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Camus Albert Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Camus Albert Quizzes, Trivia

Albert Camus Trivia

Albert Camus Trivia Quizzes

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This Algerian-born French author, whose works are associated with the development of absurdism, received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957, "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times."
2 Albert Camus quizzes and 20 Albert Camus trivia questions.
  "The Stranger" by Albert Camus    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Stranger" tells of a most interesting man named Meursault (pronounced Merr-so). He seems to lack ordinary human emotion while at the same time displaying a most noble honesty.
Average, 10 Qns, star_gazer, Jul 06 22
Jul 06 22
433 plays
  Albert Camus's "Meursault"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz on "The Stranger" and "A Happy Death". Both of these books feature a guy in the same situation and leading a different life until his death. They have the same last name but may or may not be the same guy.
Average, 10 Qns, neigh101, Jul 06 22
Jul 06 22
127 plays

Albert Camus Trivia Questions

1. In what country does "The Stranger" take place?

From Quiz
"The Stranger" by Albert Camus

Answer: Algeria

Meursault was a French Algerian, as was Albert Camus. In "The Stranger", Meursault mirrors Camus in a number of other ways. Camus was brought up in near poverty and Meursault is a man also of little money. Meursault works as a clerk, work that Camus had once also done. And Meursault is an atheist, as was Camus.

2. At the start of the novel, Meursault is traveling to attend the funeral of who?

From Quiz "The Stranger" by Albert Camus

Answer: His mother

The book opens with Meursault on a bus, then he arrives at the nursing home where his mother lived, he attends her wake, and then her funeral. During these events he never expresses any sorrow for the death of his mother. He remains very calm and carefully observes all that he sees when at the nursing home. He thinks fondly of his mother but does not miss her in any fashion.

3. In "The Stranger", what fact is brought up at Meursault's trial that the judge keeps focusing on, even though it is probably irrelevant?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: he didn't cry at his mother's funeral

The judge keeps bringing up the fact that Meursault put his mother in a retirement home, and that he didn't cry at her funeral. He thinks that this makes him a monster and proves him guilty. Meursault does not have faith in god. He doesn't believe in god. This is also used against him.

4. In "A Happy Death", what does Patrice Meursault continually forget to buy in Europe?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: a comb

He forgets to buy a comb, so he decides to buy one when he goes out. Every day, he goes out to the same restaurant and forgets to buy a comb.

5. In "A Happy Death" Patrice Meursault spends time at the home of three young women. What does he refer to them as?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: his daughters

They are not his real daughters. They are female friends of his, none of whom has any romance with him, who are younger than he is.

6. Each of the Meursault characters marries his girlfriend, but what does each of them say about their marriage?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: it won't make any difference if they are married or not

The Mersault in "The Stranger" marries Marie. She knows that he does not love her, but she wants to marry him anyway. The Meursault in "A Happy Death" loses contact with Marie, after he murders Zagreus and leaves town. He meets another woman whom he marries.

7. In "A Happy Death", why does Patrice Meursault murder Roland Zagreus?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: to rob him

Zagreus tells him that he has lots of money in his chest, along with a gun and a suicide note. Every time he tries to kill himself, he decides to go on living for a few more days.

8. In "The Stranger", why does Meursault kill the Arab?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: to defend his friend

The Arab is angry with Meursault's friend, Raymond, for the way he treated his sister after Raymond found out she was cheating on him. The Arab stabs Raymond with a knife. Later, in the boiling heat, they run into him again and he flashes his knife. Meursault isn't in control of himself and he hadn't been planning on killing the Arab, but he does.

9. In "A Happy Death" how does Patrice Meursault die?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: heart failure

The doctor checks on him and tells him that he has heart failure and is going to die. He isn't afraid of death. Only people who haven't lived are afraid to die. He's happy that he lived.

10. In "The Stranger" how is Meursault going to die?

From Quiz Albert Camus's "Meursault"

Answer: he is going to be executed

He is beheaded by the guillotine. He convinces himself that he wants to see the audience hate him.

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