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Assault on Precinct 13 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Assault on Precinct 13 Quizzes, Trivia

Assault on Precinct 13 Trivia

Assault on Precinct 13 Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 35 trivia questions.
  25 Assault on Precinct 13 Questions    
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 25 Qns
After "Dark Star", John Carpenter made his name with this 1976 urban horror tale about a police station besieged by a murderous street gang. Next came "Halloween"...and fame!
Average, 25 Qns, tjoebigham, Feb 17 05
1061 plays
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Hello! This will be a quiz on my favorite cult film. Some of the acting is mediocre at best, but the disturbing tone and violence of the movie make it a cult classic! Rent it!
Average, 10 Qns, roland_cj, Feb 19 05
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How many bullets does it take Lt. Ethan Bishop to shoot the tank at the end of the movie?

From Quiz "Assault on Precinct 13"

Assault on Precinct 13 Trivia Questions

1. What classic 50's western did Carpenter base this movie on?

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Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Rio Bravo

Carpenter wanted to do a western but was hampered by a B-movie budget. So he took the main plotline of his hero Howard Hawks' "Rio Bravo" - lawmen fighting bad guys from springing a jailed killer - to modern-day L.A (crossed with "Night of the Living Dead"!). The other movies - John Sturges' "Escape", Hathaway's "Rawhide" and Budd Boettcher's "Tall T" - have similar plotlines, though.

2. Who directed "Assault on Precinct 13"?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: John Carpenter

His more recent films have not been as good as the ones he made in the 70's!

3. Carpenter not only wrote, directed and composed the score, but also edited. Under what name?

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Answer: John T. Chance

Carpenter's pseudonym is a tribute to "Rio Bravo"; it was the name of John Wayne's stalwart sheriff in the film. Duke also played Ethan in John Ford's masterwork "The Searchers", Sean in Hawks' "Hatari!" and Wedge in the WW2 actioner "The Fighting Seabees" (Carpenter also gave hiself a cameo as one of the attacking gang members!).

4. What were the ethnicities of the four head gang members?

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Answer: Black, Oriental, Chicano, White

The four diverse head gang members join forces against the police. Cool scene!

5. What is the film's fictional setting?

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Answer: Anderson, California

Anderson is the fictional ghetto Carpenter laid his story in. Haddonfield is the setting for "Halloween", Sherwood Anderson (coincidence!) created Winesburg and Stephen King made Castle Rock.

6. What is the name of the street gang?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Street Thunder

The Warriors were lensed by Walter Hill in the film of the same name, the Jets were from "West Side Story" and the T-Birds were from "Grease"!

7. Who wrote the music for this movie?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: John Carpenter

Wow! Only John Carpenter can take a few easily written and performed notes of music and turn it into an eerie, surreal atmosphere, ex. "Halloween"! The music makes this movie - it raises the hair on the back of your neck.

8. How many gang members were slain in the opening scene?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 6

Two police snipers ambushed and killed six members of the gang.

9. How many bullets does it take Lt. Ethan Bishop to shoot the tank at the end of the movie?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 3

The sound of violence in this scene is unsettling, to say the least.

10. What had the gang stolen?

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Answer: guns

In the scene following the ambush, we see an opened crate of guns, obviously stolen by the gang from a police armory.

11. How does the character Wells die?

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Answer: Shot in the head

He should have checked the back seat. Has a great quote in the movie: "Two cops wishin' me luck, I'm doomed!" The actor Tony Burton plays Wells. Tony plays Duke in the 'Rocky' movies (Apollo and Rocky's trainer).

12. What do we see four gang leaders do in their hideout?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: take a blood oath to avenge their comrades

Vowing to avenge their fallen members, the four warlords cut their forearms with switchblades and pour their blood into a bowl. This blood oath is called a "chulo". Later three members toss the blood before the door of the police station as a "chulo" for the people inside. It means the fight is to the death, and they will enter the building and kill them all, no matter how many of them die! A similar threat to Wayne and his crew was in "Rio Bravo".

13. What was the name of the infamous convict in the movie?

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Answer: Napoleon

Great character in the movie, very confident and cocky but comes off subtle.

14. What is the protagonist's name?

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Answer: Ethan Bishop

Austin Stoker played the heroic black policeman. Kurt Russell was Carpenter's Plissken ("Escape From New York") and Burton ("Big Trouble in Little China") and Clint Eastwood was "Dirty Harry" Callahan.

15. According to the LA Times, what director(s) stated one of his favorite movies of all time was "Assault on Precinct 13"?

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Answer: Quentin Tarantino

Also another great cult movie director!

16. What was his assignment?

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Answer: oversee a closing station in Anderson

A closed police station in Venice, Ca. was the film's station, to be watched over on its last night by Bishop, who was born and raised in Anderson. He wanted a chance to be a hero, and as they say, be careful what you wish for...!

17. What movie and director shows a reference to "Assault on Precinct 13"?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: "From Dusk Till Dawn", Quentin Tarantino

The character Scott Fuller, portrayed by Ernest Liu, wears a T-shirt throughout the movie stating: "Precinct 13" Also another great movie, directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Quentin Tarantino.

18. What's the nickname of convicted killer Wilson, about to be transported to prison?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Napoleon

The late actor Darwin Josten gave a riveting performance as the sardonic murderer who becomes a hero in the siege on the police station.

19. How many people in the precinct survive at the end of the movie?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 4

Napoleon, Leigh, Lt. Ethan Bishop and don't forget Lawson the hysterical man who never explains why he's there or what he did. Austin Stoker portrays Lt. Ethan Bishop, a great 70's African American actor who does a great job in this movie.

20. What is the prison number given to Wilson?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 1629

The other numbers are historical dates.

21. Who are the other two cons being transported with Wilson?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Cordell and Wells

Cordell is the sickly one always coughing and Wells is the bald black con (Tony Burton) who is Wilson's chief antagonist. Milton and Small are the duo of Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men", Howard and Fine are the names of the original Three Stooges, and Panama and Frank are an American film makng team responsible for such films as the Danny Kaye vehicle "The Court Jester".

22. How many female speaking parts are in the film?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 3

They are: Laurie Zimmer as secretary Leigh, Nancy Loomis ("Halloween") as secretary Julie, and young Kim Richards as Kathy Lawson, the little girl whose murder by the gang sets off the assualt in the title.

23. What address was the station being transferred to?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: 1977 Ellendale Place

We see it on the sign Bishop hammers into the ground outside the station. In fact, it was the real-life address Carpenter stayed at when he first came to Hollywood. Archie Bunker and the Munsters are at the first two and the last is from the comic strip of the same name, which I've done a quiz on!

24. Why does the prison bus stop at the precinct?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Cordell is coughing

The keepers think Cordell may have a contagious disease, so they leave him and the others in the holding cells at the precinct until morning, when they can have Cordell examined (tuberculosis, maybe?).

25. Who played the warlord who killed Kathy Lawson and the ice cream man?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Frank Doubleday

Doubleday (no relation to Abner or publisher Frank) was the white warlord in the blood oath scene, and he killed Kathy and the vendor with a Luger pistol. Doubleday later appeared in Carpenter's "Escape From New York". I think he bears a slight resemblance to actor Willem Dafoe.

26. Who shot and killed Kathy's killer?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Kathy's father

Kathy's father (Martin West) tracked and killed Doubleday's thug, then fled from the gang until he reached Precinct 13, where he was protected by Bishop and the rest. The vengeful gang then began their siege on the station.

27. Who is first to die in the siege?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Chaney

Chaney, played by Henry Brandon, is the desk officer Bishop meets when he arrives. When the station lights go out, Chaney goes out to investigate and is mowed down by a silenced rifle. Julie, Cordell and the keepers are all wiped out afterwards.

28. What arm is Leigh wounded in?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: right

She's wounded by an invading gang member but doesn't make a sound, and she gives the punk a classic groin kick! Whatta gal!

29. Throughout the film Wilson asks for a smoke. Who finally gives him one?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: Leigh

Hawks often used the device of one character giving another a cigarette and light. Here Leigh shows her respect for Wilson is classic Hawksian fashion.

30. What is used to barricade a door?

From Quiz Assault on Precinct 13

Answer: a Coke vending machine

It's an old style Coke bottle vending machine.

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