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3 Florence quizzes and 30 Florence trivia questions.
  Multiple Choice Quiz about Florence, Italy   popular trivia quiz  
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Florence was one of the most important cities during the Renaissance and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Learn more about Florence in this quiz.
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  Florence, City of Art    
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This is a quiz on Florence, Italy, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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  Questions on Florence, Italy    
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Another set of questions about one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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Florence Trivia Questions

1. In what Italian region is Florence located?

From Quiz
Florence, City of Art

Answer: Tuscany (Toscana)

Florence is located in Tuscany, and is the capital (capoluogo) of the region.

2. Florence is on the banks of which river?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Arno

3. What is the official name of Florence's famed cathedral?

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: Santa Maria del Fiore

The key word here is "official." "Santa Maria del Fiore" (Our Lady of the Flower) is the official name, even though "Il Duomo" is the much more common name for the church, the third largest in the world. San Giovanni (St. John) is the name of the cathedral's baptistery and of the city quarter in which the cathedral is located. St. John is the patron saint of Florence. Santissima Annunziata is the name of another Florentine church.

4. In which convent did the famous friar Savonarola, who was burned at the stake in 1498, live?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: San Marco

Savonarola was the inspiration and leader of the "Piagnoni" (lit. "weepers") who preached, and later enforced, a return to more modest mores after the Renaissance liberties of the Medici household. He was burned as soon as people got bored with him!

5. In the Uffizi you can see the famous painting 'The Birth of Venus', painted by ________.

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Botticelli

Botticelli was one of the most esteemed painters of the Renaissance. About 75 of his works survive, many of them in the Uffizi.

6. The place where Savonarola was burned is marked by an inscribed stone. In which Florentine square can you find it?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Piazza Signoria

For most of its history, Florence was plagued by the strife between conservatism and liberalism.

7. In the Piazza della Signoria, you can see Benvenuto Cellini's statue of the mythical slayer of Medusa. What was his name?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Perseus

In the statue, Perseus holds Medusa's severed head, her naked body writhing at his feet.

8. The San Lorenzo district of Florence was the birthplace of Carlo Lorenzini, alias Collodi, creator of what fabled character?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Pinocchio

Collodi, author of 'The Adventures of Pinocchio', was born in San Lorenzo in 1826.

9. On which square is Florentine historic soccer played every year?

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: Piazza Santa Croce

The classical form of the game is played every June 24 on Piazza Santa Croce. June 24 is the feast day of Florence's patron saint, St. John. Each of the four quarters of the city (Santa Maria Novella, Santa Croce, Santo Spirito, and San Giovanni) has a team that competes in the annual tournament.

10. What is Florence's most famous bridge and the only one to survive World War II?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Ponte Vecchio

This bridge, which spans the Arno River, is unusual because it's lined with shops. When the bridge was built in the 14th century they were shops such as tanneries and butcher {shops;} today they're mostly tourist gift shops.

11. What is the name of the river that runs through Florence?

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: Arno

The Arno is the river we want here. A street that runs along the Arno is called a "Lungarno" (literally, "Along the Arno"). The Tiber ("Tevere" in Italian) is the river of Rome, the Adige runs through Verona, and the Po, which is also the longest river in Italy, runs though Turin.

12. Which number bus to goes to Fiesole, the hillside town north of Florence?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: 7 & seven

Fiesole was a bustling town in Roman times, much more powerful than Florence. It has a beautiful Roman theatre which is still used in the summer for operas and plays.

13. Florence is the capital of Italy's _________ region.

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Tuscany

14. At the beginning of 2003, what was the approximate population of Florence?

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: 400,000

According to the American Heritage Dicitonary, 402,316 people are residents of Florence.

15. Which famous Italian does not have a tomb in the Church of Santa Croce?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Paganini

The walls of this church are lined with the tombs of illustrious Florentines. There is a tomb for Galileo in Santa Croce, but Galileo died in Ravenna, in exile, and is buried there.

16. In what church is Michelangelo's tomb located?

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: Santa Croce

Michelangelo Buonarroti, that great artist of the Renaissance, is entombed in the church of Santa Croce, which is of the Franciscan order. This church was ALSO designed by Arnolfo di Cambio. Michelangelo is only one among many notables entombed here, one of which is Galileo Galilei. Don't be fooled by the monument to Dante--it's strictly what I said it is: a MONUMENT. His remains are in the town of Ravenna. There is also a statue of this famous writer outside the church.

17. Who was the first Medici to rule Florence?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Cosimo

The famous Medici family came into power in the late 14th century, first becoming bankers.

18. The emblem of Florence is...

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: The lily

The official Florentine emblem has always been a red lily on a white background. However, the turmoil of the early Renaissance caused it to be reversed for some time (white lily on red). On the walls of the Palazzo Vecchio one can see both versions.

19. All businesses in Florence are closed on December 8. What holiday is this?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Immaculate Conception Day

This Catholic holiday, first observed by Pope Pius IX in 1854, observes the immaculate conception of Mary.

20. To end, give the Italian name for the city of Florence.

From Quiz Florence, City of Art

Answer: Firenze

Firenze (fee-REND-zay) is the Italian name for Florence. The original Italian name was Fiorenza, from the Latin "Florentia," but it eventually evolved into "Firenze."

21. What is the name of Florence's ancient city hall, later a princely palace, and today one of its main attractions?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Palazzo Vecchio

The "Palazzo Vecchio" has today gone back to its original function of city hall. Its name means "The Old Palace"

22. What group conquered Florence at the end of the sixth century?

From Quiz Florence, Italy

Answer: Lombards

The Lombards were a Germanic people who conquered north and central Italy. They were conquered by the Franks in 773.

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