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A Tale of Two Cities Trivia Quizzes

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If you've played a lot of games here, you will be familiar with the fact that the two cities are London and Paris, during the time of the French Revolution.
7 quizzes and 96 trivia questions.
  'A Tale of Two Cities' Introduction   great trivia quiz  
Fun Fill-It
 16 Qns
The opening line of Charles Dickens' 'A Tale of Two Cities' is very well known - but how well do you know the rest of the introduction to this classic novel?
Easier, 16 Qns, Stoaty, Sep 25 24
Stoaty gold member
Sep 25 24
132 plays
  The French Revolution According to Dickens    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The is my quiz on Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities", which centered around the French Revolution and the states that England and Paris were in during this time period.
Tough, 10 Qns, jesselvr23, Jan 18 15
1154 plays
  What do you know about A Tale of Two Cities?    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a general quiz on the novel 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens.
Average, 15 Qns, image22, Dec 03 15
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
2563 plays
  Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Dickens said it was the best story he had written. Every event and every character in this 1859 novel is part of a highly sophisticated plot.
Tough, 20 Qns, queenofsheba, Apr 09 17
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
1396 plays
  "Tale of Two Cities" Characters    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
I have just recently finished Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities" and thoroughly enjoyed it. How well do you know the characters? How easily do you think you could name a character based on a short description? Give it a shot!
Average, 15 Qns, laurieisabelca, Oct 17 12
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
1523 plays
  How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz was originally made for my English class. I thought I'd share it with you all. :) It's 10 multiple choice questions based on the book. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, MmeGrantaire, Nov 28 11
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
450 plays
  Multiple Choice Quiz about A Tale of Two Cities    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well to you know the Charles Dickens classic about the French Revolution? Try your luck at this ten question quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, kdizogg, Jul 27 09
Recommended for grades: 9,10,11,12
1130 plays
trivia question Quick Question
For how long was Doctor Manette 'buried alive' before he was taken back to England by Mr. Lorry and Lucie?

From Quiz "How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?""

A Tale of Two Cities Trivia Questions

1. In this story, the two cities the title refers to are...

From Quiz
A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: London and Paris

These two cities were under a lot of stress during this time period. Britain had just lost its colonies in America and the British and French were not very fond of each other, not to mention the impending revolution in France.

2. What type of novel is "A Tale of Two Cities"?

From Quiz Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Answer: Historical novel

A historical novel takes place in a historical period, before the author was born. The story is invented, but the background is based on real events. Other examples are Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe".

3. Who is "the jackal"?

From Quiz "Tale of Two Cities" Characters

Answer: Sydney Carton

Carton is first referred to as "the jackal" in Chapter 5 of Book 2. Note how this name is rather ironic since, while Carton does scavenge off the success of Mr. Stryver, he does the work himself.

4. Between what years did the book take place?

From Quiz The French Revolution According to Dickens

Answer: 1775-1793

The book starts out in 1775, the year that Dr. Manette is released from the Bastille, and also the year that he finally meets his daughter, Lucie. In Book the Second, it is five years later (1780), and then it skips later to 1789, and then to 1792 and 1793. It also cites many events happening to the characters in the years 1781.

5. This book is about which two cities, in which century?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: Paris and London (18th century)

The story mainly takes place in Paris during the French Revolution but London is also an important place in the book. It starts in 1775.

6. It was the [best] of times, it was the [worst] of times, it was the age of [wisdom], it was the age of [foolishness], it was the epoch of [belief], it was the epoch of [incredulity], it was the season of [light], it was the season of [darkness], it was the spring of [hope], it was the winter of [despair], we had [everything] before us, we had [nothing] before us, we were all going direct to [Heaven], we were all going direct the [other way] - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for [good] or for [evil], in the superlative degree of comparison only.

From Quiz 'A Tale of Two Cities' Introduction


'A Tale of Two Cities' is a novel originally published in 1859 by the English author Charles Dickens. The plot of the novel takes place during the French Revolution and is set in London and Paris, which are the two cities of its title. The novel has a complex plot revolving around a young woman, Lucie Manette, living in London and her father, Dr Alexandre Manette, who has been freed by revolutionaries from the Bastille prison after 18 years imprisonment, along with the tribulations of the French spy Charles Darnay. The opening of the novel, especially the first line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times", has become especially well known. While the story is set during the French Revolution, Dickens is not always particularly accurate in his history often preferring the dramatic over the accurate, although there is evidence he referred to Thomas Carlyle's history of the period as a source while writing the novel.

7. What is Mr. Lorry's occupation?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?"

Answer: banker

He works for Tellson's Bank in London.

8. The story starts out with Mr. Lorry of Tellson's Bank traveling in a carriage. A person rides up on a horse with a message for him that says "Recalled to Life." Who is this messenger?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: Jerry Cruncher

Jerry is the messenger for Tellson's Bank in London and one of Mr. Lorry's friends.

9. Dickens studied "The French Revolution: A History" to prepare himself. Who wrote this essay?

From Quiz Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Answer: Thomas Carlyle

A lot of details in France are based on fragments of this essay. Dickens also visited France and read works by French authors. Carlyle opposed the methods of the radical republicans, who killed a lot of people via the guillotine. This opinion is echoed in "A Tale of Two Cities", although Dickens agreed with the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity.

10. Who is "a taxing functionary and postmaster"?

From Quiz "Tale of Two Cities" Characters

Answer: Gabelle

Gabelle describes himself in his letter to Charles Darnay at the end of book 2. It is his letter that draws Charles to Paris.

11. How old was Charles Darnay at the trial at the beginning of Book the Second, "The Golden Thread"?

From Quiz The French Revolution According to Dickens

Answer: 25

This is mentioned briefly as Dickens describes Darnay.

12. What was the name of the man who brought Lucie Manette to her father in Defarge's wine shop?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: Mr. Lorry

Mr. Lorry brought her there 'as a matter of business' because of his job at Tellson's bank but he grew to become close friends with the family.

13. 'It was the best of times, it was the __________________,'

From Quiz 'A Tale of Two Cities' Introduction

Answer: worst of times

14. What are the 'two cities' of the title?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?"

Answer: Paris and London

The novel is set before and during the French Revolution.

15. What did Miss Manette think Tellson's Bank had found when she arrived at Dover to meet with Mr. Lorry?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: some of her father's goods that had been lost

She thought she was only going to claim some of her family's things, but she found out that she would be going on a quest to find her long lost father.

16. The opening sentence contains 118 words. What stylistic device did Dickens use in it?

From Quiz Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Answer: paradox

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." Best-worst, wisdom-foolishness etc. are paradoxes. These contradictory ideas are used to express an underlying truth.

17. Who is "the Doctor of Beauvais"?

From Quiz "Tale of Two Cities" Characters

Answer: Alexandre Manette

Alexandre Manette is referred to as "the Doctor of Beauvais" during Darnay's second and third trials: in the second trial, when the citizens of Paris recognize him; and in the third, during the reading of his letter of denunciation.

18. What did Gaspard write on a wall of Saint Antoine with wine?

From Quiz The French Revolution According to Dickens

Answer: Blood

He writes this with the wine that spills into the street in front of the Defarges' wine shop.

19. What did Mr. Cruncher's son find his father doing one night?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: opening a coffin

Little Jerry Cruncher followed his dad outside one night when he claimed he was going fishing.

20. 'It was the age of wisdom, it was the _______________,'

From Quiz 'A Tale of Two Cities' Introduction

Answer: age of foolishness

21. Who is the younger sister spoken of in this passage? "I took my young sister (for I have another) to a place beyond the reach of this man, and where, at least, she will never be his vassal."

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?"

Answer: Madame Defarge

Madame Defarge seeks revenge against Darnay, because his family, the St. Evremondes, raped her sister and killed her brother.

22. Where did Lucie and Mr. Lorry go in Paris to find Dr. Manette?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: behind a wine-shop

The wine shop is the same one that is owned by the Defarges.

23. What is Jarvis Lorry's cryptic message in Book One?

From Quiz Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Answer: Recalled to life

Mr Manette has been in prison for eighteen years, while his daughter Lucie thought he was dead. Now he's free, so he's "recalled to life". Jerry Cruncher has to bring this message to Lucie Manette, but doesn't understand it himself.

24. Who was the messenger for Tellson's Bank?

From Quiz The French Revolution According to Dickens

Answer: Jerry Cruncher

He would also dig up graves at night, which was, later on, how he knew that Roger Cly wasn't dead.

25. What did Mrs. Cruncher do that made Mr. Cruncher furious?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: prayed

He told her to stop flopping about and praying. He believed that she was praying against him and everything bad that happened to him was her fault.

26. 'It was the epoch of belief, it was the ______________,'

From Quiz 'A Tale of Two Cities' Introduction

Answer: epoch of incredulity

27. Who was the only person to hear Sydney's last words to Lucie?

From Quiz How Well Do You Know "A Tale of Two Cities?"

Answer: Little Lucie

Lucie was unconscious at the time. Only her daughter heard Sydney say, "A life you love."

28. What was Dr. Manette doing when Lucie and Mr. Lorry found him?

From Quiz A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: making shoes

To cope with the horrors he had witnessed in the Bastille, Dr. Manette made shoes. This was also a job they made him do in the Bastille, so he was quite skilled at it.

29. In which city do Jarvis Lorry and Lucie Manette meet each other in the beginning of the novel?

From Quiz Charles Dickens: "A Tale of Two Cities"

Answer: Dover

He has to wait for Lucie to go to Paris with her. Beauvais is where Doctor Manette lived in 1757. The rest of the story takes place in Paris and London, the "two cities". Jarvis Lorry already met Lucie before; he brought her from France to London when she was two years old.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:47 AM
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