6. Doris is forced to go to the hospital in which city?
From Quiz "Thirst"
Harry finds Doris scrubbing their daughter in the shower. Though it appears nothing is wrong, at least to Harry, Doris informs him that Alma was in the nearby graveyard sucking the blood from the entrails of a dead rabbit. She's taking her to the doctor; something is clearly wrong.
At the same time, Chief Burelson knocks on the Gardners' door. What with the murders along the cape, it seems only reasonable to follow up on leads, and she's received calls from locals regarding Alma being seen in the neighbourhood, covered in blood. She asks Harry and Doris if she can bring Alma in to the station-- alone-- though no one is too keen to let this questioning occur. Doris, in an effort to protect her daughter, tries to block the chief from coming upstairs, but it's then that she suffers a severe cramp as a result of her pregnancy. An ambulance is called.
Fortunately, the baby is okay. It appears that false contractions have occurred, brought on by stress. The doctor advises that Doris stay under hospital supervision for four or five days, much to her dismay. Harry sends Alma out to grab something from the vending machine while they talk about this turn of events, but on the way out, it seems clear that Alma is more interested in the IV bags of blood on a cart outside instead of any normal food.
Harry sees the benefit in Doris staying at the hospital in Hyannis since Provincetown gives her nothing but anxiety. She insists that he and Alma stay in a motel; he one-ups her, suggesting he'll bring Alma back to New York instead. This is a lie, however. He drives himself and his daughter back along the Cape and forces her to admit she took the pill. It's a talk that forces both of them to come to terms with their situation. Harry asks her to stop taking the pill, but she says she only will if he stops as well.