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Dr Who  The Companions Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Dr Who  The Companions Quizzes, Trivia

'Dr Who' - The Companions Trivia

'Dr Who' - The Companions Trivia Quizzes

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18 quizzes and 205 trivia questions.
  Her Name's Rose   best quiz  
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 15 Qns
Rose Tyler, the companion who helped the Doctor, arrived on 'Doctor Who' in 2005. She was the only female companion to the ninth Doctor and was the first companion for the tenth Doctor.
Easier, 15 Qns, albinerhawk, Apr 05 10
1333 plays
  A Job for the Doctor's Companions   great trivia quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
In 'Doctor Who', travelling with the Doctor through time and space is the job description of his companion, but the people who have filled this role have usually had an actual salary-paying occupation as well. Can you identify them from this information?
Easier, 10 Qns, Fifiona81, Aug 09 17
Fifiona81 editor
294 plays
  All of Time and Space    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The Doctor's companions face danger and death, but also have excitement and adventure... through all of time and space. Can you match these companions to the Doctor with whom they traveled?
Easier, 10 Qns, reedy, Feb 24 17
reedy gold member
417 plays
  Who's Style?   top quiz  
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 25 Qns
Characters in "Dr Who" have worn some weird looks in their time. Here's a quiz where you match the style to the character.
Average, 25 Qns, Sallyo, Mar 03 10
1780 plays
  The Timeline of River Song    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
To call River Song'a timeline complex is a massive understatement. Can you match up these events in River's life with the "Doctor Who" episode where they happened?
Average, 10 Qns, parrotman2006, Dec 13 20
parrotman2006 gold member
Dec 13 20
128 plays
  Losing Friends   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
The Doctor has travelled with many companions over the years, and it has always been sad to see them leave. With the departure of which companion(s) do you associate these lines of dialogue?
Tough, 10 Qns, Phyllis_n_Jean, Jun 18 07
1101 plays
  Donna Noble   top quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about Donna Noble. She first appeared at the end of "Doomsday", and continued in "The Runaway Bride". She later became the Doctor's companion in 2008.
Easier, 10 Qns, drwhomad, May 01 11
942 plays
  The Life of Martha Jones    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Let's see how much you guys know about the Tenth Doctor's third companion, Miss Martha Jones.
Average, 15 Qns, doubleox515, Aug 21 13
437 plays
  Amy Pond    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my second quiz. This quiz is about the 11th Doctor's first companion Amy Pond.
Average, 10 Qns, drwhomad, Apr 26 11
756 plays
  River Song   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about Professor River Song?
Easier, 10 Qns, Jennie-Lou-96, Mar 24 15
878 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the dish that the Doctor ate the first time he met Amy?

From Quiz "Amelia Pond"

  New Series Companion Trivia   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Doctor rarely goes anywhere alone, and each of his companions provides a new and interesting dynamic for the show. These questions will test your memory of companions who traveled with the ninth and tenth Doctors and a few who missed their chances.
Average, 10 Qns, Pickwick12, Mar 02 10
1433 plays
  Who's Helpers!   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Doctor had a number of companions, but he was also helped by other characters. Come and revisit some of them!
Tough, 10 Qns, sallyo, Jan 25 06
903 plays
  The Magical Moments of Sarah Jane Smith   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There are some moments from Sarah's time in 'Doctor Who' that stick with you, even if you later have no idea what they were about. See how much you can recall.
Tough, 10 Qns, Phyllis_N_Jean, Feb 14 05
896 plays
  The Companions of New "Who" (2005-2014)    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Grab your TARDISes fellow whovians and be sure to bring a friend as this quiz is about the companions of the new "Doctor Who" era! From Jack to River to Clara, how much do you know about the companions of the new era from 2005-2014?
Average, 10 Qns, Sammitone, Feb 11 15
251 plays
  'Doctor Who' Companions    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
Where would 'Doctor Who' be without the companions? Here are some of the more memorable...
Average, 5 Qns, Zargo, Jul 06 05
4286 plays
  Companions' Clue Words    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a quiz about the Doctor's companions. I will give clue words, and you use them to identify the companion. Example; if the clue words were "Flowerpot" and "Bill" and "Men", the companion would be "Ben". (Bill and Ben - the Flowerpot Men.)
Tough, 15 Qns, Sallyo, May 20 05
811 plays
  Amelia Pond    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is just a random quiz about Amy Pond.
Average, 10 Qns, Jennie-Lou-96, May 24 11
629 plays
  Rose Tyler    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I know that by the time you read this Rose will be long gone, but she was such a great companion I thought she deserved a quiz. Actually, I'm surprised no-one's done one yet. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, sunnyspain, Oct 05 16
209 plays

'Dr Who' - The Companions Trivia Questions

1. Who was the Doctor's first companion in the new "Who" era?

From Quiz
The Companions of New "Who" (2005-2014)

Answer: Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler first appeared in the first episode of series 1 titled "Rose". Rose Jones was never a companion of the Doctor but, nonetheless, he did have a companion named Martha Jones who first appeared in the first episode of series 3 titled "Smith and Jones". Clara Oswald first appeared as modern-day Clara in the second half of series 7 in the episode "The Bells of Saint John" but had also appeared as Oswin Oswald earlier in the same season in "Asylum of the Daleks" and in the 2012 Christmas special prior to the second half of series 7 labelled "The Snowmen" as Clara Oswin Oswald. River Song made her first appearance in the 2-parter "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead".

2. Martha Jones appears for the first time in the first episode of season 3 of "Doctor Who" as The Doctor's 'companion'. What is the name of this episode?

From Quiz The Life of Martha Jones

Answer: Smith and Jones

Martha is introduced in this episode and so is her rather large family. She meets The Doctor for the first time in the morning on her way to work. He takes his tie off in front of her and says, "Like so. See?"

3. How old was Amy when she first met the Doctor?

From Quiz Amelia Pond

Answer: 7

She first met the Doctor in 1996.

4. Professor River Song is portrayed by which actress?

From Quiz River Song

Answer: Alex Kingston

Alex Kingston also starred in American medical drama 'E.R' as Dr. Elizabeth Corday.

5. What unusual outfit was Donna wearing when she first met the Doctor?

From Quiz Donna Noble

Answer: A wedding dress

Donna Noble appeared in the TARDIS just after the Doctor had said farewell to Rose in "Doomsday."

6. What is Amy Pond's middle name?

From Quiz Amy Pond

Answer: Jessica

If you were wondering when it was mentioned, remember the computer in the booth saying "Name: Amelia Jessica Pond."

7. The tenth Doctor seems to have a habit of reconnecting with old friends. What is the correct order of his first five reunions with former companions?

From Quiz New Series Companion Trivia

Answer: Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Martha Jones

The Doctor reunited with Sarah Jane in the season 2 episode "School Reunion." He reconnected with Mickey in the Season 2 episode "Army of Ghosts." He reunited with Jack Harkness in the season 3 episode "Utopia." His reunion with Donna occurred in the season 4 episode "Partners in Crime," and his reunion with Martha came during season 4's episode "The Sontaran Stratagem."

8. Whose last words include the line, "I thought I'd forgotten something important, but it's nothing"?

From Quiz Losing Friends

Answer: Zoe

Zoe says this when she is sent back to her home by the Timelords, who have wiped her memories of her adventures with the Doctor. An awful, tragic moment, in which a whole era of 'Doctor Who' is erased in an instant.

9. What was the name of Rose's boyfriend?

From Quiz Rose Tyler

Answer: Mickey

At first Rose and Mickey were very close, but they grew apart as Rose and the Doctor became better friends.

10. The Doctor and his friends encountered quite a few robots and androids. One turned out to be an undercover detective robot. What was its name?

From Quiz Who's Helpers!

Answer: D84

D84 was a supposedly "dumb" or unspeaking, robot aboard the sandminer in "The Robots of Death". It helped the Doctor and Leela. SV7 was a super-voc in the same story, while K9 became a companion. Kamelion was also a companion for a time, but was too-easily influenced and sometimes caused problems.

11. Which companion am I? My clue words are Spades and Hearts.

From Quiz Companions' Clue Words

Answer: Ace

Ace, companion to the Seventh Doctor, was from Perivale, Earth. Her real name was Dorothy. Ace was played by Sophie Aldred. Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts.

12. The garment is a very long woolly scarf, supposedly knitted by Madam Nostradamos. Who wore this?

From Quiz Who's Style?

Answer: The Fourth Doctor

Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor wore the famous scarf in all but one of his episodes. Evidently it was never meant to be so long. Someone from Wardrobe was given some wool to knit "a scarf" and used the lot! Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor wore a similar scarf at times, but he wasn't on the list.

13. What was the trademark line the 'echoes' of Clara said before they died?

From Quiz The Companions of New "Who" (2005-2014)

Answer: Run you clever boy and remember

We first met Clara under the alias Oswin Oswald in Skaro ,which had now become an asylum for the broken and damaged Daleks. In the episode "Asylum of the Daleks". She got into the asylum on the crashed starship, Alaska where she was the Junior Entertainment Manager and had hacked into the centre of all the Dalek's knowledge and memories (also known as the hive) making her extremely useful to the trio, the Doctor, Amy and Rory, but it turned out the past year was only her imagination and the Daleks had done a full conversion on her making her a proper Dalek. Erasing the Doctor from the hive she lowered the shields allowing the planet, and her along with it, to explode while uttering the words, "Run you clever boy and remember". The next time we meet Clara she is a nanny in Victorian London and, again, becomes helpful to the Doctor and who can forget the look on the Doctor's face when she claimed the TARDIS was "smaller on the outside" instead of "bigger on the inside"? Once again though, she died saving his life uttering the words "Run you clever boy and remember" before dying, by cruel coincidence, on the stroke of midnight symbolising that Christmas day had begun.

14. What is Amy's middle name?

From Quiz Amelia Pond

Answer: Jessica

She was born Amelia Jessica Pond, but shortened her name to Amy after the Doctor said her name was very 'fairytale'.

15. What is the name of the episode that River Song first appeared in?

From Quiz River Song

Answer: Silence in the Library

She stars in episodes 8 and 9 of series 4 alongside the tenth Doctor (as played by David Tennant).

16. What was Donna's granddad called?

From Quiz Donna Noble

Answer: Wilfred

Wilf appeared as the newspaper seller in the 2007 Christmas special, "Voyage of the Damned." but the "Doctor Who" team liked the actor so much that they brought him back to replace Donna's father, whose original actor had died during filming.

17. "She'll be superb!" says the Doctor of the friend he has just left behind. Of whom is he speaking?

From Quiz Losing Friends

Answer: Romana

Romana leaves the Doctor for happy reasons, choosing to help free the enslaved race of the Tharils. But the real poignancy of her departure comes through in the wonderful dialogue, and its perfect delivery at the hands of Tom Baker. "You were the noblest Romana of them all," he says, putting his feelings aside to give her the poetic send-off she deserves.

18. What year was the first place the Doctor took Rose to?

From Quiz Rose Tyler

Answer: 5 billion

This was where we first met Cassandra, the last human who had had nearly 800 plastic surgery operations. All the other options are from other episodes- the 1940's were visited in the two-parter'The Empty Child' and 'The Doctor Dances' 2012 in the episode 'Fear Her' and the 51st century in 'Girl In The Fireplace'.

19. There was a splendid pair of characters that helped the Doctor and Leela in one story. One man was a theatre manager, the other a pathologist. Who were they?

From Quiz Who's Helpers!

Answer: Lightfoot and Jago

Trevor Baxter played Professor Litefoot, while Christopher Benjamin played Henry Gordon Jago in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang". These two were wonderful, and the sight of the refined Lightfoot eating a joint of meat in his hands so as not to make Leela feel bad-mannered was priceless. Reuben and Josh were two characters from "The Horror of Fang Rock", Andrews and Sullivan were the names of Ian Marter's two characters in the show, and Baker was the surname of two actors who played the Doctor, the surname of writers Pip and Jane, and also the name of the street where Sherlock Holmes lived. Holmes was Rober Holmes, who wrote the script of "Talons". Easy, right?

20. In 'Terror of the Zygons', Sarah is attacked in a barn by someone she thought she could trust. Who is it that this zygon resembles?

From Quiz The Magical Moments of Sarah Jane Smith

Answer: Harry

The poor zygon-Harry plummets pitchfork in hand off the upper level, and ends up flailing around on the bottom of the barn before dying, and then vanishing.

21. One of the Doctor's companions wore a peculiar Andy Pandy outfit in one of her stories. Who was it?

From Quiz Who's Style?

Answer: Sarah Jane Smith in "The Hand of Fear"

Sarah Jane, played by Elisabeth Sladen, was the unlucky girl to masquerade as Andy Pandy. "The Hand of Fear" was her last "regular" appearance. (She was in "The Five Doctors" special and also in "K9 and Company".)

22. In what order did these companions FIRST meet the Doctor?

From Quiz The Companions of New "Who" (2005-2014)

Answer: Rose, Donna, Martha, Amy, Clara

Although Donna wasn't the Doctor's "full-time" companion until series 4, and Martha was his companion the year before, Donna first met the Doctor on Christmas eve in 2006 when she appeared in the TARDIS in a wedding dress as she was walking down the aisle at her wedding ceremony. In the end she turned down the chance to travel with the Doctor but soon learnt that turning down that opportunity was a stupid mistake and went looking for him only to reunite with him a bit over a year later at Adipose Industries.

23. What was the dish that the Doctor ate the first time he met Amy?

From Quiz Amelia Pond

Answer: Fish fingers and custard

The Doctor found fish fingers and custard in Amy's house, and ate them to regain strength after the regeneration process.

24. What did River Song graffiti on the oldest cliff in the universe to attract the Doctor's attention?

From Quiz River Song

Answer: Hello Sweetie

"You graffitied the oldest cliff in the universe!" "You wouldn't answer your phone!" - Eleventh Doctor and River Song in 'The Pandorica Opens'.

25. What was Amy's aunt called?

From Quiz Amy Pond

Answer: Sharon

Aunt Sharon is mentioned in "The Eleventh Hour" but she first appears in "The Big Bang."

26. The Doctor has a habit of kissing his companions for strange reasons. Which three companions did he share kisses with for life-saving reasons?

From Quiz New Series Companion Trivia

Answer: Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones

In season 4 episode "The Unicorn and the Wasp," Donna kissed the Doctor in order to save him from dying of poison. In the bittersweet finale of season 1, "The Parting of the Ways," the ninth Doctor kissed Rose in order to save her by absorbing the time vortex from her. In season 3's "Smith and Jones," the Doctor kissed Martha in order to give himself enough time to escape from the Judoon, who were planning to kill anyone with alien DNA.

27. Which companion departs the show with the statement, "Now I'll never know if I was right"?

From Quiz Losing Friends

Answer: Adric

A more classic moment of tragic understatement would be hard to find in the series. Adric says this just before he dies saving Earth through his brilliant calculations. As the credits roll, we see not the usual starry background, but a shot of Adric's badge for mathematical excellence, smashed on the TARDIS floor. This is the only 'Doctor Who' episode that played the credits without any sound.

28. What was the name of Rose's mum?

From Quiz Rose Tyler

Answer: Jackie

Jackie was a very entertaining character, she was quite shallow but cared a lot about her daughter.

29. Which companion am I? My word clues are Halloween, and True Lies. First name only.

From Quiz Companions' Clue Words

Answer: Jamie

Jamie McCrimmon was a companion to the second Doctor. Played by Frazer Hines, he shares his name with Jamie Lee Curtis, who starred in the films "Halloween" and "True Lies".

30. Who wore a school uniform for at least one story?

From Quiz Who's Style?

Answer: Turlough

Vislor Turlough (played by Mark Strickson) was pretending to be a public school boy in his first story, "Mawdryn Undead". He was at first a traitor infiltrating the Doctor's Tardis, but later became a friend.

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