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Fun Trivia
40 quizzes and 420 trivia questions.
Women Warriors of the World
  Women Warriors of the World   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Come meet some of the most famous (and infamous) women warriors from around the world and across the ages. The photos are designed to give some hints!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, stephgm67, Jan 25 23
Very Easy
stephgm67 gold member
Jan 25 23
1586 plays
Best of the Best  Famous Comebacks
  Best of the Best: Famous Comebacks   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Sometimes, just when it looks like a person's career is all over - well, it isn't after all! What do you know about these people who made famous political comebacks?
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Oct 04 22
ponycargirl editor
Oct 04 22
1294 plays
  The Most Interesting Women in the World   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Not only men make history, meet some of the women that have made headlines in their days in one way or another.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, James25, Jan 25 23
Recommended for grades: 7,8,9
Very Easy
James25 gold member
Jan 25 23
5516 plays
Overcoming Adversity
  Overcoming Adversity   popular trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
They say history is written by the winners, but some groups are reclaiming their past. Many people can trace their ancestral roots back to the African continent, yet there is more to black history than the slave trade.
Easier, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Jan 14 19
AcrylicInk gold member
Jan 14 19
634 plays
Best of the Best  Warriors
  Best of the Best: Warriors   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
Throughout the ages there have been many great warriors who distinguished themselves on the field of battle and consequently shaped history. The following warriors had in them the stuff of which legends are made.
Average, 10 Qns, ponycargirl, Mar 09 24
ponycargirl editor
Mar 09 24
833 plays
  Infamy at Its Finest   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Infamy, is of course, being famous for doing something horrible. I've tried to hit as many aspects of human experience as possible.
Average, 10 Qns, Correspondguy, Jan 23 10
4521 plays
Affair Deal
  Affair Deal   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
I HAVE to get the key to an Adventures in Authoring challenge - and I need your help. History is full of affairs and intrigues, and I know you're a whiz at history. Please, help me find the key!
Average, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Sep 01 17
VegemiteKid gold member
707 plays
  Lies, Lies, and More Lies   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
History is filled with people who would go to great lengths to achieve their aims. This quiz is about some big lies, scams and deceptions foisted on people over the years. How many can you identify?
Average, 10 Qns, CmdrK, Feb 11 14
CmdrK gold member
1971 plays
  Tyrants, Dictators and Despots II   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is my second quiz on Tyrants, Dictators and Despots. Unfortunately, the world has known too many of them.
Easier, 10 Qns, Babilonia, Jun 05 22
Babilonia gold member
Jun 05 22
2595 plays
  Despot Calling the Kettle...   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Correctly match the questions to these historical 'bad guys'.
Easier, 10 Qns, nyirene330, Feb 22 16
1098 plays
  Historical People V: Villains   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The 5th Installment in my Historical People series focuses on the most villainous people in history.
Average, 15 Qns, RockBou, Mar 24 11
2504 plays
  What's In Davy Jones Locker?   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I recently scored a locker that belonged to Davy Jones during his years with The Monkees. Can you guess what this crazy time capsule contained?
Easier, 10 Qns, beergirllaura, Jan 23 15
1617 plays
  Smart People Doing Dumb Things   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Where would we be today, if these ten mistakes or errors in history hadn't happened?
Easier, 10 Qns, George95, Jul 24 13
George95 gold member
1571 plays
  Big Girls Blouse    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
You don't have to be thin to be a woman with success. Ten female formidable figures to prove this, mainly 20th. century.
Easier, 10 Qns, heidi66, Jan 25 23
heidi66 gold member
Jan 25 23
894 plays
  Faces on Cards 1: Piatnik Rococo   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you identify the eighteenth-century personages on the courts of this gorgeous double deck set of playing cards printed by Piatnik (Vienna) in 1975? Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, shvdotr, May 26 18
shvdotr gold member
May 26 18
381 plays
  Tyrants, Dictators and Despots    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The world has seen many tyrants, dictators and other people who have used their position to kill and hurt thousands or millions. The ones I have chosen have been among the worst but are also known by most people.
Easier, 10 Qns, Babilonia, Aug 31 13
Babilonia gold member
1412 plays
  Usurpers Unite   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
To usurp means to sieze or hold another's property or lands by illegal force. By that definition history in school could very well have been renamed "usurping!" Which historical instances of usurpation can you identify from the clues?
Easier, 10 Qns, coachpauly, Dec 01 13
706 plays
  Flashbacks!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I have had many previous lives, and every so often something gives me a flashback to one of them.
Average, 10 Qns, Christinap, Apr 14 11
1171 plays
  Once They Were Famous   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
... or, in some cases, infamous. This is a tour of places that were, and sometimes still are, well-known for some thing or other.
Average, 10 Qns, suomy, Apr 08 13
1549 plays
  This is One Small Step For Man   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Though some may consider these a necessity and others may think them an extravagance, here are just a few items that have (hopefully!) improved the way we work in the kitchen.
Average, 10 Qns, mlcmlc, May 29 16
mlcmlc gold member
826 plays
  Fun History V: Who am I?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
To guess the identity of these people from history, simply read the rhyme. I hasten to add that, there are no pretensions to any kind of poetic merit.
Average, 10 Qns, trojan11, May 25 11
3542 plays
  Who Came Second?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Is there a prize for coming second? Let's see if these famous "second placers" are remembered.
Tough, 10 Qns, Bertho, Feb 14 11
4653 plays
  US Presidents vs UK Prime Ministers   popular trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the US President with the UK Prime Minister who was in office at the same time (i.e. their terms in office "overlapped").
Easier, 10 Qns, ClarkyB, Oct 30 16
752 plays
  Who's that Lady?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Being both a history nut and a woman, a quiz on women in history is a natural for me. How many of these ladies of the past couple of thousand years can you identify?
Average, 10 Qns, sk8trmom51, Jan 25 23
Jan 25 23
2077 plays
  Fun History VII: Who am I?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is for fun so nothing too difficult. Simply read the rhyme to guess who the character from the past is.
Average, 10 Qns, trojan11, Mar 12 15
3423 plays
  Then I Saw Her Mace   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns I'm a believer. With apologies to the Monkees, this quiz is about women warriors, pirates and freedom fighters. It would have been best not to have gotten on their bad side! Let's see how many you can identify.
Average, 10 Qns, CmdrK, Jan 25 23
CmdrK gold member
Jan 25 23
518 plays
  Historical Children, or Who was that kid?   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For many of us, History consists of dry dates and facts, but in reality it's the story of people. Many of these people played their part when still very young. Let's see if you can discover some of them.
Average, 10 Qns, MargW, May 31 11
MargW gold member
1110 plays
  Historical People VI: Women in History    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz by request, dedicated to historical women who made history.
Average, 15 Qns, RockBou, Jan 25 23
Jan 25 23
1037 plays
  Sour Grapes    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In history, there have been many losers, some more memorable than others. See how many you know went sour!
Average, 10 Qns, VickiPeterson, Jan 28 14
1200 plays
  Hoons Who   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hoons, hooligans & rabble-rousers! In Australia, 'hoon' is what we call those anti-social types who hang round in gangs, drive too fast, and behave villainously. Found all over the world, here are just a few fomenters of dissent for you to identify!
Average, 10 Qns, VegemiteKid, Apr 24 15
VegemiteKid gold member
371 plays
  Famous #1s and Lesser Known Facts   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about famous 'firsts' and the less famous key people and events associated with them.
Average, 10 Qns, merrijig, Feb 28 13
849 plays
  Assorted Failures and Wrong-Doings    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quick quiz about the many wrong-doings, failures, mishaps, and other hijinks in history!
Average, 10 Qns, edibleshrapnel, Jun 05 13
784 plays
  My Beloved Traitor...    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about traitors whose role is pivotal in the development of part of the events that comprise human history and that from their success or failure depended the things to come. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Jul 14 14
DeepHistory gold member
586 plays
  Hitler and Stalin and Mao, Oh My!    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Almost everything you've always wanted to know about three of the worst criminals in history.
Average, 20 Qns, Snyper3000, Apr 14 14
641 plays
  So You've Married a Tyrant!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We are going to look at the spouses of historical tyrants. Looking at both the first tyrants and what the word first meant. Also looking at the current popular meaning of the word tyrant and those who have embodied that meaning.
Tough, 10 Qns, BxBarracuda, Aug 20 09
714 plays
  If Historical Figures Had Twitter 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Following the success of my first "If Historical Figures Had Twitter" quiz, here are another ten pithy historical characters to guess.
Average, 10 Qns, zippolover, Jun 26 13
860 plays
  Name Them    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a history based Name Them quiz. Simply write down the name of the individual or people I'm looking for. Good luck and enjoy.
Average, 10 Qns, osgilliath1982, May 30 11
835 plays
  Women Through the Ages    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about the women who changed the world?
Tough, 10 Qns, boarding_las, Jan 25 23
Jan 25 23
827 plays
  If Historical Figures Had Twitter 3    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Following the success of my first two "If Historical Figures Had Twitter" quizzes, here are another ten pithy historical characters to guess.
Average, 10 Qns, zippolover, Jul 03 13
856 plays
  Black Days    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ever had a bad day? These people had it worse. Take a trip through history's darkest days.
Average, 10 Qns, Caeiro, Apr 23 13
564 plays

Historical People Mix Trivia Questions

1. Who is credited with the phrase "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic"?

From Quiz
Despot Calling the Kettle...

Answer: Josef Stalin

Josef Stalin (1878-1953) was the leader and dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from the late 1920s until his death. He took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and later rose to become General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1922. Under his leadership, the Soviet Union went from an agrarian society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror and, between 1934 and 1939, orchestrated "The Great Purge" where his enemies were imprisoned, exiled or executed. He is said to be responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people - that is some statistic!

2. Born in Ireland, a woman named Cormac immigrated to America with her parents. Life did not go well and she eventually fell in with pirates, becoming one herself. By what name do we know her?

From Quiz Then I Saw Her Mace

Answer: Anne Bonny

Anne Cormac's father was a failed lawyer, and then a successful merchant in South Carolina. In her early teens she married the pirate James Bonny. That part of her life did not go well either and she ended up in the Bahamas where she married "Calico Jack" Rackham, a successful pirate. Finally captured, Rackham and most of his crew were hanged. Bonny was spared death only because she was pregnant at the time.

3. England: November 5, 1605: Guy Fawkes was arrested guarding gunpowder placed under the Houses of Parliament, in order to blow it up and kill the King of England. What was the King's name?

From Quiz My Beloved Traitor...

Answer: James I

Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators were ardent Catholics and opposed King James' policies that favored the Protestants. They planned to put Princess Elizabeth, a Catholic, to the throne. Their conspiracy was revealed when an anonymous letter reached William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle warning him to stay away from the Parliament. Monteagle gave the letter to King James, who ordered an investigation.

4. "The greater and more audacious the lie, the greater likelihood of the gullible masses believing it". To whom do we owe this infamous quote?

From Quiz Hitler and Stalin and Mao, Oh My!

Answer: Adolf Hitler

Stalin, Mao and Lenin could have said that, too. But Hitler did, and that sheds quite a light on who he really was, doesn't it?

5. One of the greatest con artists to ever live on the North American continent was a man of such notoriety that a form of swindling was named after him. Who was he?

From Quiz Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Answer: Charles Ponzi

Arriving in America in 1903 from Italy, Carlo (Charles) Ponzi lived in the U.S. and Canada using a scheme that promised large returns on investments but which used the money of later investors to pay back the original ones. The "Ponzi Scheme" worked for over a year in the early 1920s before it collapsed. He had cheated people out of an estimated $20 million.

6. In the early 20th century, Coca-Cola missed many chances to buy what now rival company?

From Quiz Smart People Doing Dumb Things

Answer: Pepsi

Caleb Brabham established the company in 1902 and patented his recipe a year later. The company filed for bankruptcy on December 8, 1931, the first of a few opportunities for Coca-Cola to buy up their rival. Instead, Charles Gulth bought the brand, and used the candy company he owned to rebuild the taste of Pepsi.

7. "12th April, 1961 is a date that will go down in history! Proof that Mother Russia rules the skies." Which Twitter using figure from History wrote this?

From Quiz If Historical Figures Had Twitter 3

Answer: Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) was the first human to travel to outer space and return safely to Earth after completing an orbit. He never went into space again and died with Vladimir Seryogin while on a jet training flight.

8. "I am taking this evening off and making a trip to the theatre. I do so enjoy a farce and 'Our American Cousin' has had such good reviews." Which Twitter using figure from History wrote this?

From Quiz If Historical Figures Had Twitter 2

Answer: Abraham Lincoln

April 14th, 1865 is an infamous date in history. Lincoln's bodyguard left the theatre during the intermission to have a drink in the bar next door. Had he not done so, who knows how history could have changed?

9. Which Indian emperor killed hundreds of thousands of people in wars before converting to Buddhism?

From Quiz Assorted Failures and Wrong-Doings

Answer: Ashoka

Ashoka (304-232 BCE) ruled nearly all of the Indian sub-continent at the height of his power, having subdued much of it in brutal wars. After the appalling bloodshed involved in conquering Kalinga he converted to Buddhism, believing that non-violence was the answer instead of war.

10. Which city on the Mersey was built on vast profits made from the slave trade?

From Quiz Once They Were Famous

Answer: Liverpool

Fame or infamy? Slavery in its various forms has been part of mankind for millennia. During the 18th century Liverpool and Bristol set up the 'triangular trade' where ships left the Britain for Africa with goods which were exchanged for slaves. The slaves were taken to the Caribbean and sugar and rum brought back on the return leg. Towards the end of the 18th century, 80% of the country's and 40% of the world's slave trading ships passed through Liverpool. Slavery was outlawed throughout most of the British Empire by the UK Parliament in 1833.

11. On May 29, 1953 at 11:30 am, Edmund Hillary stood atop Mt Everest in Nepal, becoming the first man to scale the highest mountain on the planet. Who else was standing there with him?

From Quiz Famous #1s and Lesser Known Facts

Answer: Tenzing Norgay

Tenzing Norgay was born about May 1914 and died May 9, 1986. His actual birth name was Namgyal Wangdi, but he was commonly referred to as Sherpa Tenzing. He was a Nepalese Indian Sherpa mountaineer and was born in Khumbu, Nepal. He was one of many porters and local support crew for the 1953 expedition led by Brigadier Henry Cecil John Hunt (Baron Hunt), a British army officer. Sir Edmund Percival Hillary (July 20, 1919-11 January 2008) was a New Zealand mountaineer, adventurer, explorer and philanthropist. Both Hillary and Hunt were knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on June 6, 1953, in recognition of their famous ascent.

12. From 2030 to 1980 BC, which ancient city was the largest in the world until the Elamites arrived to usurp power?

From Quiz Usurpers Unite

Answer: Ur

Ur is found within the country of modern-day Iraq. It was once a city that sat at the mouth of the Euphrates river on the edge of the Persian Gulf. It is located 16km from Nasiriyah and is now inland south of the Euphrates. It is thought to have been founded around 3800BC and abandoned around 500BC. It was one of the most important cities of its time.

13. What a large charge! Digging through Davy Jones' locker, I found a newspaper article from 1966, which told of the election of the third Prime Minister of India. Do you know which famous female politician was elected?

From Quiz What's In Davy Jones Locker?

Answer: Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi's political career began with an unofficial position - as an assistant to her father, Jawaharlal Nehru (the first Prime Minister of India). In addition to her role as Prime Minister, she held several other posts beginning with her appointment as Minister of Information and Broadcasting in 1964. There followed other offices, including her election in 1966 as only the second woman in the world to lead a government. She was assassinated in 1984, by two of her own bodyguards.

14. Which famous composer was given Wolfgang as a middle name at his baptism in 1756?

From Quiz Name Them

Answer: Mozart

His full baptismal name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. However, he is generally known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but in his lifetime variants were sometimes used.

15. This little boy was so truthful that he couldn't lie to his father. Maybe he just wanted a piece of cherry pie.

From Quiz Historical Children, or Who was that kid?

Answer: George Washington

The story of Washington chopping down the cherry tree is considered to be apocryphal. The story first appeared in Mason Weems' biography, published after Washington's death. However, true or not, it is certainly indicative of the President-to-be's personality. Question by MargW

16. Squelching through a muddy field gives me a flashback to when I was a soldier in the trenches in the battle of Ypres. Which war was I fighting in?

From Quiz Flashbacks!

Answer: World War I

The trenches of World War I were often muddy and waterlogged, and the soldiers could stand in them for hours. This led to a condition known as "Trench Foot" which was caused by cold, wet, dirty conditions. The skin would gradually numb then turn red or blue, and the condition often led to gangrene and amputation. In the early years of the war it was so bad that it was estimated around 20,000 men were treated for the condition in the winter of 1914/15. By early 1915 soldiers were under orders to have a minimum of three pairs of socks with them in the trenches, and to clean and dry their feet at least twice a day. The army also supplied a grease made from whale oil to coat the feet. It was estimated that a battalion would go through around 10 gallons of this concoction every single day they were in the trenches.

17. Who am I? I introduced the practice of inoculating well children with a diluted strain of smallpox to bestow immunity from the more potent strains of the sickness.

From Quiz Women Through the Ages

Answer: Mary Wortley Montague

Since its introduction, more and more people were inoculated against smallpox. (This differed from Jenner's vaccation which involved the use of cowpox, not smallpox itself). The UN World Health Organization states that smallpox had been eradicated all over the earth. The longer-term result of Mary's introduction of smallpox vaccines is the creation of vaccines for a host of deadly and deforming diseases including mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio. Hundreds of millions of individuals owe their lives or their health to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

18. "Stuck on rock for the second time, conquering nations was my crime. I'm bored, I'm miffed, there's nothing to do, I wish I had won at Waterloo."

From Quiz Fun History V: Who am I?

Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon was exiled twice. First to Elba, quite a nice little place, and then to St Helena where he died.

19. Who was the second man to get moondust on his boots?

From Quiz Who Came Second?

Answer: Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin was the commander of the Lunar Module that made the trip to the moon from the orbiting Command Module (piloted by Collins). He followed Armstrong down the ladder to be a close second.

20. Which despot died from a nosebleed on his wedding night?

From Quiz Despot Calling the Kettle...

Answer: Attila the Hun

Attila established the Hunnic Empire and ruled the Huns from 434 AD until his death in March of 453 AD in Hungary. The Roman Empire had already been weakened by the Visigoths, leaving Attila's forces able to decimate Roman cities and towns. He broke treaties, razed towns, killed civilians...and that was just before breakfast! Somehow, between all the fighting and conquering, he managed to meet a young woman named Ildico and, in 453 AD, they were married. Historian Will Durant wrote "He celebrated the wedding with an unusual indulgence in food and drink...he was found dead in bed beside his young wife; he had burst a blood vessel" and the blood choked him to death.

21. Two Vietnamese sisters grew tired of their country being ruled by the Chinese, so they raised an army of 80,000 and chased them out. What was their name?

From Quiz Then I Saw Her Mace

Answer: Tru'ng

Tru'ng Trac and Tru'ng Nhi grew up in a military family during the first Chinese domination of Vietnam. When Trac's husband was killed (in 40 A.D.) the sisters raised an army of 80,000, including their mother and 35 other women whom they trained as generals. Vietnamese women had many more liberties at that time than in later years. The army drove the Chinese out, but after three years of fighting against superior numbers and weaponry, the Tru'ngs and their army were finally defeated.

22. Though he has achieved a kind of folk hero status, which Australian outlaw was charged with stealing, cattle and horse rustling, assault, and murder, and was hanged at Melbourne gaol on 11 November, 1880?

From Quiz Hoons Who

Answer: Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly, son of Irish immigrants who settled in Victoria's high country, liked to portray himself as a victim of police harassment. Possibly because of the Australian tendency to sympathise with the underdog, and partly because of the corruption of some police officers, the legend of Ned Kelly and his gang has developed to the point where some have compared him to Robin Hood. In reality, he was a common thief and murderer. The Kelly Gang consisted of Ned and Dan Kelly, Joe Byrne, and Steve Hart. The four hid out the Wombat Ranges and eluded police from April 1878 until their capture in June 1880. During this time they created for themselves iron suits of armour. They were eventually captured after a siege in Glenrowan, Victoria.

23. On 22 June 1941 Hitler invaded Russia. That was Operation Barbarossa. How many tanks and other motor vehicles were deployed by the Nazis in that offensive?

From Quiz Hitler and Stalin and Mao, Oh My!

Answer: 600,000

It was the largest invasion in history. 600,000 is an astonishing number, but that's the number of tanks and vehicles Hitler used to invade the Soviet Union. And that's not all! In addition, for that same operation, the Nazis deployed: 4,3 million troops, 700,000 horses, 4,400 aircraft, 42,600 guns - a total of 183 divisions. Amazing!

24. The remains of a supposed early human turned out to be a hoax but it took forty years to be exposed. What name was given the alleged human ancestor?

From Quiz Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Answer: Piltdown Man

Bone fragments were "found" in a gravel pit in Piltdown, England in 1912. Charles Dawson, a member of the Geological Society of London, said a workman had given them to him a few years earlier. The remains, and others which Dawson subsequently found in the gravel pit, differed from modern humans in size and the jaw bone. There was immediate skepticism but it wasn't until 1953 that it was proven that the skull was constructed with parts of three distinct species: a human, an orangutan and a chimpanzee. Dawson is usually considered the chief forger but others, including Arthur Conan Doyle have been mentioned as having an interest in seeing the hoax continued.

25. In 1851 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book. But not just any book. Her book depicting the life of African Americans in slavery, led to many people joining the call to abolish slavery. What is the name of the book?

From Quiz The Most Interesting Women in the World

Answer: Uncle Tom's Cabin

Harriet Elisabeth Beecher was born on June 14th 1811 in Litchfield, USA. She was introduced in literary circles as a young girl and married Calvin Ellis Stowe in 1836. They both were linked to organisations like Underground Railroad, fighting against slavery. In 1851 she wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin". The story follows the story of the title character, facing much cruelty in his life as a slave, but ultimately forgiving his tormentors. The book soon became a symbol in the fight against slavery.

26. "Nine children in seventeen years. I hope that Albert is satisfied now." Which Twitter using figure from History wrote this?

From Quiz If Historical Figures Had Twitter 3

Answer: Queen Victoria

Victoria, Princess Royal, was born in 1840 and her brother, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, was born the following year. Their youngest sister, Princess Beatrice, was born in 1847. All three other ladies were married to men named Albert.

27. "I cannot believe that 'New Scotland Yard' will be open tomorrow! My idea will make London safer for all." Which Twitter using figure from History wrote this?

From Quiz If Historical Figures Had Twitter 2

Answer: Sir Robert Peel

During a long and distinguished political career, Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850) is remembered for the introduction of the Metropolitan Police Force in 1829, when he was Home Secretary.

28. The U.S. "Bay of Pigs" invasion was known by the enemy and it was a major embarrassment and disaster. Which country did it take place in?

From Quiz Assorted Failures and Wrong-Doings

Answer: Cuba

The invasion took place in Cuba on April 17th, 1961 and was mostly planned by the C.I.A. Much of the planning took place while Dwight D. Eisenhower was president (1953-1961). He was nervous about Fidel Castro's government and was keen to have Castro overthrown. The Soviet Union intercepted the message and passed it on to Cuba. The U.S. president who gave the actual go-ahead for the invasion was John F. Kennedy, who had succeeded Eisenhower in January 1961; and it was Kennedy who had to accept responsibility for the failed invasion.

29. This carcinogenic silicate mineral has been mined for thousands of years. Bearing the name of the mineral, what town used to boast the largest mine for this mineral in the world?

From Quiz Once They Were Famous

Answer: Asbestos, Quebec

The word 'asbestos' comes from the ancient Greek for 'unquenchable'. The negative health effects of asbestos had been known for some time. However, with the help of a laboratory compromised by industry funding, the company operating the mine at Asbestos chose to dismiss claims concerning the effects on its workers. It took a visiting South African scientist turned whistle-blower in 1949 to bring the laboratory results out in the open. The mine has since closed. The open-cast mine at Asbestos is about two kilometres wide. Wittenoom was Australia's blue asbestos town and was shut down in 1966 due to health concerns. Radium Hot Springs takes its name after the presence of the radioactive element radium; a half hour dip in the hot springs will apparently do no lasting harm. Although Melphalan is carcinogenic, I have not found a place with that name.

This is category 25037
Last Updated Jul 20 2024 5:51 AM
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