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Missing Letters for Kids Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Missing Letters for Kids Quizzes, Trivia

Missing Letters for Kids Trivia

Missing Letters for Kids Trivia Quizzes

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If you c_n w_rk out what letter goes in each of these blanks, you may enjoy more of them in these quizzes.
10 quizzes and 100 trivia questions.
  Categories for Kids 8   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Apr 29 18
Recommended for grades: 4,5,6
Very Easy
Apr 29 18
748 plays
  Categories for Kids 2   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 15 18
Very Easy
803 plays
  Categories for Kids 5   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Apr 05 18
Very Easy
639 plays
  Categories for Kids 3   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 25 18
Very Easy
739 plays
  Find the Missing Letter    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each question has three words connected to a common theme. The missing letter(s) in each word is the same for all three incomplete words. Insert the correct missing letter to complete all three words.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, bwfc10, Jul 29 20
Very Easy
Jul 29 20
572 plays
  Categories for Kids 7    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Apr 22 18
Very Easy
657 plays
  Categories for Kids 4    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 31 18
Recommended for grades: 5,6
Very Easy
748 plays
  Categories for Kids 6   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make red, green, and blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Apr 06 18
Very Easy
744 plays
  Categories for Kids    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For each question, place the same letter in all gaps to create three words which share the given category. For example, place the letter 'e' in all gaps in R _ d, G r_ _ n, and B l u _ to make Red, Green, and Blue, which are all colours.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Mar 14 18
Very Easy
741 plays
  Fruit With No Vowels Left    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Let's play with our food. Okay, I've taken out all of the vowels from these fruits. Can you put them back in? (Type the full name of the fruit. In this game the missing vowels are A, E, I, O and U.)
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Zepper, Dec 15 14
Very Easy
895 plays

Missing Letters for Kids Trivia Questions

1. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three months of the year? Febr_ary, J_ne, A_g_st

From Quiz
Find the Missing Letter

Answer: U

Inserting the letter 'u' into all the spaces gives the months of February, June and August. February has 28 days (29 in a leap year) and is the second month. June is the sixth month (named after the Roman goddess Juno) and August is the eighth month (named after the Roman statesman Augustus).

2. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three words that can precede "bell"? _ a r ; _ l u e ; D u m _

From Quiz Categories for Kids 8

Answer: b

Add the letter 'b' to all gaps to get bar, blue, and dumb, which are all words that can precede "bell". A barbell is a long metal bar onto which one can place weights on either end in order to do weight training in the gym. A bluebell is a flowering plant that has the scientific name Hyacinthoides non-scripta. A dumbbell is a handheld weight that is usually used in pairs to do weight training in the gym.

3. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three organs of the human body? _ i v e r ; _ u n g s ; S p _ e e n

From Quiz Categories for Kids 7

Answer: l

Add the letter 'l' to all gaps to get liver, lungs, and spleen, which are all organs of the human body. The liver filters blood from the digestive tract prior to distributing it around the body. The lungs take oxygen into the body and expel carbon dioxide from the body. The spleen filters blood, creates new blood cells, and stores platelets.

4. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three items of clothing? H a _ ; S h i r _ ; _ i e

From Quiz Categories for Kids 6

Answer: t

Add the letter 't' to all gaps to get hat, shirt, and tie, which are all items of clothing. A hat is worn on the head, a shirt is worn on the torso, and a tie is worn around the neck.

5. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three words that can precede "ball"? C a _ _ o _ ; P i _ ; S _ o w

From Quiz Categories for Kids 5

Answer: n

Add the letter 'n' to all gaps to get cannon, pin, and snow, which are all words that can precede "ball". A cannonball is a heavy round metal ball that is fired from a cannon. Pinball is a type of game found in arcades in which the player uses flippers to shoot small metal balls towards targets to score points. A snowball is a ball formed from snow that can be used to have snowball fights with your friends!

6. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three types of vegetables? L e _ _ u c e ; P o _ a _ o ; _ u r n i p

From Quiz Categories for Kids 4

Answer: t

Add the letter 't' to all gaps to get lettuce, potato, and turnip, which are all types of vegetables. Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that is part of the Asteraceae (daisy) family, potato is starchy tuber that is part of the Solanaceae family, and turnip is a root vegetable in the Brassicaceae family.

7. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three bones of the human body? F _ b u l a ; R a d _ u s ; T _ b _ a

From Quiz Categories for Kids 3

Answer: i

Add the letter 'i' to all gaps to get fibula, radius, and tibia, which are all bones of the human body. The fibula (calf bone) is the smaller of the two leg bones, the radius (radial bone) is the one of the two large bones that make up the forearm, and the tibia (shin bone) is the larger of the two leg bones.

8. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three board games? _ h e _ k e r s ; _ h e s s ; S _ r a b b l e

From Quiz Categories for Kids 2

Answer: c

Add the letter 'c' to all gaps to get checkers, chess, and Scrabble, which are all board games. The aim of checkers (which is also known as draughts) is to capture all of your opponent's pieces, the aim of chess is to place your opponent in checkmate, and the aim of Scrabble is to place letter tiles to score more points than your opponent.

9. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three types of fruit? C h e _ _ y ; G _ a p e ; P e a _

From Quiz Categories for Kids

Answer: r

Add the letter 'r' to all gaps to get cherry, grape, and pear, which are all types of fruit. A cherry is classified as a drupe (stone fruit), a grape is classified as a berry, and a pear is classified as a pome.

10. Which fruit is this with its vowels missing? Be sure to type the full word! K_w_

From Quiz Fruit With No Vowels Left

Answer: Kiwi

This is also the name of a bird and a name brand shoe polish. Kiwis have a brown outer skin that is fuzzy. When sliced open they are green with tiny black seeds.

11. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three precious metals? Go_d, Si_ver, P_atinum

From Quiz Find the Missing Letter

Answer: L

Inserting the letter 'l' into all the spaces gives the elements gold, silver and platinum. Gold is derived from the Latin word "aurum" meaning gold and has the atomic symbol of Au. Silver is derived form the Latin word "argentum" and has the atomic symbol Ag. Platinum is derived from the Spanish word "platino" and has the atomic symbol Pt. All three metals are commonly used for rings, especially wedding bands.

12. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make the surnames of three former U.S. presidents? _ o r d ; J e _ _ e r s o n ; T a _ t

From Quiz Categories for Kids 8

Answer: f

Add the letter 'f' to all gaps to get Taft, Jefferson, and Ford, which are all the surnames of former U.S. presidents. Gerald Ford was the thirty-eighth U.S. president, and was in office from 9th August 1974 to 20th January 1977. Thomas Jefferson was the third U.S. president, and was in office from 4th March 1801 to 4th March 1809. William Howard Taft was the twenty-seventh U.S. president, and was in office from 4th March 1909 to 4th March 1913.

13. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three chocolate manufacturers? H e r _ h e y ; N e _ t l e ; M a r _

From Quiz Categories for Kids 7

Answer: s

Add the letter 's' to all gaps to get Hershey, Nestle, and Mars, which are all chocolate manufacturers. Headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Hershey manufacture products such as Hershey's Kisses, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Almond Joy. Headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, Nestle manufacture products such as Nestle Crunch, Smarties, and Toffee Crisp. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, Mars manufacture products such as Mars Bar, Snickers, and Twix.

14. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make the first names of three of the original members of the English boy band Take That? G a _ y ; M a _ k ; _ o b b i e

From Quiz Categories for Kids 6

Answer: r

Add the letter 'r' to all gaps to get Gary, Mark, and Robbie, which are the first names of three of the original members of the English boy band Take That. Gary Barlow was born on 20th January 1971 in Cheshire, Mark Owen was born on 27th January 1972 in Lancashire, and Robbie Williams was born on 13th February 1974 in Staffordshire.

15. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three counties of England? E _ _ e x ; _ o m e r _ e t ; _ u r r e y

From Quiz Categories for Kids 5

Answer: s

Add the letter 's' to all gaps to get Essex, Somerset, and Surrey, which are all counties of England. Essex is located in the south-east of England, and has the county town of Chelmsford. Somerset is located in the south-west of England, and has the county town of Taunton. Surrey is located in the south-east of England, and has the county town of Guildford.

16. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three elements of the periodic table? _ e o _ ; _ i t r o g e _ ; X e _ o _

From Quiz Categories for Kids 4

Answer: n

Add the letter 'n' to all gaps to get neon, nitrogen, and xenon, which are all elements of the periodic table. Neon is a noble gas that has the atomic number 10, nitrogen is a pnictogen that has the atomic number 7, and xenon is a noble gas that has the atomic number 54.

17. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three car manufacturers? A u _ i ; F o r _ ; H o n _ a

From Quiz Categories for Kids 3

Answer: d

Add the letter 'd' to all gaps to get Audi, Ford, and Honda, which are all car manufacturers. Audi is a German company, with headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany. Ford is an American company, with headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan. Honda is a Japanese company, with headquarters in Minato, Tokyo.

18. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three parts of the human face? _ a r ; _ y _ ; N o s _

From Quiz Categories for Kids 2

Answer: e

Add the letter 'e' to all gaps to get ear, eye, and nose, which are all parts of the human face. The eye provides us with the ability to see, the ear provides us with the ability to hear, and the nose provides us with the ability to smell.

19. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three countries? _ l b _ n i _ ; C _ n _ d _ ; M _ d _ g _ s c _ r

From Quiz Categories for Kids

Answer: a

Add the letter 'a' to all gaps to get Albania, Canada, and Madagascar, which are all countries. Albania is in Europe, Canada is in North America, and Madagascar is in Africa.

20. Which fruit is this with its vowels missing? Be sure to type the full word! Ch_rry

From Quiz Fruit With No Vowels Left

Answer: Cherry

Drinking large amounts of cherry juice helps alleviate the discomforts of gout. Cherries grow on flowering trees. Cherries have a pit in the center. Cherries are dark red.

21. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three planets? _eptu_e, Ura_us, Ve_us

From Quiz Find the Missing Letter

Answer: N

Inserting the letter 'n' into each space gives the planets Neptune, Uranus and Venus. Neptune is the eighth furthest planet from the Sun, Uranus the seventh furthest and Venus is the second planet from the Sun.

22. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three types of bird? C r a _ e ; P e _ g u i _ ; S w a _

From Quiz Categories for Kids 8

Answer: n

Add the letter 'n' to all gaps to get crane, swan, and penguin, which are all types of bird. A crane is a bird with a long neck and long legs that is a member of the Gruidae family. A penguin is a flightless aquatic bird that is a member of the Spheniscidae family. A swan is a long-necked bird with white plumage that is a member of the Anatidae family.

23. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three mountain ranges? _ l p s ; _ n d e s ; H i m _ l _ y _ s

From Quiz Categories for Kids 7

Answer: a

Add the letter 'a' to all gaps to get Alps, Andes, and Himalayas, which are all mountain ranges. The Alps are located in Europe, and cover eight countries, with the highest point in the range being Mont Blanc. The Andes are located in South America, and cover seven countries, with the highest point in the range being Aconcagua. The Himalayas are located in Asia, and cover five countries, with the highest point in the range being Mount Everest.

24. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make the titles of three Disney movies? _ a m _ i ; _ o l t ; D u m _ o

From Quiz Categories for Kids 6

Answer: b

Add the letter 'b' to all gaps to get Bambi, Bolt, and Dumbo, which are all Disney movies. "Bambi" was released in 1942, and has a mule deer as the title character. "Bolt" was released in 2008, and has a white shepherd puppy as the title character. "Dumbo" was released in 1941, and has a large-eared elephant as the title character.

25. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three items of equipment used in the game of cricket? _ a i l s ; _ a t ; _ o x

From Quiz Categories for Kids 5

Answer: b

Add the letter 'b' to all gaps to get bails, bat and box, which are all items of equipment used in the game of cricket. The bails are two small pieces of wood that are placed on top of the three upright wooden poles (stumps) to form the wicket. The bat is made of wood (usually willow) and is what the batsman uses to try to hit the ball to scores points (known as runs). The box is made of high-density plastic, and is worn under the batsman's trousers to protect his crotch should the ball hit that area.

26. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three ways one can cook food? F _ y ; G _ i l l ; _ o a s t

From Quiz Categories for Kids 4

Answer: r

Add the letter 'r' to all gaps to get fry, grill, and roast, which are all ways one can cook food. One would fry an egg in a frying pan using a little oil or butter, one would grill a sausage or hamburger under a grill or over a fire, and one would roast a chicken in the oven as part of a lovely Sunday roast dinner.

27. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three currencies? E _ r o ; P o _ n d ; Y _ a n

From Quiz Categories for Kids 3

Answer: u

Add the letter 'u' to all gaps to get euro, pound, and yuan, which are all currencies. The euro is the main currency used in Europe, used by most of the countries that are members of the European Union, and a few others. The pound is the unit of currency in the UK. The yuan is the unit of currency in China.

28. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make the titles of three animated movies? F r o _ e n ; T a r _ a n ; _ o o t o p i a

From Quiz Categories for Kids 2

Answer: z

Add the letter 'z' to all gaps to get "Frozen", "Tarzan", and "Zootopia", which are all animated movies. "Frozen" was released in 2013, and features the characters Anna, Elsa, Olaf, and Kristoff. "Tarzan" was released in 1999, and features the characters Tarzan, Jane, Kala, and Kerchak. "Zootopia" was released in 2016, and features the characters Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, Jack Savage, and Chief Bogo.

29. Which letter do you need to add into all of the blank spaces below to make three Disney Princesses? A r i e _ ; B e _ _ e ; M u _ a n

From Quiz Categories for Kids

Answer: l

Add the letter 'l' to all gaps to get Ariel, Belle, and Mulan, who are all Disney Princesses. Ariel stars in "The Little Mermaid", Belle stars in "Beauty and the Beast", and Mulan stars in "Mulan".

30. Which fruit is this with its vowels missing? Be sure to type the full word! L_m_

From Quiz Fruit With No Vowels Left

Answer: Lime

Lime is often used in Mexican dishes. Lime is related to lemon. They are both citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. The skin of limes are green.

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