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World Is Not Enough The Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
World Is Not Enough The Quizzes, Trivia

The World Is Not Enough Trivia

The World Is Not Enough Trivia Quizzes

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  7. James Bond

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3 quizzes and 30 trivia questions.
  10 Question The World Is Not Enough Quiz    
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 10 Qns
This is my second favourite Bond movie. I hope you enjoy my quiz as much as I enjoy watching the film!
Average, 10 Qns, ZeroG, May 15 06
2481 plays
  007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The World Is Not Enough" was made in 1999 and starred Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, Robert Carlyle and Denise Richards. Here are some questions on who said what. Enjoy! :)
Average, 10 Qns, Legend007, Nov 27 16
2283 plays
  Average The World is Not Enough Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'The World is Not Enough' is the Bond family motto.
Average, 10 Qns, fred89, Sep 14 08
3093 plays

The World Is Not Enough Trivia Questions

1. Who are the two Bond girls in this film?

From Quiz
The World Is Not Enough

Answer: Christmas Jones & Elektra King

Christmas Jones is played by Denise Richards, and Elektra King is played by Sophie Marceau.

2. "Perhaps you have failed to take into account my hidden assets."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: James Bond

James Bond said this while he was in the Swiss banker's office. After saying that line he pressed a button on his glasses and his gun exploded, emitting a stun gas enabling him to attack the guards to get to Lachaise.

3. What did one of Renard's men take out of the nuclear bomb while Bond was watching?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: The locator chip

That was the 'key' to the bomb.

4. At the end of the film, how does Renard die?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: A rod of plutonium shot into his stomach

Renard is played by Robert Carlyle.

5. "Oh Moneypenny, the story of our relationship - close but no cigar."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: James Bond

Bond said this to Moneypenny after she throws the cigar tube that Bond brought for her.

6. How many turns did the torture chair take to break someone's neck?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: 6

Very painful.

7. What are the missing words in this quote? " You can't kill me Bond, not in ___ ___?"

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: cold blood

Elektra says this when she is climbing the stairs and Bond is running after her. When they reach the top, Bond shoots her. "I never miss" says Bond.

8. "Stop, stop. It isn't finished."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: Q

Q was calling out to Bond after he took his boat in order to chase the Bilbao Cigar Girl.

9. Who was Valentin killed by?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: Elektra

While Valentin was dying he rescued James.

10. "Remember shadows stay in front or behind, never on top."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: M

M said this to Bond whilst telling him his mission, to protect Elektra King.

11. What were the last words of the lady in the hot air balloon?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: Not from him

Later she was killed when the balloon blew up.

12. What possession of Q's does Bond take near the beginning of the film?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: His fishing boat

This 'Fishing' boat is armed with torpedoes! It can go underwater and can even go on land.

13. "This isn't a social call. Head for the gully, I'll lead them into the trees. Go, go."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: James Bond

Bond said this to Elektra after they witnessed 4 Para hawks coming towards them whilst they were checking the survey lines.

14. What is Christmas's last name?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: Jones

I am glad I don't have the first name of Christmas.

15. In the chase at the start, Bond smashes ______ to pieces?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: a cafe

He also swamps two traffic wardens, flies through a boathouse, demolishes a market, drives under a lowered drawbridge, crushes the back of the assassin's boat, bounces over speed bumps placed in the water for some reason and finally he drives into a pond among many startled pedestrians!

16. "See you back at the lodge."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: James Bond

Bond said this after one of the Para hawks flew of the mountain. Bond's smile soon disappeared when the Para hawk opened up a new parachute.

17. What was Elektra going to tell Renard when Bond killed her?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: Dive!

Too bad she didn't listen to James.

18. When Bond is tied to 'The Chair', how does Valentin help him?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: He shoots the lock off the chair

After he does this, (using his walking stick gun!) he dies. Then Bond grabs Elektra after she comes over and kicks her away. Then he escapes.

19. "Why am I suddenly worried I'm not carrying enough insurance?"

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: Valentin Zukovsky

Valentin Zukovsky said this after Bond was holding a gun up to him in his casino.

20. What did James tell Christmas in Russian?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: I studied at Oxford.

James actually went to Cambridge.

21. According to Dr Jones, how old is Dr Arkov, the man Bond is impersonating?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: 63

I'm surprised they didn't notice this earlier!

22. "There's no point in living if you can't feel alive."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: Elektra King

Elektra said this to Bond after she lost $1 million in Zukovsky's casino. (Note: Renard does say a line similar to what Elektra says but it is slightly different. Renard said: "After all, what's the point in living if you can't feel alive.")

23. How many people did Elektra kill to escape from Renard?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: 2

She is a very cruel person.

24. How many helicopters does Bond shoot down at the caviar factory?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: 2

He shoots down the first one with the missile in his car, which then gets chopped in half by the second. ("Q won't like this...") Then he opens the gas valve, grabs a flare gun, fires and ignites the gas. Kaboom! Two choppers down!

25. "You can't kill me, I'm already dead."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: Renard

Renard said this to Bond whilst Bond had a gun at his head in the underground nuclear weapons base.

26. Why did Valentin fall in the caviar?

From Quiz The World Is Not Enough

Answer: He jumped to get out the way of the blades

Bond then pulled him out after he gave him all sorts of interesting information.

27. "But the world's greatest terrorist running around with 6kg of weapon's grade plutonium can't be good."

From Quiz 007: Who Said That? - "The World Is Not Enough"

Answer: Dr. Christmas Jones

Dr. Jones said this to Bond after they faced near death in Elektra's pipeline. They managed to remove the plutonium from the bomb in the pipeline and lead Elektra to believe they were dead.

28. What was Renard putting in the 'engine' of the nuclear sub?

From Quiz The World is Not Enough

Answer: Plutonium

Putting plutonium in the engine can't be good.

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