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Dallas Season 11978 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Dallas Season 11978 Quizzes, Trivia

'Dallas' Season 1-1978 Trivia

'Dallas' Season 1-1978 Trivia Quizzes

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This covers the original five episodes that aired in April of 1978.
5 quizzes and 50 trivia questions.
  1.1 "Digger's Daughter"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Where it all began for the loyal fans of "Dallas". Thanks to extravagance in wealth, power, greed and sex, "Dallas" would become one of TV's most watched programs. Some knowledge of the show a must; i.e., not all answers are given within the episode.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jan 24 14
cowboybluedog gold member
368 plays
  1.3 "Spy in the House"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The success of Ewing Oil is supreme. In episode three, a document links the Ewings to unethical financial dealings that may have been solely to benefit Ewing Oil. Who knew about the document and who told those whom the Ewings hoped would never know?
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Feb 10 14
cowboybluedog gold member
214 plays
  1.4 "Winds of Vengeance"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The local report called for severe weather but J.R.'s fling with a married woman prompted her husband and his buddy to cause more concern for the Ewings than the weather. These two men held the Ewing women hostage. Who survived?
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 17 17
cowboybluedog gold member
233 plays
  1.5 "Barbecue"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It was the annual lawn party called the Ewing Barbecue and there was news that Pam and Bobby were expecting a baby. What could have put a damper on this festive occasion? Pam's dad, Digger Barnes, for one thing. And ...
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 17 17
cowboybluedog gold member
247 plays
  1.2 "The Lesson"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We were introduced to some intriguing characters in episode one. With episode two, the complexity of their lives was revealed even more. Many of us were hooked! Some knowledge of the show will be helpful yet all answers are given within the episode.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jan 24 14
cowboybluedog gold member
203 plays

'Dallas' Season 1-1978 Trivia Questions

1. This episode began with a glimpse of Bobby Ewing enjoying a bit of what must be his personal exercise routine. What was he shown to be doing in the first few minutes of "Barbecue"?

From Quiz
1.5 "Barbecue"

Answer: Jogging

Yes, we the viewing audience saw Bobby running (jogging) across the fields, down the road and effortlessly hurdling over a fence while wearing the shortest of gym shorts. Guess the women of the show were not the only ones subjected to a bit of "beef cake".

2. This episode opened with a shot of the outside of a seedy motel named The Westerner. Ray and J.R. made their exit from adjoining rooms. Once outside Ray bade farewell with what phrase?

From Quiz 1.4 "Winds of Vengeance"

Answer: Goodbye, Waco

This was key to knowing where these two had spent the night - in Waco. In the real world, the distance between Waco and Dallas is (approx.) 100 miles. J.R. and Ray spent the night in adjoining rooms and judging from their hurried yet quiet exit they preferred to leave without any fond farewells from their bedmates - Wanda and Mary Lou. In his haste J.R. spilled the contents of his jacket pockets onto the floor. He thought he had retrieved everything.

3. Much of the storyline in season one, episode two, of "Dallas" centered around Jock and Ellie Ewing's granddaughter, Lucy. According to the opening credits who was the blond haired beauty who played Lucy?

From Quiz 1.2 "The Lesson"

Answer: Charlene Tilton

Charlene Tilton began to play the part of Lucy Ewing at the age of seventeen. Her long, platinum blond hair, sparkling blue eyes and curvaceous figure were, no doubt, as integral to the part of Lucy Ewing as was Tilton's talent as an actress. Charlene Tilton was married to country music singer Johnny Lee during the early 1980s; they had one daughter together.

4. Episode two showed Luvy's actions to cause friction between Bobby and Ray. It was the (main) topic of the breakfast conversation among the other family members. What was the one thing Lucy did that caused concern for most, if not all, of the Ewings?

From Quiz 1.2 "The Lesson"

Answer: Skipped school

Lucy was determined NOT to go to school. Jock had given Ray orders to "see that Lucy got to school". Little did Jock know, Ray was one of the main reasons Lucy never made it there. Each family member had an opinion of her truancy; few, if any, had a course of action to correct her behavior, though.

5. Episode 1, "Digger's Daughter", begins with a close-up view of a red Mercedes-Benz convertible and a personalized license plate (vanity plate) from Texas. What is printed on that tag?

From Quiz 1.1 "Digger's Daughter"

Answer: EWING 4

The red Mercedes in this episode carries the Texas plate, EWING 4, and is being driven by Bobby Ewing. We would come to see that the automobiles owned by (or, driven by) the oil rich Ewing family proudly displayed their last name and a number. The number was (usually) in sequence of birth order and/or patriarchal/matriarchal "pecking order" within the family.

6. Very early in the episode we see Bobby and Pam stopping at a (automobile) service station. Pam is skeptical about what the reception will be for them as they are planning to go to Bobby's home for the first time together. What does she say?

From Quiz 1.1 "Digger's Daughter"

Answer: Your folks are gonna throw me right off that ranch ...

Well, they did not exactly "throw her right off the ranch" - at least not in this first episode, but the reception was far from "hugs and kisses"; for more reasons than one, we would learn.

7. After her tête-à-tête with J.R., a drunken Sue Ellen delivered quite the pathetic speech during which she included details of their marriage and its lack of intimacy. Who was her captive audience for this monologue?

From Quiz 1.5 "Barbecue"

Answer: Ladies who were guests at the barbecue

Sue Ellen seated herself at a table with five other ladies who were guests of the Ewing barbecue and proceeded to tell them various details of her marriage to J.R. and how she wished he would "love her more". She included her evaluation of what she believed is Jock's favoritism to Bobby over J.R. The expressions of the faces of the guests - appropriately - ran from surprised to embarrassed to concerned to sympathetic to appalled. All the while Sue Ellen downed even more wine.

8. J.R. rejected Sue Ellen's overt flirtation and her suggestion that she wear a sexy negligee for him. He even walked out on her pleas and tears - straight to Julie's apartment. But, all went very sour with Julie when J.R. left her with what "gift" ?

From Quiz 1.3 "Spy in the House"

Answer: A $100 dollar bill

Julie knew she was the other woman - in addition to being the all-accommodating assistant - but the thump on the head came when J.R. had the audacity to leave her bed in the middle of the night and toss a Ben Franklin back at her. Nothing like a woman scorned. She immediately called Cliff Barnes and arranged a dinner date with him. Glancing at the cash, Julie told Cliff, "I'm buying".

9. With a close-up of the American flag and the flag of Texas, we were also shown the name of the school Lucy attended. What was it?

From Quiz 1.2 "The Lesson"

Answer: Braddock High School

This is one of the very first identifiers of the location of the Ewing ranch and/or home community - Braddock. It is a fictional community and/or county - there is NO actual Braddock in Texas, U.S.A.

10. Another man (apparently) has a history, of sorts, with Pam although he now seems to be enjoying a "relationship" with the young, vivacious, blond Ewing granddaughter, Lucy. What is the name of this hired-hand, cowboy-type character?

From Quiz 1.1 "Digger's Daughter"

Answer: Ray

We first see Ray when the Ewing patriarch, Jock, is inquiring about his granddaughter, Lucy. Jock shares with Ray that he is concerned that Lucy has been skipping school and he asks Ray to be sure that Lucy does get to school every day. We the viewing audience learn one of the reasons Lucy is not at school is because she is spending time in the barn loft with - RAY.

11. As part of his introduction of Pam to the entire Ewing family who are at home that initial night, Bobby tells them he and Pam had decided to get married rather quickly. In what southern city does he say the wedding occurred?

From Quiz 1.1 "Digger's Daughter"

Answer: New Orleans

The trip to New Orleans was apparently on agenda for Bobby. Both Bobby's father, Jock, and Bobby's older brother, JR, mention that Bobby has been in New Orleans but the news of his marriage to Pamela comes as quite the surprise. Later in the episode we learn that it was Ray, the ranch foreman, who introduced Bobby to Pam while he and Pam were, as Ray termed it, "seeing each other".

12. A drunken Digger entertained a group of party-goers with a bit of a song and dance - whiskey bottle in hand. His rendition of "the soft shoe" dance drew quite the crowd. What song was he singing - or, attempting to sing - during his performance?

From Quiz 1.5 "Barbecue"

Answer: The Yellow Rose of Texas

"The Yellow Rose of Texas" is a very popular folk song; so much so that many people have (mistakenly) thought it to be the state song of Texas. The state song of Texas is "Texas, Our Texas". In this episode of "Dallas", Digger did a stumbling dance and a barely audible version of "Yellow Rose of Texas", hardly getting much sung beyond the chorus. After onlookers formed a circle around him to watch his performance, Pam found him and pulled him toward a table until she could find Jimmy to take Digger home.

13. What Cliff Barnes learned was that Senator Orloff had "borrowed" money from Ewing Oil to buy his dream house many years ago. How much was this questionable loan?

From Quiz 1.3 "Spy in the House"

Answer: $50,000

It was $50,000. Oddly enough not one penny had been paid toward that loan AND the senator had managed to have a lot of legislation go in directions that were advantageous to Ewing Oil. It was a tough decision for Jock. He knew to keep Ewing Oil in the clear would implicate the Senator. Well, it was a decision quickly made, though. Ewing Oil called the Senator for repayment of the loan. He did not have the money but to keep his house he resigned his senate seat.

14. This episode was very much about Lucy. In the closing scene, as Bobby talked with Lucy he called her a particular nickname. What was it?

From Quiz 1.2 "The Lesson"

Answer: Shortcake

Bobby called Lucy "Shortcake" in an emotional moment to emphasize just how much HE cared for her and that Pam cared for her, too. Besides just too cute, it was a fitting nickname. Whether it was intentional or not, Lucy (well, Charlene Tilton) was a good bit shorter than the rest of the family members. It may have been type casting to establish her youth. She was then the third generation of Ewings, after all.

15. No mention was made of the name of the Ewing family ranch until late in this episode when JR (with Bobby in the car with him) is shown driving under a white archway bearing the name of the ranch. What is the name of the Ewing family ranch?

From Quiz 1.1 "Digger's Daughter"

Answer: Southfork

In the next segment (after the scene that shows the archway bearing the name SOUTHFORK), Ray is piloting a helicopter and Pam is his passenger. He is giving her the history of the ranch. Oh, the helicopter ride was part of plan of JR's to come between Bobby and Pam by using Ray as a catalyst. Pam showed her potential when she not only deciphered it, she defused it - in very much Ewing style! She gets JR's attention. He commiserates, "I underestimated the new Mrs. Ewing. W---e---l---l, I surely won't do that again" as the episode concludes.

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