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3 Saw III quizzes and 30 Saw III trivia questions.
  Saw III    
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 10 Qns
This is a quiz about the third movie in the "Saw" series. This quiz obviously contains spoilers. If you love "Saw"...check out my "Saw 2" quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, kayleenicole09, Oct 02 08
5036 plays
  "Saw III": The Life and Times   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The questions that Jigsaw has asked over the last three films have changed lives. Will mine?
Average, 10 Qns, haydonobob, May 31 07
3142 plays
  "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the third film of the horrific "Saw" saga. Enjoy.(Contains spoilers.)
Average, 10 Qns, Jay17, Oct 15 10
381 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is Troy's torture method?

From Quiz "Saw III"

Saw III Trivia Questions

1. How does Detective Matthews escape the chains around his ankle?

From Quiz
"Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: He breaks his foot.

In the opening scene we see Detective Eric Matthews chained up in the bathroom from "Saw". He picks up the hack saw which Dr Lawrence Gorden used to cut his foot off, and looks like he is considering doing the same. He then changes his mind, and breaks his foot using the broken cistern lid.

2. In the movie Jeff's son, Dylan, dies. How does he die?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: hit by a drunk driver

In the movie, Jeff and his son, Dylan, are at the park when Dylan goes out onto the street and is hit by a drunk driver. We see this happening in the flashback that Jeff encounters while going through his quest. Later in the game that Jeff is playing, he goes into the room where the drunk driver is and has an opportunity to save or kill him.

3. Does Detective Kerry escape the Angel Trap?

From Quiz "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: No, she unlocks the padlock but the trap does not open and she dies.

Detective Kerry wakes up to find herself in the Angel Trap, which is a contraption screwed into her rib cage, and suspended from the ceiling. As the voice on the tape recording tells her, she must retrieve the key to the lock from a jar of acid in front of her. Kerry does this; however the trap will not release, the time runs out and we see her ripped apart.

4. As Jeff walks down a hall in the warehouse, there is a door to his left. What phrase does this door have written on it?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: face your fears

This is written on the door that leads him into the room with the woman who eventually freezes to death. This is written in red paint on the door. We are shown, later in the film, that Jigsaw was the one to write it, not Amanda.

5. What is the reason Troy is placed in his trap?

From Quiz "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: He had been sent to prison more than once.

We see Troy wake up in a school classroom with several thick chains attached from the ceiling. These chains connect to Troy through his skin, the bones in his hands and one through his jaw. The voice on the tape recording tells him that he is here because he does not respect his freedom and privileges given to him, as he has been and returned many times to prison. He needs to break free from these chains and release himself, metaphorically, and physically escape before a bomb goes off. He sets about pulling the chains from his body, and gets to the one through his mouth. However, the timer runs out and the bomb explodes. When police and the detectives are investigating the scene, it becomes apparent that the door was welded shut, so despite his attempts, if Troy had in fact freed himself from the chains, he still would not have escaped the room before the bomb detonated.

6. Why does John choose the woman in the freezer room?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: She witnessed Dylan's death.

The woman in the freezer room, Denica, is chosen because she was at the park when Dylan (Jeff's son) was hit by the drunk driver. We see her in the flashback Jeff has about the particular event. She dies from having water sprayed on her body and the water freezes and thus, she freezes to death.

7. Who did Shawnee Smith play?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: Amanda

Shawnee Smith played Amanda in "Saw", "Saw II", and "Saw III". In the first movie, she was just another character in one of Jigsaw's sadistic games. In the second movie, she was trapped in the house with everyone else. It was later revealed that she was Jigsaw's apprentice and would carry on his work when he died. The third movie explored, to a greater degree, the relationship between Amanda and Jigsaw. Lynn Denlon was played by Bahar Soomekh. Detective Kerry was played by Dina Meyer. The character of Addison appeared in "Saw II". She was played by Emmanuelle Vaugier and she was lucky enough to have her hands trapped in a razor blade box.

8. Who is in the opening scene of the movie?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: Detective Matthews

Detective Matthews is in the first scene, because it starts where "Saw II" leaves off. He is locked in the bathroom used mainly in "Saw", and at the end of "Saw II". In "Saw II", Amanda locks Detective Matthews in the bathroom because he is her first test subject. We see him look around the bathroom and see the saw used in "Saw". He did not want to cut off his foot, so he uses the toilet lid to smash his foot and break out of the bathroom.

9. What connection does Danica Scott, the lady in the freezer, have to Jeff?

From Quiz "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: She saw the accident involving his son.

Danica was the only witness at the incident, when Jeff's young son, Dylan, was killed by a drink driver. She refused, however, to testify in court, so the driver got a lenient sentence due to lack of evidence and witnesses. Jeff hates her for this and he debates whether to actually try and help her. His conscience takes a hold and he tries his best to help her. He finds the key to her chains behind the pipes for the industrial freezing unit, and burns his face in the process of retrieving it. He unfortunately does not unlock her in time and she is frozen to death, encased in thick layers of ice.

10. What was the correct order of deaths in this movie?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: Troy, Kerry, Danica, Judge Halden, Timothy, Amanda, Jigsaw, Lynn

I know that Eric Matthews was left off the list, but we don't really know if he died or not. Adam died in the past, so, I don't know how to count that. He died late in the movie, but it was a flashback. Troy was in the chain trap, then it was Kerry in the Angel trap. Next was Danica in the Freezer Room. Judge Halden and Timothy died approximately at the same time in the room with The Rack. Amanda was shot by Jeff. Jigsaw's throat was cut by Jeff, and because of Jigsaw's death, the sensor went off in Lynn's shotgun collar saying that his heart monitor flatlined. The collar exploded, and the last shot of the movie was Lynn's body.

11. What is different about Amanda's techniques, compared to Jigsaw's?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: Amanda makes them merely victims.

Everyone Amanda chooses has hints, but they don't have any way of surviving. For instance, Kerry is strapped in and gets the key and even unlocks the lock, but when she gets the lock off, nothing happens. After, Amanda comes in and Kerry sees her; that is when the trap releases, ripping her in two.

12. How was Danica connected to the death of Jeff's son, Dylan?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: She was the only witness who ran.

Danica was the woman in the Freezer Room who saw the accident happen. She sped off in her car before she was forced to testify. The drunk driver who hit Dylan was Timothy, the man in the Rack. No one pushed Dylan into the street; he rode his bicycle into the path of an oncoming car.

13. What is Troy's torture method?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: chains

He is in the chains and is locked in the school. He has to pull all the chains out of his skin before time runs out and the bomb inside the teddy bear goes off. Kerry had the angel trap, Rigg had the rack, and the bear trap was from the second movie.

14. Who leads us to believe that they kill Eric Matthews?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: Amanda

Amanda leads us to believe that she kills Eric Matthews.

15. What tools does Lynn use during John's brain surgery?

From Quiz "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: Circular saw and power drill

John's heart rate increases rapidly and then begins to drop just as quickly. Lynn explains that he needs to go to the hospital because he needs an operation to release the built up pressure on his brain. Amanda orders Lynn to carry out the task, and Amanda will collect anything she requires to do so. With John still awake, but heavily anesthetised, and Lynn equipped with a scalpel, she cuts into John's scalp, pulling it back while Amanda washes the area, revealing his skull. Armed with a power drill with a masking tape depth marker, Lynn drills the four holes, and then uses a circular saw to cut between these holes, removing the piece of skull.

16. Where was Timothy's tape player found?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: around his neck

When Jeff opened the door to this room, he found a man nailed onto this machine that Jigsaw later called The Rack. His name, as it was revealed on the tape, was Timothy. His tape was attached to a string that was wrapped around his neck. Danica's tape player was in the corner of the Freezer Room. The acid idea came from Kerry's trap, and the Judge's tape player was hung on a string above the pit where he lay.

17. What direction does the masked figure come from, when capturing Kerry?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: Over her right shoulder

It comes from over her right shoulder, when she is trying to figure out where the camera in her closet is. The figure comes from out behind the door and over to her side. The masked figure then captures Kerry and brings her to a warehouse. Then Amanda puts Kerry in the Angel Trap and does not offer her a way out, so Kerry ends up dying.

18. What kind of surgery did Jigsaw have Lynn perform on him?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: craniotomy

A craniotomy is a procedure where part of the skull is removed from the patient to gain access to the brain. Since John Kramer had a tumor on his brain, he asked Lynn to help him live longer by relieving the pressure on his brain. This was done through a craniotomy.

19. What is the main reason that Dr. Lynn was chosen?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: She has to keep Jigsaw alive.

She is chosen because she is one of the best surgeons and also because she is Jeff's wife, which is a clever twist in the end. Yes, she did cheat on Jeff but that is not why she is chosen. Amanda is the drug addict, and no one lied.

20. Who from Jeff's family is/are not killed?

From Quiz "Saw III" - Want to Play Some More?

Answer: Jeff and Corbett

Corbett is Jeff and Lynn's daughter, who we see appear in flashbacks during the film. A lot of her parents' attention and energy is being used to dwell on the death of her bother, Dylan. She is a little bit neglected. However, we do see Jeff with her and showing he does care when he realises he has been doing this. At the end of the film, the collar around Lynn's neck detonates as a result of Jeff using the circular saw to cut John's throat, causing his heart rate to stop. Before he loses all life, he presses play on another tape, revealing that, due to Jeff killing him, he has failed, because John is the only person who knows where his daughter is, so Jeff will need to take part in another game to find her, before she runs out of air.

21. What was the similarity between Adam and Kerry's kidnappings?

From Quiz "Saw III": The Life and Times

Answer: They both involved a closet.

Kerry was attacked from behind. Adam was attacked from the front. Jigsaw didn't kidnap either of them. Amanda, however, kidnapped both. Kerry was IN her closet when she was knocked out. Amanda was waiting in Adam's closet for him.

22. How does Jeff get out of the box in the beginning of his quest?

From Quiz Saw III

Answer: He falls and it breaks open.

He shakes the box so much that he falls off the lift he is on and it breaks open. He shakes the box after he listens to the tape that Jigsaw left in the box with him.

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