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Stratego is the classic "capture the flag" game and has seen quite a few interesting spin-off games as well. Find both the timeless original and the variants here!
3 Stratego quizzes and 30 Stratego trivia questions.
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Questions about the board game Stratego.
Average, 10 Qns, 81gaucho, Nov 23 21
Nov 23 21
2795 plays
  Don't Be Bored, Game!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some of my friends indulge in a game of Stratego from time to time. Instead of being bored I'd like to play, too, but I don't know the rules. Can you help?
Average, 10 Qns, AlonsoKing, Jan 02 17
266 plays
  Stratego (1999)    
Multiple Choice
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This quiz is about the 1999 version of the Milton Bradley game Stratego.
Average, 10 Qns, Buddy1, Jan 10 15
Buddy1 gold member
302 plays

Stratego Trivia Questions

1. I've just opened the box to set up my first game. Hang on, aren't there a couple of pieces missing? How many pieces are there in a classic Stratego game?

From Quiz
Don't Be Bored, Game!

Answer: 80

In a classic game each player has 40 pieces at his disposal. There are two players so the game starts with 80 pieces. The game is played on a square board divided in 10 times 10 spaces. Each player is free to place his pieces wherever he wants as long as it is on the last four lines of his side of the board. The placement of the pieces will for a large part determine the strategy. The pieces of each player are distinguishable only by their colour. Each player can only see the rank of his own pieces, until a piece makes an attack or is attacked. In a classic game of Stratego the players play with red or blue pieces.

2. What are the two colors of the pieces of the opposing armies?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Red and Blue

The blue pieces have silver pictures and numbering while the red pieces have gold pictures and numbering.

3. I've placed all my pieces on the board. There are some pieces I can't move. Which ones?

From Quiz Don't Be Bored, Game!

Answer: Bombs and the flag

Flags and bombs are the only pieces that can't move. The goal of the game is to capture your opponent's flag. Since bombs can take out any attacking piece except one it may be prudent to hide your flag behind bombs.

4. What is the objective of the game?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: To capture the opponent's flag

The objective of the game is to capture the opponent's flag. This is accomplished by having any movable piece attack the opponent's flag piece thus winning the game. It does not matter how many pieces the opponent has left, just as long as the opponent's flag has been attacked, you have won the game. Even though it's not the objective of the game, another way for a player to win is for all of the opponent's remaining pieces to be nonmovable.

5. What is the name of the highest ranking piece in each army?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Marshall

The General is second highest. There is no King.

6. What rank is not used in the game?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Corporal

There are no Corporals, or Privates for that matter.

7. What letter or number is the marshal given (in 1999 and more recent editions)?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: 10

The marshal is given the rank of 10 and is the highest ranked piece among the pieces with numbers on them. A scout is given the rank of 2, and a major is given the rank of 7.

8. What are the only 3 pieces that can kill the Marshal?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Spy , Bomb, Marshal

The Spy must strike first or else he is killed. The Marshal dies if he strikes a bomb (a bomb cannot be moved), and if the Marshals strike each other, they are both killed.

9. All movable pieces can only move one space per turn except one. Which one is that?

From Quiz Don't Be Bored, Game!

Answer: Scout

Only a scout can move more than one space per turn, provided it moves along the same horizontal or vertical line. It can't jump over an enemy piece either. Sometimes it can be advantageous to move a scout at one space per turn to trick your opponent into believing it is a higher ranked piece. Scouts can be very useful near the end of the game to discover the rank of an attacking piece, to locate enemy bombs or even capture your opponent's flag.

10. Which piece does a player have the greatest quantity of?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: scout

At eight pieces, a player has the greatest quantity of scouts. A player has one marshal, two colonels, and six nonmovable bombs. Scouts are among the lowest ranked pieces, having a rank of 2.

11. What is the only piece that can move more than one square at a time?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Scout

The Scout can move any number of squares, and is generally used on "suicide missions" to force the opponent to reveal the rank of his pieces.

12. I'd better watch out I don't attack my opponent's bombs. Which is the only piece that can defuse a bomb?

From Quiz Don't Be Bored, Game!

Answer: Sapper

When a piece attacks an enemy bomb that piece is destroyed and removed from the board. The only exception to that rule is the sapper (sometimes called miner). When a sapper attacks an enemy bomb that bomb is removed from the board. Beware that there are six enemy bombs and there are only five sappers at your disposal, so you'd better guard your sappers carefully.

13. What is the only piece that is not killed by a bomb?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Miner

Miners are valuable in that only they can defuse a bomb. There is no piece called the Bomb Squad Technician.

14. Each player begins the game with seven pieces that are what?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: nonmovable

At the beginning of the game, there are seven nonmovable pieces: six bombs and one flag. There are also 33 movable pieces for each player. During the game, if a player notices a piece not moving, it can be suspected that the piece is either a bomb or a flag.

15. There are two ways to win. The most common way (and the stated objective) is to capture the opponent's flag. The other is to make it so your opponent has no _______ pieces.

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: movable

Bombs and the flag cannot move, so if all other pieces are captured and the player cannot move, he loses.

16. How many Majors does each player start the game with?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: 3

In addition, there is 1 Marshall, 1 General, 2 Colonels, 4 Captains, 4 Lieutenants, 4 Sergeants, 5 Miners, 8 Scouts, 1 Spy, 6 Bombs, and 1 Flag for a total of 40 peieces to each player.

17. Suppose an opponent's flag is completely surrounded by bombs and you have no miners. Is it still possible for you to capture the opponent's flag or win the game?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: You can still win, but not by capturing the flag.

The only way for a bomb to be removed from the game is to have a miner, which has a rank of 3, attack the bomb. However, if the opponent has no movable pieces, then it is still possible for you to win the game.

18. Which manner are the pieces NOT allowed to move?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Diagonally

All pieces (except bombs and flags) can move 1 square forward, backward, or sideways, but not diagonally. The Scout can move any number of squares forward, backward or sideways, and you can move onto a square occupied by your opponent (thereby starting a challenge or battle), with the highest ranking piece staying there.

19. The goal of the game is to capture my opponent's flag. My opponent has placed his flag behind bombs and all my pieces that can defuse bombs are gone. Is there a way I can still win the game?

From Quiz Don't Be Bored, Game!

Answer: Yes, when neither flag is captured and my opponent has no more movable pieces left

In most cases the game is won when a player captures the flag of his opponent. However, it may happen that the enemy flag is hidden behind bombs and all your sappers are already removed from the board. In that case it is no longer possible to take the enemy flag. The only other way to win is to capture all your opponent's movable pieces. Of course you also win when you do still have sappers and your opponent runs out of pieces before you take his flag. In case the game ends up in a situation where neither player has a realistic chance of winning players can always agree to call it a draw.

20. Which piece has the advantage of being able to move multiple spaces?

From Quiz Stratego (1999)

Answer: scout

A scout can move multiple spaces. However, doing so will give away its rank. The best strategy is if a player is going to move that piece several spaces, to attack a piece on the same turn as making the long move.

21. What two obstacles in the middle of the board do both players have to move their pieces around?

From Quiz Stratego

Answer: Lakes

Perhaps if there was an Admiral or Commodore, he could go through the lakes instead of around them.

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