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Stuart Little Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Stuart Little Movie Trivia Quizzes

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5 Stuart Little quizzes and 45 Stuart Little trivia questions.
  Stuart Little Two   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Good luck on the quiz. If you have seen the movie, this should be simple!
Easier, 10 Qns, Princess4allu, Jun 10 07
2312 plays
  Multiple Choice Quiz about Stuart Little    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is mainly about the children's movie "Stuart Little". Most questions are multiple choice. There are questions about the technical aspects of the film. Best of luck!
Average, 10 Qns, asitpm@bom3, Oct 27 10
3344 plays
  10 Questions: Stuart Little Multiple Choice Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Test your knowledge of the film "Stuart Little".
Average, 10 Qns, z0006, Oct 07 21
Oct 07 21
175 plays
  Stuart Little Multiple Choice Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I loved this movie. Here are some questions about it! Most of the questions are about names in the movie.
Tough, 10 Qns, angelmouse, Jul 14 06
2227 plays
  Stuart Little Quiz for Experts    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
Just a short quiz about 'Stuart Little'.
Average, 5 Qns, JokerJJ, Aug 27 04
2375 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is a common belief of the Little House?

From Quiz "Stuart Little"

Stuart Little Trivia Questions

1. What happens to Stuart's car?

From Quiz
Stuart Little

Answer: It falls down into a stream of water and sinks.

When driving through any route, dead ends must be taken into account. In drastic measures, however, it can be hard to stop at dead ends. This rings true especially if the driver is being pursued by others. Ultimately, Stuart had to sacrifice the car because he was in a dire situation and reached a dead end.

2. Finish this line, " A little hi and little low, a little ______________."

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: hey a little ho

This is how the Little family greets each other.

3. What is the name of the Littles' pet cat?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Snowbell

What a name for a male cat.

4. What was the number on the school bus that George got on at the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: 2940

It is right by the door.

5. An easy one to begin with...who is Stuart Little?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: A mouse

What can I tell you about this? It was so simple.

6. While chasing Stuart, what does a cat say he hopes Stuart runs out of?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Gas

Stuart is being chased by the cats throughout Central Park. Stuart is using his car to get away from the cats. The cats become frustrated because they can't catch Stuart, so one of them says that they hope his car runs out of gas.

7. What is true about the Little house?

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: Every Little Knows Where It Is

It is said that a Little can find the Little house even if they have never been there before.

8. Who lied to Stuart and said they were his parents?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Stouts

The Stouts live on a golf course in a castle.

9. What was the name of George's uncle (his dad's brother)?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Uncle Crenshaw

10. What is Stuart's brother's name?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: George

11. What is a common belief of the Little House?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: It can be found by any Little.

The Little parents tell Stuart this at the beginning of the film. When Stuart gets lost in Central Park trying to find the Little house, he reiterates the belief. When Stuart emerges from the sewers, he immediately recognizes the Little home.

12. The Little's have a pet cat. What is the cat's name?

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: Snow Bell

Snow Bell helps Stuart. He doesn't try to eat Stuart.

13. What is the name of the person who runs the orphanage?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Mrs. Keeper

Kind of an odd name for a lady that tries to get people to adopt kids.

14. What was special about the Little house?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: It was between two big buildings.

'Every Little in the world can find this house, even if they have never been there before.'

15. What is the housecat's name?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Snowbell

16. Who is considered Snowbell's buddy?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Monty

When the gang of cats confronts Stuart and Snowbell, Monty claims he is Snowbell's buddy. This can also be seen when Monty takes Snowbell to see Smokey to devise a plan to kill Stuart. Stuart is a nuisance to Snowbell, so he sees this as a favor by Monty. Also, Monty visits Snowbell at his house. Ultimately, both cats appear to have a bond throughout the film.

17. Who lands into Stuart's car, while Stuart is driving home from school?

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: Margalo

Margalo tells Stuart she has a broken wing. This was a lie.

18. Who plays Mrs. Little?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Geena Davis & Gena Davis & Gina Davis

She had her own tv show for a little while as well.

19. What was Stuart reading when the Little's met him?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Little Women

Little Women was written by Louisa May Alcott.

20. What was the name of the ship that Stuart's brother makes for the competition?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Wasp

This was a little tough, but you should have got it!

21. What do we see fall down the waterfall after Stuart falls in the water?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: His suitcase

Stuart falls into a stream of water with his car in order to escape the cats chasing him. The car sinks, but Stuart resurfaces with his suitcase. Stuart then immediately notices a waterfall. This waterfall heads down to a lower sewer, which would almost ensure death for Stuart. Stuart sees a grate and realizes he can use his suitcase to jump off and latch onto the grate. Stuart jumps and grabs the grate, but his suitcase falls down the waterfall. This was a necessary sacrifice for Stuart as it ensured his survival.

22. What sport does Stuart and George play?

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: Soccer

Stuart's mom doesn't want him to play soccer. She thinks Stuart will get hurt.

23. What is the name of Stuart's brother?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: George

Jonathan Lipnicki plays George.

24. What was the name of the doll that Stuart wore his clothes?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Ben

It looked similar to the Ken doll.

25. Who is responsible for the screenplay of Stuart Little?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Manoj Night Shyamalan

26. Who does Stuart slap with a branch?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Smokey

In Central Park, Stuart and Snowbell are cornered by the alley cats on top of a tree. Smokey threatens to kill both Stuart and Snowbell. As he gets closer to them, Stuart grabs a tree branch and slings it backwards. He then slings the branch forward and it hits Smokey in the face. This knocks Smokey off the tree, sending him into the water below.

27. What did Margalo steal from Mrs. Little?

From Quiz Stuart Little Two

Answer: A ring

Mrs. Little thought the ring had fallen down the drain.

28. What is the name of George's great-great grandfather?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Jebidiah

You don't hear this name being used much any more.

29. Due to what soup had Stuart's REAL parents died?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: Mushroom soup

30. What does George give Stuart as he leaves?

From Quiz Stuart Little

Answer: The roadster

Stuart leaves the Little house with the Stouts, who are supposedly his real parents. As Stuart and the Stouts are outside trying to get a taxi, George carries the roadster outside and gives it to Stuart. George gives him the roadster so he can have a ride around New York City and not have to rely on Taxis.

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