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2 Edward I quizzes and 35 Edward I trivia questions.
  20 Questions: Edward I Multiple Choice Quiz   top quiz  
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Classified as one of England's greatest monarchs, Edward I was sandwiched between two weaker ones. Reigning for 35 years, he left an indelible mark on the English landscape.
Tough, 20 Qns, tripeuro, Nov 26 11
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  Edward I Test   great trivia quiz  
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They called him "Longshanks" and the "Hammer of the Scots". Try these questions about the man who put an end to the so-called "Braveheart" William Wallace.
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Edward I Trivia Questions

1. What was the name of Edward I's mother?

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Edward I

Answer: Eleanor of Provence

Eleanor of Castille was the name of his first wife and Margaret of France was the name of his second wife. Isabelle of France married his son Edward II.

2. Who was Edward's first wife?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Eleanor of Castile

Eleanor of Castile was the daughter of Ferdinand III of Castile. She was beloved of both Edward and England. Upon her death, a series of Eleanor crosses dotted the countryside, placed at locations her coffin rested on its way to burial in Westminster Abbey. Eleanor of Provence was Edward's mother. Eleanor of Aquitaine was his great-grandmother. Eleanor of Brittany, sister of Arthur of Brittany, never married and was kept in confinement at Corfe castle due to the fact that her claim to the throne was superior (according to primogeniture) to that of John.

3. Where was Edward I when the news came that his father Henry III had died and that he was the new king of England?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Sicily

The year was 1272 and Edward was in Sicily. Surprisingly it took nearly two years for him to get back to England. He arrived in August 1274 and the coronation was soon afterwards.

4. After being a widower for nine years, Edward remarried. Who was his second wife?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Margaret Capet, daughter of Philip III of France

Margaret Capet was the grand-daughter of Louis IX and was the grand-niece of Edward I, since her grandmother was the sister of Edward I's mother. Margaret, Duchess of Brabant, was their daughter. Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII was not born until 1489 and was the wife of James IV of Scotland. Margaret of Anjou was the wife of Henry VI.

5. According to a legend, who was responsible for saving Edward I's life whilst he was on Crusade?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: His wife is reported to have sucked poison from his wound.

There is a great deal of doubt about whether Eleanor of Castille really did suck the poison from his wound. Another story gives the credit to his friend Otto de Grandson. A third account says that this was actually done by surgeons. The wound was caused by a Moslem assassin.

6. How old was Edward I when he became king of England?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: thirty three

Already Edward was a man of some considerable achievement both in England and abroad. His striking personality and ruthless behaviour had succeeded in maintaining his father, Henry III, in power for many years.

7. How many children did Edward have?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: 20

The exact number of children Edward had by his first wife is not entirely clear - according to some historians 17 but others say 15. What is clear is that only five survived into their teens. Edward and his second wife had three children, two of whom survived early childhood. The death rate of Edward's children illustrates the drastic infant mortality rate of the time - even among the wealthier classes who could afford the best of care.

8. Which famous leader of the baronial opposition had Edward had to fight against during Henry III's reign?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Simon de Montfort

Edward had for a time been under the influence of Simon de Montfort who was his uncle by marriage. Later he was one of de Montfort's most determined opponents. The Earl of Gloucester was the man who ultimately defeated de Montfort at the battle of Evesham in 1265.

9. What was the name of the Welsh prince who provided the main opposition to Edward I in Wales?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Llewellyn

All four names are from Welsh history but Owen Glendower pursued his claim to Wales during the reign of Henry IV many years later. Dafydd was Llewellyn's brother and Gruffudd was another Welsh leader. The Welsh often betrayed each other and their quarrels helped Edward's conquest of the country.

10. In an effort to reform the administration of justice, local dignitaries were appointed to assist. By what name were these officials known?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Conservators of the Peace

The Conservators of the Peace were the forerunners of the present Justices of the Peace.

11. What service did Master James of St. George provide for Edward I?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: He was the designer and builder of many castles.

Most of the castles built by Master James were in Wales. These include Rhuddlan Castle where there were two great twin-towered gates and a double line of defences. There was also a little fishpond with a fenced garden which was reserved for the Queen.

12. Where was Edward when he was advised that his father had died and he was King of England?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: On crusade

Edward embarked upon the seventh crusade in 1270 and was successful in relieving Acre and won a victory at Haifa. According to legend, at Haifa he was wounded by a poisoned dagger and his wife saved his life by sucking the poison from the wound. His colleague, Louis IX, died on this crusade.

13. What part did the Ricciardi play in Edward I's reign?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: They were bankers who financed his wars.

The full name of this Italian banking company was Ricciardi of Lucca. They helped to finance Edward's war in Wales. Much later in his reign they were bankrupted when the French king decided to confiscate all their property.

14. In the struggle betweem Simon de Montfort and King Henry III, what was Edward's position?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: He originally supported Simon but supported his father in the following conflict.

Initially Edward supported the position of Simon in producing the Provisions of Westminster in 1259 (when Edward was 20). In this he echoed the position of his uncle Richard of Cornwall. Like his uncle he supported Henry III when conflict broke out in 1264. Edward, Henry III and Richard of Cornwall were captured at the battle but Edward succeeded in escaping in 1265 and led the royalist forces in defeating Simon de Montfort at the battle of Evesham.

15. Edward I was tall and strong and nicknamed "Longshanks" but historians record that he had one slight disability. What was it?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: He spoke with a slight lisp.

Edward I is also known to have had a very explosive temper. There is a note in the records of how he paid for the repair of a gold ring given to his daughter. It seems it had to be fixed after he had thrown it on a fire in a fit of rage.

16. Which measure taken by the King in 1290 was probably partly inspired by an action of his mother's some fifteen years earlier?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: The expulsion of all Jews from England.

In 1275 Eleanor of Provence, the King's mother, ordered all Jews off her estates. Until 1290 the Jews had been a good source of money to the Crown for they were taxed both harshly and arbitrarily. Such was the intolerance of the time that Edward received an extra grant of taxation to compensate him for the loss of revenue from the Jews.

17. William Wallace was one of the leaders of the Scots against Edward I. What became of Wallace?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: He was executed as a traitor.

Although legend has it that Wallace and his followers acted alone, in fact he was only one of a group of leaders of the movement. Legend also has it that he specialized in guerrilla tactics. In fact, he preferred the set battle strategy. Captured in 1305, as an outlaw he was condemned without trial. Although he had never sworn fealty to Edward I, he was condemned as a traitor. He was crowned with a laurel wreath, dragged through the streets on a hurdle, hanged, disemboweled and castrated then beheaded and his body quartered.

18. In May 1291 Edward summoned the claimants to the Scottish throne to Norham in Northumberland. Which man did he eventually decide had the best claim?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: John Balliol

In the early stages Edward backed John Balliol as king so long as he acknowledged Edward's overlordship and did homage to him. Later Robert Bruce, for a long time a supporter of Edward, began to fight for his claim again.

19. Who was Andrew Moray?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: A baron who was leader with Wallace in the Scottish rebellion.

Both Wallace and Moray led forces against the English and entered on to a campaign in which brutality and intolerance were the hallmarks of the behaviour of men on both sides. The slaughter of innocent women and children seemed to matter little to men who were hungry for power.

20. Who led the English forces that were defeated by Wallace at Stirling Bridge in September 1297?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Earl Warenne

Cressingham was killed at the battle and his skin was cut up to make mementoes for the victorious Scots. Earl Warenne was one of the men who had been encouraged to settle in Scotland by a huge grant of land from Edward.

21. In 1278, Edward enacted a law, possibly at the instigation of his mother. What was the impact of that law?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: It allowed Jews to be arrested on grounds of coin clipping.

The 1278 law resulted in the hanging of some 250 Jews. Eleanor of Provence, Edward's mother, was anti-Semitic and may have had an influence in this draconian legislation. Over 16,000 Jews were expelled from the kingdom in 1290 on the grounds of usury - forcing the king and court to look elsewhere for a source of borrowing.

22. Where did the English win their victory over Wallace even though half Edward's army were Welshmen who refused to fight?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: Falkirk

Wallace organised his men as usual in strong defensive rings with a thicket of spears pointing at the English. However, the combination of successive attacks from both infantry and cavalry eventually led to an outflanking that caused the Scots to break. Wallace escaped but was later captured and then hanged, disembowelled, his innards burned and his body quartered.

23. What dramatic gesture did Edward I make when his queen, Eleanor of Castille, died in 1290?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: A series of crosses were built from Lincoln to Westminster.

Eleanor died at Harby near Lincoln and the crosses were built on the places her funeral cortege rested as it was carried back to London. Edward remarried, taking Margaret of France as his bride and having two sons by her.

24. What was the purpose of the "Hundred Rolls"?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: It revealed administrative abuses and defined royal rights.

Edward began his legislative programme by commissioning a thorough study of local government. This study was known as the "Hundred Rolls".

25. What was Edward's final request?

From Quiz Edward I

Answer: That his bones be boiled and carried in battle against the Scots.

Edward died while undertaking yet another campaign against the Scots. He wanted his bones to be carried in the campaign to inspire his troops. His request was not granted and he was returned to London and buried in Westminster Abbey.

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