listed in Appendix II, which means that trade must be controlled to prevent their survival from being threatened. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Cockatoo Industry Trade and Exposition Seminars, Creatures of the International Tropical Environment Species, Cockatoos of India and Tunesia Environmental Studies

33. Most species of parrot have two toes in front, two toes in back. What fancy word do scientists use to describe this arrangement?

Answer: zygodactyl

Interesting Information:
Zygodactyl means "two toes forward and two pointing back." Their zygodactyl toes allow parrots to hold on firmly to branches.

Artiodactyl refers to creatures with an even number of toes, such as hippos, giraffes and cows. Zygomorphic is a term from botany referring to plants with bilateral symmetry. A pterodactyl was a dinosaur from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the forerunner of modern birds.
Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Parrotman Asks About Parrots
Some incorrect choices:
artiodactyl, zygomorphic, pterodactyl

34. Budgerigars kept in captivity can cause a specific lung illness in some humans. What is this illness called?

Answer: Bird fancier's lung

Interesting Information:
This illness is an inflamation within the lungs which is caused by an oversensitivity to bird droppings. People such as pet store owners, breeders or hobbyists, who work with large numbers of birds, are most at risk. It is also called bird breeders lung, or pigeon breeders lung. Symptoms include chills, fever, cough and an uncomfortable sensation in the chest. For the very unlucky, hypersensitive few, these symptoms can also include anorexia, fibrosis - and even, in very rare cases, death. Squawk, that's alarming! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
Tuberculosis, Asthma, Bird cough syndrome

35. What is the bulge on the neck called?

Answer: The crop

Interesting Information:
The crop is the sac in the lower end of the neck. It's used for storing undigested food, so it's a bit larger after the bird has eaten. Many new parrot owners are alarmed when they notice the crop for the first time; it can look suspiciously like a tumor. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
The digestive sac, The maxilla, There is no bulge anywhere on the neck

36. In general, how can you tell a male macaw from a female macaw?

Answer: By DNA testing to determine the sex

Interesting Information:
Like many parrot species, macaws must be DNA sexed to tell the males from the females. They are monomorphic birds, meaning that the sexes appear the same. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
Male macaws have brighter plumage., Female macaws have a dark ring of feathers around the neck., All of these

37. Some people with allergies seem especially sensitive to cockatoos. Why?

Answer: Cockatoos possess special powder down feathers.

Interesting Information:
The powder down feathers that cockatoos possess makes many allergic people unable to be around these birds. The powder down is used in preening, helps the birds shed water easily, and gives their feathers a silky feel. Anyone who owns a cockatoo has had the experience of having white powder all over their clothing! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: All About Cockatoos
Some incorrect choices:
Cockatoo feathers are genetically similar to cat fur., Cockatoos are likely to be infested with feather mites., Cockatoos make excess oil/sebum for their feathers.

38. When the female budgerigar begins laying, she will lay between four to eight eggs. What is unusual about her laying method?

Answer: She has a day break between laying each egg

Interesting Information:
After the first egg emerges, the little female usually waits two days until she lays the next and then lays them on alternate days after that until her batch is complete. Perhaps the first one is a shock to her system? She then incubates the eggs for about twenty-one days. The babies also hatch out on alternate days. Once she begins incubating, she very seldom leaves the nest, and totally relies on her mate to feed her. That's so sweet. He stops flirting long enough to tend to his little family. Some females will fight over a nest box if breeding in captivity, so if planning to breed several females, always make sure there are the equivalent number of nest boxes in the cage. Finding a suitable male for a female can also present a problem, as some male budgerigars are simply not interested in females. Oh dear. The poor little female can still lay eggs without him, but alas, these are unfertilised and will never hatch, so she sits there all day long, day after day, breaking her little budgie heart, a feathered Rachel weeping for her children. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Budgies on a Budget
Some incorrect choices:
She sings the entire time she's laying, The eggs have to face the sun - sunny side up, She has to be induced

39. What is special about the hyacinth macaw?

Answer: It's the largest macaw

Interesting Information:
Like all parrots, hyacinth macaws have zygodactyl toes. They have black beaks and they are found only in Brazil. Because of their beauty and intelligence, hyacinth macaws are in high demand. Their habitat, the Amazon Jungle, is slowly disappearing and poachers have almost decimated the species. There are an estimated 3000 hyacinth macaws still flying free. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Parrot Overview
Some incorrect choices:
It only has three toes, It has a blue beak, It's the only large parrot found in Australia

40. How long will a bonded male and female macaw remain together?

Answer: They mate for life

Interesting Information:
Macaws mate for life and use the same nesting area year after year. Deforestation can be devastating to macaws, as they find it hard to find acceptable nesting areas. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: All About Macaws
Some incorrect choices:
Until the young have fledged, Only during courtship, Until the eggs have hatched
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