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The Tuxedo Movie Trivia Quizzes

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6 The Tuxedo quizzes and 75 The Tuxedo trivia questions.
  "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Tuxedo" starring Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt is a great movie. I hope you enjoy this quiz on it!
Average, 10 Qns, potc89, Apr 06 08
344 plays
  'The Tuxedo' Part III    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is part three in my series on 'The Tuxedo'.
Average, 10 Qns, peregrinntook, Jul 18 03
467 plays
  'The Tuxedo' Part II    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is part two in my series on 'The Tuxedo'.
Average, 10 Qns, peregrinntook, Jul 18 03
692 plays
  'The Tuxedo' Part I    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I can't believe this is the first quiz on this movie! This is the first quiz in my series.
Average, 10 Qns, peregrinntook, Jul 03 04
1031 plays
  'The Tuxedo' Part IV    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the fourth quiz in my series on the movie 'The Tuxedo', starring Jackie Chan.
Average, 10 Qns, peregrinntook, Jul 18 03
417 plays
  The Tuxedo    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This is my quiz on "The Tuxedo", a movie I enjoy watching quite a bit. Have fun!
Average, 25 Qns, tweetyiscool, Jan 29 07
607 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How many times did Jimmy have his license suspended?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo"

The Tuxedo Trivia Questions

1. What is the name of the CSA agent that gets in Jimmy's cab and offers to pay double the amount on the meter if he can get her to her destination before she is finished putting on her makeup?

From Quiz
"The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: Steena

He makes it, but just barely. During the ride she tells him she has eyeliner and mascara left to apply, but he has five blocks to drive. Later, she offers him a job as chauffeur for Mr. Devlin that pays 2,000 dollars a week plus room and board, which he accepts.

2. What is the name of the person who is killed in the beginning?

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: Agent Wallace

Agent Wallace was killed with the dehydration water.

3. What is Diedrich Banning's girlfriends' name?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part III

Answer: Cheryl

Jimmy lures her away so that Del can talk to Banning and try to find out where his lab is.

4. As they leave the restaurant, Jimmy hits a guy on _______.

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part II

Answer: a skateboard

The guy puts a laser guider on the car and attaches a smart bomb to the skateboard.

5. At the first alarm that goes off in the lab, Del thinks it's CSA agents. Who is it?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part IV

Answer: Jimmy

She starts telling Banning about how he's going to be caught before he can execute his plan, when three men (Jimmy and two of Banning's men) appear in the doorway. She immediately tells Banning he looks nice in the tuxedo. Of course he doesn't fall for it.

6. What is Jimmy's original job?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part I

Answer: taxi driver

He works for New York City and has a huge crush on a girl that works at an art gallery.

7. Mr. Devlin is hospitalized due to having his car hit with a bomb strapped to a skateboard. Later, at Mr. Devlin's house, Jimmy tries on his tuxedo and immediately realizes that this tuxedo is unique. What does the tuxedo say its name is?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: Tactical Uniform Experiment

The tuxedo tells Jimmy its name right after it automatically adjusts to fit him perfectly. The tuxedo is a full body weapon experiment that can make the wearer anything from charming (it will light your cigarette for you) to deadly (demolition mode).

8. What did the gallery owner tell Jimmy to do?

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: ask Jennifer (the woman in the gallery) out

The gallery owner tells Jimmy to "go over there and ask Jennifer out, that way she can say no and we can get on with our little lives."

9. Jimmy goes to Cheryl's room to try to find out more information. Where does Del agree to wait?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part III

Answer: by the swimming pool

She is attacked by Banning's men. She is overpowered, but Jimmy is also attacked, and he accidentally throws one man out the window. This man hits Del's attacker and saves her.

10. Jimmy: "Why are we running away from a skateboard?"
Clark: "I think it might be a _______."

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part II

Answer: bomb

The man who they had hit planted a laser guider onto the car and a bomb on the skateboard. The bomb exploded, but Clark and Jimmy got out in time. However, Clark was hurt. Jimmy had to take over Clark's job as secret agent.

11. Banning lifts both Del and Jimmy off the floor by their necks. He tells Del to do something, then repeats the command louder when she doesn't comply. What does he tell her to do?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part IV

Answer: look at him & look at Jimmy

His exact words are 'His head's about to explode. Look at him.' She refuses, and then he yells, 'Look at him!'.

12. While Jimmy's in the gallery trying to get enough nerve to ask his crush out, a man walks over and starts talking to him. Who is this man?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part I

Answer: the owner of the gallery

The man (Colin from 'Whose Line is it Anyway?') walks over to Jimmy.
Owner: 'You don't come around here for the art, do you?'
Jimmy: 'Who would?'
Owner: 'Let me, as owner of this gallery...'

13. After trying to select Demonstration mode on the tuxedo, Jimmy accidentally chooses Demolition and totally destroys the room he is in. What mode does he accidentally choose while trying to exit Demolition mode?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: Shake Booty

Shake Booty mode immediately makes the tuxedo play music and has Jimmy "shake his booty" to the music. He escapes "Shake Booty" mode by changing the setting on the watch that comes with the tuxedo to "Demolition Mode". Poor Jimmy never gets to try demonstration mode like he wants. Banning is the only one that gets to try it out.

14. What is Jimmy's job in the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: cab driver

He later leaves this job to become the driver for Clark Devlin.

15. When Jimmy is in the waiting room, the woman next to him keeps asking for a doctor. What is the doctor's name?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part II

Answer: Dr. Angelo

Jimmy finally tells her that Dr. Angelo is on a holiday.

16. Jimmy has found something out about the tuxedo from experience. If he does a certain thing, the tuxedo will automatically react. What does he have to do to get this reaction?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part IV

Answer: put a cigarette in someone's mouth

He did this while in the air. He took one of Banning's cigarettes and put it in Del's mouth. The tuxedo automatically produced a lighter, freeing Jimmy so that he could attack Banning.

17. Jimmy leaves the gallery and goes back to his car. The girl leaves the gallery and Jimmy opens the door to go talk to her. What happens before he can get out?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part I

Answer: A biker hits the car door.

The biker gets really mad and attacks Jimmy, but that's after Jimmy starts to get out.

18. When Jimmy goes to meet Del Blaine, she mistakes him for Clark Devlin and soon they are getting started on the mission to spy on Banning's meeting. The first bug he shoots hits a man and knocks him overboard. Where does the second bug land?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: In the briefcase owner's hair

The owner of the briefcase does not even notice the bug stuck in her hairdo. It is supposed to land on her briefcase, but since Jimmy is not a real secret agent, he misses. Because the bug is nestled in the lady's hair, Del can hardly hear what is going on at the meeting.

19. Finish this quote. "Not everybody Chinese is________."

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: Bruce Lee

Jimmy says this in response to his friend's comment about the fact that he should know how to do karate.

20. When Banning's men are breaking into Cheryl's room, one of them says her voice reminds him of what?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part III

Answer: his mother's

He breaks through the door, and Cheryl asks Jimmy, 'Is that room service?'

21. Who/what does Clark try to tell Jimmy to look for?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part II

Answer: A water strider

Jimmy thinks Clark said 'Walter Strider', so he starts looking for a person named Walter Strider.

22. After Jimmy gets back in his car, the woman offers to double the meter if he can do what?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part I

Answer: get her to her destination before she finishes putting her makeup on

The woman is a secret agent, and when they get to her destination, she offers him a job as chauffeur for Clark Devlin.

23. At the beginning of the movie, we see a factory owned by Banning. What type of business does Banning run?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: Bottled water

During the credits it shows the bottles being moved and labeled by machines. He is planning on owning the only drinkable water source in the northern hemisphere after he releases his bacteria infested water striders into the public water sources.

24. Where does the woman in the cab ask Jimmy to take her?

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: 70 Fleming Street

She is really testing Jimmy to see if he's worthy of being Clark Devlin's new driver.

25. Jimmy and Del escape from the hotel. What does Del say that her real name is?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part III

Answer: Delilah

Jimmy responds that it suits her. Later, when Del finds out that Jimmy is not Clark Devlin, she says the same thing, 'Jimmy suits you'.

26. How much does the job with Clark Devlin pay?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part I

Answer: $2000 a week plus room and board

Jimmy immediately takes the job when the agent tells him the pay.

27. Jimmy falls off the platform he has just shot the bugs from, and Del climbs down the ladder to find him. Thanks to the tuxedo, Jimmy finds that he is able to climb up the wall. How does Jimmy try to signal to Del that he is back on the top?

From Quiz "The Tuxedo" Starring Jackie Chan

Answer: He makes shadow puppets.

Del is upset that while Jimmy is slipping he takes her favorite ring with him. Jimmy is at the top of the tower desperately trying to get her attention, but she is unable to hear or see what he is doing.

28. How many times did Jimmy have his license suspended?

From Quiz The Tuxedo

Answer: 9

Jimmy had his license suspended 9 times, "but no accidents."

29. When Del tells Jimmy her real name, Delilah, what does Jimmy say?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part III

Answer: it suits you

Later, when Del finds out that his real name is Jimmy, she says the same thing.

30. How is Banning killed?

From Quiz 'The Tuxedo' Part IV

Answer: the queen strider flew into his mouth

He was killed by the queen water strider. The bacteria that he was infected with will, in minutes, completely dehydrate the human body. With absolutely no water in the body, the infected person would die very quickly.

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