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Guinea Pigs (Cavies) Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. How many toes do guinea pigs have (on all four feet in total)?
Answer: 14
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs have four toes on each of their front feet and three on each of their back feet. Some guinea pigs are born with an extra toe. It is sometimes called a 'Polydactyl' and can be removed by a vet.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Glorious Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
12, 10, 8
2. What colouring would your guinea pig have to be if it was black, red and white?
Answer: Tortoiseshell and white.
Interesting Information:The colouring called tortoiseshell and white is made up of patches of black, white and red. It's also known as a tricolour.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Agouti, Tortoiseshell, Shelti
3. Guinea pigs are in the family Caviidea. What are the other two members of this family?
Answer: Maras and Mocos (rock cavies)
Interesting Information:The other two members of Caviidea are Patagonian cavies - maras (Dolichotis) and mocos (Kerodon). These two, like the cavy, have been used for food but only the cavy has been domesticated.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Dwarf pigs and hairy-footed pigs, Mountain pigs and River pigs, capybaras and squirrel pigs
4. What is the scientific name for guinea pigs?
Answer: Cavia porcellus
Interesting Information:The scientific name of the domestic guinea pig, commonly known as "cavia" or "guinea pig," is Cavia porcellus.
Cavia is a genus of rodents that includes several species of guinea pigs. The domestic guinea pig, which is the most well-known and widely kept as a pet, falls under the species Cavia porcellus.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Oryctolagus cuniculus
5. What is the other very popular name for cavies?
Answer: Guinea Pig
Interesting Information:The Spanish introduced the cavy to Europe during the 16th century. At the time they were returning from the New World countries. Guinea was one of them. Since the cavy looked similar to a pig it is possible that this is why cavies are also known as Guinea Pigs.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: How much do you really know about Cavies?
Some incorrect choices:
Rabbit, Hamster, There are no other names
6. If a guinea pig was all black. It would be called a ____ black.
Answer: self
Interesting Information:Self varieties are when the animal is all the one colouring. Self blacks are very popular for their glossy, sleek coat. For showing purposes, it should be completely black. Any white or red hairs are considered a serious flaw. But it still makes a great family pet.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
7. What is the best type of housing for a cavy?
Answer: A large wire cage with a solid bottom
Interesting Information: When I say you need a large cage, I mean you need a cage with AT LEAST eight square feet of floor space! It must have a solid bottom of a durable material, or it will be hard on the guinea pig's feet. Keep the cage out of direct sunlight and drafts, and do not put it on the floor. I don't recommend keeping the cage outdoors, especially if you are a beginning cavy owner. Your pigs would rather be inside with their people.
Keeping a guinea pig in an aquarium is downright cruel. There is not enough space for a cavy in an aquarium, there is not enough ventilation, and ammonia buildup will cause respiratory problems.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavy Care 101
Some incorrect choices:
A rabbit hutch outside, A large aquarium, at least 20 gallons, Guinea pigs don't need a cage
8. The best way for me to spend time outside is:
Answer: In a cage with a top and no bottom
Interesting Information:That's so I can eat the (non-treated!) grass but also be sheltered from predators and the sun - I can sunburn! The leash is a possibility but it's not very relaxing for me or my owner!
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
In a cage with a bottom but no top, In a closed cardboard container, On a leash
9. The long-haired shelty guinea pig breed differs from the Peruvian in what way?
Answer: The hair of the Peruvian is much longer
Interesting Information:The sheltie breed has long hair that flows back over its body from its head, forming a sort of rosette at the back. The hair is long but does not drag on the ground like the Peruvian's coat. The Peruvian breed has extremely long hair that continues to grow throughout its life, and it can reach impressive lengths, even touching the ground as the guinea pig moves.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
A sheltie will always be albino, The colours of the sheltie tend to be darker, Shelties are very small, usually less than 1 lb
10. According to the American Cavy Breeders Association, how many breeds of cavies are there?
Answer: 13
Interesting Information:The cavy is known all over the world. Because of selective breeding there is a huge selection/variety of cavies beyonf these 13 breeds.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: How much do you really know about Cavies?
Some incorrect choices:
19, 25, 5
11. Do guinea pigs have long hair or short hair?
Answer: Either, depending on breed
Interesting Information:There are many different types (breeds) of guinea pigs. Most of them have short hair, but some do have long hair and there are even hairless ones now.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Only short haired breeds exist, Only long haired breeds exist, None of them have hair
12. What is the breed of guinea pig with many rosettes called?
Answer: Abyssinian
Interesting Information:Rosettes are rose-shaped markings on skin and/or fur. Abyssinian (pure breed) guinea pigs generally have four rosettes around the rear end, two around the shoulders and four around their belly.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Glorious Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Smooth, Coronet, Crested
13. What is the difference between the rex, and the rex mutation?
Answer: Rex has a short, dense coat, the mutation has soft, curly hair
Interesting Information:This feature can be combined with the smooth short coat or with a longer coat.
Guinea pigs don't have tails as, through evolution, the tail was deemed unnecessary because guinea pigs don't climb.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Rex has short hair, while the mutation has long hair., The rex is a normal guinea pig, while the mutation has a tail., Rex is female, the mutation is male.
14. Guinea pigs are native to which continent?
Answer: South America
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are native to the continent of South America. They are believed to have originated in the Andes region of South America, which includes present-day countries such as Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and parts of Colombia.
Guinea pigs were domesticated by the indigenous people of the Andes over 3,000 years ago. They were initially kept for food and used in various ritualistic and religious ceremonies by these ancient civilizations.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Africa, Europe , Asia
15. Where did the guinea pig come from?
Answer: South America
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs originated in Peru, in South America.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
North America, Asia, Europe
16. Which type of bedding, of the ones listed is best, for cavies?
Answer: Aspen
Interesting Information:The scent of pine and cedar bedding causes respiratory problems in guinea pigs that can be deadly. Sawdust will irritate your guinea pig's eyes and get tangled in his coat. Shredded paper is also not recommended. Guinea pigs may ingest a lot of paper, which is harmful if the paper had ink on it. Corncob bedding is too dusty. Aspen, pelleted paper, and Carefresh bedding are all safe, but paper pellets may not be very comfortable.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavy Care 101
Some incorrect choices:
Pine, Cedar, Sawdust
17. Guinea pig is just one name for this animal. What is another?
Answer: Cavy
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Hairy Pig, Munchkin, Sourcisse
18. When a cavy chatters its teeth, what is it feeling?
Answer: Agitated
Interesting Information:When a cavy chatters its teeth, it is typically expressing a feeling of annoyance, agitation, or irritation. Guinea pigs use teeth chattering as a form of communication to convey their emotions or reactions to certain situations.
It's important to pay attention to the context in which the teeth chattering occurs to understand what the guinea pig might be feeling. If you notice your cavy chattering its teeth frequently or in situations of stress, it's essential to assess its environment and ensure it feels safe and comfortable.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Cold, Content, Happy
19. What bedding should NEVER be used in the cavy's cage?
Answer: Cedar
Interesting Information:Cedar should never be used. It is toxic to cavies and other small animals.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: How much do you really know about Cavies?
Some incorrect choices:
Aspen, CareFresh, Fleece
20. What does it mean if a guinea pig is born pure white, with red eyes and paper thin ears?
Answer: The cavy is blind
Interesting Information:If a guinea pig is born albino, with a pure white coat and has red eyes and paper thin ears, there is a very high chance that the cavy is blind. This is usually due to being bred with parents where their history is unknown, and therefore could be carrying some of the 'lethal' genes.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Glorious Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
It is a pure breed, It can see in the dark, The cavy has super powers
21. Why is the Peruvian breed considered demanding and not recommended as a pet, unless you are very dedicated?
Answer: For its grooming demands
Interesting Information:Peruvian guinea pig's fur can reach up to 50 cm by adulthood or even more in length. As its coat mats very easily, they are not kept on hay. Hay needs to be supplied on a hay rack.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
It is far bigger than a normal guinea pig, It requires a permit, It only lives in Peru, you have to live there if you want one
22. Which type of fresh food is safe for cavies?
Answer: Apple
Interesting Information: Guinea pigs should have 2 cups of fresh food every day. This is necessary, since they cannot produce their own vitamin C. Romaine lettuce, carrots, parsley, kale, bell pepper, cucumber, broccoli, and orange (though you shouldn't feed too much citrus fruit) are all cavy favorites.
Iceberg lettuce causes gas, pears cause bloating, and celery stalks are very difficult to digest. I don't like adding vitamin C to my cavies' water because they don't like to drink anything that they aren't used to, and they may become dehydrated.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavy Care 101
Some incorrect choices:
Iceberg lettuce, Celery stalk, Pear
23. When a sow gives birth, how does she position herself?
Answer: Sitting up
Interesting Information:When a sow (female guinea pig) gives birth, she typically positions herself in a way that allows her to have easy access to the birthing process and care for her newborn pups. Guinea pigs are naturally maternal animals, and the birthing process is usually instinctive for them.
During labor, the sow will usually give birth in a sitting position, her hindquarters slightly raised. This position allows her to have better access to her birth canal and makes the delivery process more manageable.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Lying down on her stomach, On her side, Lying on her back
24. How many teeth do guinea pigs normally have?
Answer: 20
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs have twenty teeth altogether. They have teeth in the back of their mouth (near the throat) and four incisor teeth in the front.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
12, 4, 30
25. Which countries have been known to eat guinea pigs as a local delicacy?
Answer: Ecuador and Peru
Interesting Information:The local people of Ecuador have been known to eat guinea pigs as their local delicacy. Although they say it is guinea pigs they eat, it is in fact cuy, which is slightly larger but similar breed which has a slight tail compared to guinea pigs.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Glorious Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Portugal and Spain, Italy and France, Russia and Poland
26. What colouring closely resembles that of a wild guinea pig?
Answer: Agouti
Interesting Information:Agoutis have a series of dark and light bands running down each hair. Some agoutis have red eyes. Wild guinea pigs have to be camouflaged and blend in otherwise they would be caught. All wild guinea pigs have dark eyes.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Grey flecked, Self white, Self camouflage
27. Which sense is particularly well-developed in guinea pigs?
Answer: Hearing
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs have excellent hearing. They use their sensitive ears to detect sounds in their environment and to communicate with each other through various vocalizations
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Taste, Sight, Smell
28. What is the recommended size of cage for a single cavy?
Answer: 27" x 56"
Interesting Information:The cheapest kind of cages are the cubes and coroplast. They are easy to measure and are very easy to clean. You can check out for more information on c&c cages.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: How much do you really know about Cavies?
Some incorrect choices:
12" x 40", 24" x 30", 20" x49"
29. On average how big are guinea pigs?
Answer: 2 pounds
Interesting Information:On AVERAGE both female and male guinea pigs weigh 32 ounces (2 pounds) when they are adults.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
10 pounds, 6 pounds, 4 pounds
30. What is the name of the white marking that goes from the top of a guinea pig's head to its nostrils? Horses have these too.
Answer: Blaze
Interesting Information:Blazes are quite favoured in showing. The blaze is made up of little white hairs that go down the face. Bar self varieties, any guinea pig can have one.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
31. Guinea pigs need exercise on the floor in a cavy-proof room. How often do you need to take them out?
Answer: Every day, for at least an hour
Interesting Information:If your guinea pig is kept in a cage all day, he will become bored and overweight. Unless he is litter-box trained, keep in mind that you will have to clean up after him! Before you take him out, block any holes he could fit into, keep the electrical cords out of reach, and take any other pets into another room. Do not give your cavy an exercise wheel!
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Cavy Care 101
Some incorrect choices:
Twice a week, for at least an hour each time, Once a week, for at least an hour, One a month, for at least two hours
32. What is the primary purpose of guinea pig shows?
Answer: To showcase and compete with guinea pigs based on breed standards
Interesting Information:Guinea pig shows are events where guinea pig breeders and enthusiasts showcase their cavies and compete with them based on specific breed standards. Judges evaluate the guinea pigs and award points based on how closely they adhere to the ideal characteristics, size, shape, coat type, and color for each breed. The primary purpose of these shows is to celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of different guinea pig breeds and to recognize breeders' efforts in maintaining and improving the standards of each breed.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
To sell guinea pigs to interested buyers, To provide an opportunity for guinea pigs to socialize with other animals., To raise funds for guinea pig rescues and shelters
33. How long do guinea pigs live on average?
Answer: 5-8 years
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs live about 5-8 years on average, although some are known to live as long as 12 years.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
1-2 years, 9-12 years, 12-15 years
34. How often does a longhaired guinea pig need to be groomed?
Answer: Every day
Interesting Information:Shorthaired cavies should be brushed once a week. Remove dead hair with a brush and comb out the coat. You might have to snip mats out of a longhaired pig's coat. Guinea pigs rarely need to actually be bathed. You will have to trim their nails from time to time with a nail clipper made for cats. If you cut the quick (the blood vessel in the middle of the nail), use a styptic pencil or press the nail into a bowl of flour to stop the bleeding.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavy Care 101
Some incorrect choices:
Twice a week, Once a week, Three times a month
35. Guinea pigs sharing the same cage establish a "pecking" order. What is one of the signs of dominance?
Answer: mounting
Interesting Information:Yes, even female guinea pigs do this.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Biting, Pushing, Squealing loudly
36. What behavior is commonly associated with a content or happy guinea?
Answer: Purring
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs often make a soft purring or rumbling sound when they are happy and content. It's a sign of comfort and relaxation.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Biting, Hissing, Yawning
37. Besides the Peruvian, there is another type of commonly known long haired breed. What is it?
Answer: Sheltie
Interesting Information:The Sheltie has long, silky, thick hair without whorls, and has short hair on its head, unlike the Peruvian in which its hair is combed over its face until you cannot see its head. Poor thing.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Silkyhaired, Icelandic, African
38. How should a guinea pig's teeth be kept from overgrowth?
Answer: Providing chew toys
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs' teeth continuously grow throughout their lives. To prevent overgrowth and dental problems, it's essential to provide them with chew toys and safe objects to gnaw on.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Regularly trimmed with scissors, They naturally wear down on their own, Feeding hard pellets
39. How many toes (digits) do guinea pigs have on their front feet?
Answer: Four
Interesting Information:Guinea pigs have four toes on each of their front feet.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Guinea Pigs
Some incorrect choices:
Three, Five, Six
40. Last but not at all least.
What am I?
I have dark eyes.
I have a base colour of white, but my nose, ears and feet are dark in colour.
When I am born, I am white all over, my dark marks come with age.
What am I?
Answer: Himalayan
Interesting Information:Satins have short smooth hair, which is very shiny. It can be cream, gold and red.
Japanese have one side of the head black, the other side red, alternating both colours on both sides of the body as evenly as possible.
Russians have white with dark noses, ears and feet and red eyes. They come in black or chocolate.
Well I hope you enjoyed playing this quiz. I know I did making it. And while I was making it, I learned some new things I did not know previously. My guinea pig called Neo says hi to you all, and thanks for playing.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Colourful Cavies (guinea pigs)
Some incorrect choices:
Satin, Japanese, Russian
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