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3 Sleuth quizzes and 30 Sleuth trivia questions.
  Sleuth (1972)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz consists of ten questions about the unique and superb 1972 film, that has more twists than Chubby Checker's fan club.
Easier, 10 Qns, linus_337, Feb 28 21
Feb 28 21
267 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is an oldie but a goldy starring Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier. All questions are multiple choice or T/F.
Average, 10 Qns, skunkee, Feb 08 04
skunkee gold member
401 plays
  "Sleuth" Quotes    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quick quiz on some quotes from the movie "Sleuth". Just fill in the blanks. Warning: Spoilers VERY much ahead.
Tough, 10 Qns, Jacifan, Feb 08 04
213 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is the name of the character played by Michael Caine?

From Quiz "Sleuth"

Sleuth Trivia Questions

1. "There are certain skills best acquired in public bars, ________."

From Quiz
"Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: I suppose

Andrew has challenged Milo to find the room's hidden safe. Milo finds it behind a dartboard and opens it by hitting the center with a dart.

2. Who plays the young Anglo-Italian, Milo Tindle?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Michael Caine

Michael Caine was a young, up-and-coming actor at the time.

3. What is the name of the character played by Laurence Olivier?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: Andrew Wyke

Andrew Wyke is a very successful author of mystery novels.

4. "Remember... to tell them... it was only a _______ game."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: bloody

These are Milo's last words before he dies on the floor, clutching the controls to Andrew's games tightly in his hands. Andrew stands in the center of the room, in shock, as his various games and mechanical toys in the room start moving and making noise, and the police are pounding on his door.

5. Who plays the affluent member of the English gentry, Andrew Wyke?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Laurence Olivier

Laurence Olivier (later Lord Olivier) was the leading British actor of his generation. Michael Caine (later Sir Michael Caine) described "Sleuth" as the story of a duel between two men, but also as a real-life duel between the two actors, as he tried (and in my view succeeded) to match the quality of Olivier's performance. Michael Caine abstained from drinking alcohol throughout the entire shooting of "Sleuth" so that he could keep his own performance as sharp as possible.

6. What is the name of the character played by Michael Caine?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: Milo Tindle

These are all names of characters that Michael Caine has played. Sidney Bruhl is from 'Death Trap', Nigel Powers is from 'Goldmember', and Inspector Aberline is from 'Jack the Ripper'.

7. "Why don't I just keep ______ you lightly on the head with the poker until a lump comes up?"

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: tapping

Andrew wants a convincing lump on his head to substantiate his story that he had a fight with the burglar. Milo wants to use the poker, but Andrew gets nervous and keeps insisting that he only wants a small lump, and Milo shouldn't hit him too hard, at which point Milo delivers this sarcastic line.

8. What is Milo Tindle's profession?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Hairdresser

Milo owns hairdressing salons in London and Brighton. His father was a watchmaker, whose surname was Tindolini. Milo tells Wyke that, in Milo's father's day, anyone with a surname like Tindolini was expected to "make-a da ice-a cream".

9. Laurence Olivier plays an author of detective fiction. What is the name of his chief detective character?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: St. John Lord Merridew

Although all four choices are fictional dectectives, only St. John (pronounced Sinjen) was created for this movie. Alex Delaware is Jonathan Kellerman's detective psychologist, Inspector Thomas Lynley is the creation of Elizabeth George, and Detective Inspector Banks belongs to Peter Robinson.

10. What is Andrew Wyke's profession?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Crime novelist

As well as being fascinated with games-playing and make-believe, Wyke is a novelist. The literary detective he created is called St. John Lord Merrydew, who has "a nose for smelling out crime, superior to anything in the Force". Wyke is stupefied to discover that Milo has never heard of his Lordship.

11. How is Michael Caine's character dressed when he attempts to 'burgle' Laurence Olivier's house?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: As a clown.

All costumes were suggested by one of the two characters, but the clown costume was the one chosen.

12. "On the morning of his execution, King Charles the First put on two shirts. 'If I tremble with the cold," he said, 'my enemies will say it was from fear. I will not expose myself to such reproaches.' We must also ________ as you mount the scaffold."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: attempt this dignity

Andrew has just announced that he intends to kill Milo. Milo has pleaded for his life, all to no avail, and is now on his knees before Andrew, who makes this very cold-hearted remark.

13. What is the name of Wyke's wife?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Marguerite

We see a portrait of Marguerite, but never the lady herself.

14. "So I understand you wish to marry my _____."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: wife

Andrew invites Milo over to his house, and after a drink or two, he suddenly announces this. Milo admits it's true, he has been having an affair with Andrew's wife, Marguerite.

15. How does Milo know Wyke's wife?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: He is having an affair with her

Wyke "invites Milo over for a chat", when he discovers that Milo and Marguerite are having an affair.

16. Michael Caine seeks revenge on Laurence Olivier by staging a two-part game in which he claims to have murdered someone near to Laurence Olivier. Whom does he claim to have murdered?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: Olivier's mistress

She had become fed up with Olivier's degrading games and became a willing accomplice.

17. "Whatever are you doing with that _____ in your hand, my dear boy?"

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: cue

Andrew and Milo go down and play some pool. Milo picks up a cue and waits for his turn, however, Andrew gets every single ball he calls. At the end of the game he asks Milo the above question, to which Milo replies, "I was waiting for you to miss."

18. When Milo agrees to stage the burglary, what disguise does he choose from the dressing-up basket?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Clown

Complete with the wig, enormously long shoes, and huge trousers. He declines Wyke's offer of the costume comprised of a striped jersey, mask, and bag marked "swag".

19. "Over the years my eyes have been _______ trained to see things for themselves, sir."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: adequately

Andrew mentions to Inspector Doppler several things that should prove his innocence, and eagerly offers to point them out to him. Inspector Doppler replies with this.

20. What is the name of the policeman who calls at the house?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Inspector Doppler

"Inspector Plodder" is the derisive term that Wyke uses in his novels, to refer to a policeman.

21. Where does Laurence Olivier find the piece of jewelry?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: In the glass that Michael Caine is holding.

It was a crystal bracelet so it blended in easily with the ice. It was originally described as being engraved, but it's hard to imagine where you would put an inscription on crystal beads.

22. "Not to appear _______, sir, but you had better tell that to a judge."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: facetious

Andrew is panicked about the fact that he seems to be being accused of a murder he didn't commit, and frantically continues to proclaim himself innocent, to which Inspector Doppler utters the above quote.

23. Along with Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier, what is the only other name to appear in the credits in an acting role, for the part of the Inspector?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Alec Cawthorne

In my view, the part of the Inspector is played with a quality of performance that matches both Caine's Tindle and Olivier's Wyke.

24. What was interesting about the jigsaw puzzle that Laurence Olivier was working on?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: It was completely white.

Andrew Wyke considered himself to be a world-class gamesman.

25. "And now she's in love with me. And you can't ______ that."

From Quiz "Sleuth" Quotes

Answer: forgive

Milo says this to Andrew as a sort of a last dig, just moments before Andrew shoots him. Except, as we find out later, it was really a blank cartridge and Milo just fainted.

26. Which actor(s) received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor?

From Quiz Sleuth (1972)

Answer: Both of them

Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier both received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in 1973. "Sleuth" is one of those films which can justifiably be described as "remarkable", and "a classic". It is a cleverly scripted, perfectly cast, brilliantly acted masterpiece with so many twists and turns that it is a joy to watch again and again. If you haven't yet seen it - see it soon!

27. How did the movie end?

From Quiz Sleuth

Answer: Laurence Olivier shot Michael Caine just before the police arrived.

Michael Caine warned that the police were coming but, after having been fooled twice already, Olivier refused to believe him.

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