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Van Gogh Vincent Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Van Gogh Vincent Quizzes, Trivia

Vincent Van Gogh Trivia

Vincent Van Gogh Trivia Quizzes

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These quizzes focus on the art, rather than the troubled life, of Vincent van Gogh. More quizzes about him can be found in the People category.
4 quizzes and 40 trivia questions.
10 Paintings Vincent van Gogh
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Come explore some of the most influential paintings of this master Dutch post-impressionist who went from a relative failure in his time to one of the most famous painters in the world.
Easier, 10 Qns, trident, May 01 20
trident editor
May 01 20
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  The Art of Sports   best quiz  
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 10 Qns
We're all here, waiting for the climax of brush on canvas. What has Van Gogh got in store for us this time? Can you figure out which painting is being described in the sports commentary-style questions?
Average, 10 Qns, AcrylicInk, Dec 29 23
AcrylicInk gold member
Dec 29 23
335 plays
  "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh   great trivia quiz  
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This quiz tests players' knowledge of one of the most well-known paintings in history. Best of luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Triviaballer, Jun 10 24
Triviaballer gold member
Jun 10 24
1954 plays
  Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics    
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 10 Qns
Some simple, introductory questions on the life and art of this troubled artist.
Average, 10 Qns, Clevercalvin, Dec 15 21
Dec 15 21
732 plays

Vincent Van Gogh Trivia Questions

1. Although Vincent van Gogh was born in Holland, most of his artistic life was spent away from his home country. Where was this?

From Quiz
Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: France

France has always been very influential in the art and fashion world. Many continental artists either vacation or study in France for various reasons including the 'light' and Parisian influence. Many European movements at the time had their roots in the French art establishment.

2. In what city was Vincent van Gogh living when he completed "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: Saint-Rémy

Vincent van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert, the Netherlands in 1853. During his life van Gogh lived in Brussels, Etten, Drenthe, The Hague, Nuenen, Antwerp, Paris, Arles and Saint-Rémy.

3. In contrast to his later works, what are the main characteristics of van Gogh's early works?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: Dark, sombre colours with meticulous shading and brushwork

His subject matter was also heavy and almost depressing. It is in these early works, and especially the charcoal drawings, that his depiction of form and volume can be seen to develop.

4. In what year did Vincent van Gogh complete "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: 1889

Vincent van Gogh completed "The Starry Night" about a year before his death in 1890. He began this masterpiece while at the mental hospital Saint-Paul-de-Mausole in Saint-Rémy.

5. Van Gogh only went for formal art training in his late twenties; where did he go?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: The Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp in 1886

Vincent rejected formal schooling, preferring to learn on his own. It was of necessity that he obtained his Matriculation from the school for a better theoretical grounding. His work after Antwerp shows far more experimentation with colour and light.

6. Who did Vincent van Gogh send "The Starry Night" to so that it could be displayed in Paris?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: Theo van Gogh

Theo van Gogh was Vincent van Gogh's younger brother, and, outside of Paul Gauguin, probably the person he was closest to. Theo worked as an art dealer in Paris and helped increase the popularity of artists like Claude Monet and Edgar Degas.

7. Many prints are seen hanging on the walls of his studio in some of van Gogh's paintings. What prints were these?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: Japanese woodblock prints

These prints were flooding the European markets from the East. They had a profound influence on many artists and the way they structured their compositions.

8. What are the dimensions of the painting "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: 73 x 92 cm

The average size for a painting is about 25 x 34 cm so "The Starry Night" has an area about eight times that of the average painting. By comparison, Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is 77 x 53 cm, occupying an area about 60% as large as "The Starry Night".

9. We're back on the river in Arles and what a night it is! The gas lamps are burning and the yellow stars are bursting out of the sky. The couple on the bank cannot believe their eyes! Which landscape did Van Gogh paint in 1888?

From Quiz The Art of Sports

Answer: Starry Night over the Rhone

Vincent Van Gogh was intrigued by the effects of light at night and viewed painting it as a challenge. Around the same time as creating "Starry Night over the Rhone", he painted a few different pieces with the night sky as a main component. The gas lamps that lit the quayside were a relatively new invention and their reflection in the river in this painting is mesmerising. John Constable painted "The Hay Wain" and "Rain, Steam and Speed" while "The Great Western Railway" was by J.M.W. Turner.

10. Van Gogh was a very prolific painter, at one point producing a painting a day. Which work is considered (by many) to be his first formal painting?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: The Potato Eaters, 1885

While in Neunen, over a period of two years, he produced more than 200 watercolours and drawings.

11. What type of moon is visible in the painting "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: Crescent moon

The large orange-yellow crescent moon is located in the top-right corner of the painting. A large circular glow surrounds the moon.

12. Blue door comes in, crosses to red tiled floor. Onions at the back but straw seat charges in front. In 1888, which painting did Van Gogh create to accompany "Gauguin's Chair"?

From Quiz The Art of Sports

Answer: Van Gogh's Chair

"Gauguin's Chair" and "Van Gogh's Chair" were both painted around the same time in 1888. Van Gogh was an admirer of Paul Gauguin's work and invited the artist to stay with him in Arles. He hoped that they would work together and inspire each other. Things didn't go to plan. The relationship became strained and after the infamous incident with a razor (Van Gogh severed part of his ear), Gaugin left Arles for good. The two paintings of chairs symbolise the differences between the two artists. "Gauguin's Chair" is full of bold, rich colours. "Van Gogh's Chair" is a simple kitchen chair with a pipe and a screwed-up piece of paper resting on the seat.

13. While in the South of France, van Gogh convinced one of his contemporaries to come and spend time with him; who was this?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: Paul Gauguin

Although the two did not get on from the start, Vincent held Gauguin in high regard and valued his input. Although they disagreed on many points, Gauguin had a profound influence, not only on van Gogh's style, but also his philosophies. There is speculation that the failed friendship caused van Gogh to settle deeper into his depression, evident in the darker nature of his later works.

14. How many stars are visible in van Gogh's "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: 11

The eleven stars vary in size with the largest one being located in the foreground. There are approximately four rows of stars: five in the top row, two on the second, one on the third and three on the bottom row. The eleven stars in the painting may be a reference to Genesis 37:9 which reads as follows: "And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me."

15. Vincent van Gogh had a brother who worked in an art gallery. What was his name?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: Theo

Theo was Vincent's younger brother who ended up being a form of benefactor to him. It was due to Theo's 'patronage' that van Gogh could continue his artistic development.

16. What tall object stands in the foreground of "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: A cypress tree

The large cypress tree looks almost like a large greenish-brown flame. The cypress tree dwarfs the church steeple located further back in the painting.

17. They think it's all over - it is now. The only thing left is smouldering tobacco. Which painting did Van Gogh create while studying at an art school in Antwerp in 1886?

From Quiz The Art of Sports

Answer: Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette

"Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette" was probably painted while Van Gogh was studying at an art academy in Antwerp. The instructors often used skeletons to teach about anatomy. Some consider the cigarette in a skeleton's mouth a joke, while others think it is a comment on the lifelessness of the subject that students had to draw at the school. Kenneth Wolstenholme was a football commentator who famously said, "They think it's all over. It is now," at the end of the 1966 World Cup Final when England had beaten West Germany. "Man Smoking a Pipe" was a painting by Paul Cezanne. "Dogs Playing Poker" was a series of paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge.

18. At this point (1850 - 1900) in the history of art a lot of new styles were emerging. Into which category was Vincent van Gogh slotted?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: Dutch Post Impressionism

Impressionism got its name after a painting by Claude Monet, "Impression, soleil levant" (Impression, Sunrise) of 1872. The impressionists used a style of minimal detail and manipulation of light to create only an impression of their subject. This style gave rise to even more experimenting with light and colour later in the 19th century and into the 20th.

19. Yellow meets blue out on the street today. A crowd has gathered under the awning to watch the night unfold. Which establishment did Van Gogh paint at night in 1888?

From Quiz The Art of Sports

Answer: A cafe

"Cafe Terrace at Night" was painted in 1888. In the picture, there are people sitting under an awning outside a cafe. They are lit up by the orange light of the gas lamps - a contrast to the deep blue of the night sky behind them. Van Gogh most likely set his easel up in the street, rather than painting from memory. Astronomical data suggests that the position of the stars in the painting is correct.

20. While in the South of France, van Gogh rented a room in a building that would feature in many of his paintings. What was this place known as?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: The Yellow House

The Yellow House was located at No. 2 Place Lamartine in Arles. The light in this location was perfect for where van Gogh was at this point in his artistic development. He painted many pictures of the room in which he lived and of the house itself.

21. What museum was "The Starry Night" moved to in 1941?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: The Museum of Modern Art in New York City

Other well known works in the Museum of Modern Art include "Campbell's Soup Cans" by Andy Warhol and "The Dance" by Henri Matisse. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam contains the largest collection of Van Gogh's works including "Sunflowers", "Bedroom in Arles" and "The Potato Eaters".

22. How did van Gogh die?

From Quiz Vincent van Gogh, Some Basics

Answer: He was shot.

During the last years of his life, Vincent's depression took a tighter hold on him as evidenced in his dark and broody paintings. There is ongoing controversy over whether he shot himself or whether he was shot by someone else. What is clear is that he did not die immediately, but succumbed to infection a day later.

23. What similarly-themed work did van Gogh complete a year before "The Starry Night"?

From Quiz "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh

Answer: Starry Night Over the Rhone

"Starry Night Over the Rhone" has the same dimensions as "The Starry Night" and it shares a similar color scheme in part of the painting. Vincent van Gogh painted "Starry Night Over the Rhone" while living in Arles. The Ursa Major constellation and two lovers walking down by the river are visible in the painting.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:49 AM
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