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Survivor Caramoan Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Survivor Caramoan Quizzes, Trivia

Survivor: Caramoan Trivia

Survivor: Caramoan Trivia Quizzes

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Returning to the Philippines, this second 'Fans vs. Favorites' iteration divided out returning players and newbies for another shot at the million dollar prize. Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites aired in early 2013.
2 Survivor: Caramoan quizzes and 20 Survivor: Caramoan trivia questions.
  Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This twenty-sixth season of "Survivor", returning the show to the Philippines in early 2013, was the second outing to show the 'Fans vs. Favorites' theme. Test your know-how of this eventful season. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jul 03 20
kyleisalive editor
Jul 03 20
79 plays
  Survivor: Caramoan    
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 10 Qns
20 players! 39 days! 1 Survivor! Season 26 sees the return of one of "Survivor's" favorite pairings.
Average, 10 Qns, alexarch, May 14 20
May 14 20
121 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who was voted out as a result of Malcolm playing two Hidden Immunity Idols on the tenth episode "Zipping Over the Cuckoo's Nest"?

From Quiz "Survivor: Caramoan"

Survivor: Caramoan Trivia Questions

1. How many new castaways participated in "Survivor: Caramoan"?

From Quiz
Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Ten

The game started in the Caramoan Islands with ten fans of the show landing on the beach to be told the news of this season's twist-- ten fans versus ten favourites, just like in "Survivor: Micronesia". While the ten fans would be combining to make the tribe Gota (with orange buffs), the ten returning Survivors spanning "Micronesia" to "Philippines" would become Bikal (in purple buffs). Interestingly, Erik, who was part of the first "Fans Vs. Favorites" season, returned as a 'Favorite' this time. The first Reward Challenge, for a flint and twenty pounds of beans, began immediately.

2. Which castaway was removed from the game due to an eye injury sustained on Day 8?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Shamar

On Day 8, Shamar scratched his eye with sand while lounging at camp, and while most of the Gota tribe sympathized with his injury, there was also a long-festering disdain for the tribesmate due to his lack of activity and poor attitude towards the game and survival in general. The next day, after a fierce rainstorm, he was looked at by the "Survivor" medical team who determined that he scratched his cornea. It was on their recommendation that he was pulled from the game. The team went on to lose the next Immunity Challenge (on the same day) as well, continuing a losing streak for the orange buff.

3. Which Favorite made "Survivor" history on the first episode, "She Annoys Me Greatly"?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Francesca

Francesca Hogi, who was the first person voted out on Season 22, "Survivor: Redemption Island", made Survivor history by being the only castaway to be the first person voted out twice.

4. In the fourth episode "Kill or be Killed", which unpopular Fan was medically evacuated due to an eye injury?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Shamar

Shamar Thomas was at the center of conflict in the Fans tribe, mainly with Reynold Toepfer and Eddie Fox. The reason why he was not a well-liked figure at the Fans camp was due to his combative tendencies and not contributing around camp. He was later evacuated on Day 10 due to a scratched cornea, which the "Survivor" Medical Team thought was too serious to let him continue in the game.

5. What did Brandon do that forced the Favorites tribe to forfeit the immunity challenge on the fifth episode, "Persona Non Grata"?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Dump out the rice and beans

Brandon Hantz had an intense rivalry with fellow Favorite Phillip Sheppard due to Phillip's abrasive style of leadership in the Favorites tribe. Brandon later told the other Favorites that Phillip is the biggest bully he has ever met. After the Reward Challenge win on "Persona Non Grata", Brandon learns from fellow Favorite Andrea Boehlke that Phillip wants to vote him out, which upsets Brandon because he apologized to Phillip for losing his cool. As retaliation, Brandon dumps the Favorite's rice and beans, shocking the others. At the Immunity Challenge, the Favorites tribe forfeited the challenge and verbally voted out Brandon.

6. What was the name of the merged tribe in this season?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Enil Edam

Although the original tribe names, 'Gota' and 'Bikal', were derived from Caramoan towns, the merged tribe name was completely different. Gota and Bikal merged on Day 20 instead of having a Reward Challenge, convening on the Bikal beach, the home of the original Favorites tribe. This season, the merged tribe consisted of twelve tribemates. The group took on green buffs and Malcolm proposed Enil Edam-- he took his mom's name, Madeline, and said it backwards.

7. On the sixth episode "Operation Thunder Dome", what happened at what looked like a Reward Challenge?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Tribe switch

Instead of partaking in the Reward Challenge, host Jeff Probst told the remaining castaways that there would be a tribe switch. The new Gota tribe consisted of Malcolm Freberg, Erik Reichenbach, Andrea Boehlke, Brenda Lowe, Reynold Toepfer, Eddie Fox and Sherri Biethman. The new Bikal tribe consisted of Phillip Sheppard, John Cochran, Dawn Meehan, Corinne Kaplan, Matt Bischoff, Michael Snow and Julia Landauer. The physically stronger new Gota tribe defeated the physically weaker new Bikal tribe in all of the remaining pre-merge challenges.

8. Who was not part of Stealth R Us, Inc.?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Reynold

Taking severe nods from Boston Rob during the "Redemption Island" season, Phillip attempted to create a new 'Stealth R Us' alliance taking in a majority alliance in the original 'Favorites' tribe. Phillip was 'The Specialist', Corinne was 'The Dominatrix', Malcolm was 'The Enforcer', Cochran was 'The Intelligence Attache', Dawn was 'True Grit', and Andrea was 'The Eliminator'. Over the course of the game, Phillip pretended to add several other tribe members to cater to them for the social game. Erik was 'The Silent One', Brandon was 'The Conquerer', Brenda was 'Serenity'. Phillip also referred to Julia as 'Double Agent'. She was eliminated before seeing any use. After the merge, Sherri also took on the codename 'Tenacity'.

9. Who was voted out as a result of Malcolm playing two Hidden Immunity Idols on the tenth episode "Zipping Over the Cuckoo's Nest"?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Phillip

The majority alliance, Stealth R Us, targeted the Three Amigos alliance which consisted of Malcolm Freberg, Reynold Toepfer and Eddie Fox. When Reynold won Individual Immunity, Stealth R Us decided to target Malcolm but was forced to target Eddie when Malcolm found a Hidden Immunity Idol. At Tribal Council, Malcolm shocked everyone by revealing another Hidden Immunity Idol, which he gave to Eddie. Before the votes were revealed, Malcolm and Eddie played their Hidden Immunity Idols, negating all of the votes against them and blindsiding the leader of Stealth R Us, Phillip Sheppard.

10. How many Hidden Immunity Idols found in this season were successfully used to negate votes cast at Tribal Council?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Three

Four Hidden Immunity Idols were found during this game-- two at the Gota camp and one at the Bikal camp-- and all of them ended up getting used. Reynold found the first Hidden Immunity Idol at the Gota camp on Day 5, revealing it at Tribal Council on the same day and using it out of paranoia on Day 10 to negate a single vote against him. Laura went home instead. Malcolm and Corinne found the Bikal idol on Day 6-- it went to Malcolm. He found another on Day 28 before the vote. Both were used at the Tribal Council on Day 28; Malcolm's first negated two votes against him while the other was used on Eddie to negate three more. It ultimately got Phillip sent home. On Day 25, Malcolm convinced Reynold to use an idol on him at Tribal Council; it didn't negate any votes-- none were cast against him. A fifth idol was hidden and a clue given to Malcolm at the Survivor Auction, but it wasn't found until the proceeding Reward/Immunity Challenge. Andrea took this one for herself, but neglected to use it.

11. Who was voted out on the twelfth episode "The Beginning of the End" with a Hidden Immunity Idol in their possession?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Andrea

Andrea Boehlke was suspicious of Brenda Lowe for not making a deal with her at the combined Reward/Immunity Challenge on Day 31. Andrea did win the challenge, also receiving a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol, which she did find with Erik Reichenbach's help. On Day 33, however, Andrea did not win the Immunity Challenge. She urged Cochran to blindside either Brenda or Dawn, unaware Cochran told her plans to Brenda, Dawn and Sherri and planned to blindside her. At Tribal Council, Andrea did not play her Hidden Immunity Idol, being blindsided with it in her possession.

12. On how many occasions did the castaways face tie votes at Tribal Council, forcing a second round of voting?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Three & 3

This season featured a number of complex votes and, as such, there were a number of ties and revotes at Tribal Council. The first was on Day 7. In a scramble to flush out Reynold's idol, votes were split between Eddie, Hope, and Shamar. Hope went home on the revote. The second was on Day 19 when, leading into the merge, the Gota tribe split the votes between Julia and Michael. On the revote, Julia was unanimously sent home. The last was on Day 30 when, again, the tribe worried about a potential idol in Malcolm's pocket. The scramble led to a three-way tie between Malcolm, Reynold, and Andrea where, after determining there was no idol, the majority finally knocked Malcolm out to the jury.

13. In the season finale "Last Push", which castaway was medically evacuated on due to low blood pressure?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Erik

On their way back to camp after the Tribal Council in which Brenda Lowe was voted out of, Erik Reichenbach was complaining to the other castaways that he was feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Erik was evacuated on Night 36 due to his body being unable to cope with malnutrition and dehydration, which the Survivor Medical Team thought was too serious to let him continue in the game. Erik finished in 5th place, the same place he finished the first time he played "Survivor".

14. Which castaway was forcibly removed from the game in fifth place (on Day 36)?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Erik

Erik spent the last few days on the island struggling, referring to the island as a prison. On Day 34, his attention turned to the need for food. Day 36, after voting Brenda out at Tribal Council, Erik didn't make it back to camp. The starvation throughout the previous month led him to requiring an IV to bring his body back to normal levels. This did mean, however, that he couldn't safely return to the game. Erik was the second-to-last person to leave the game this season, doing so in fifth place. He also placed fifth in "Micronesia".

15. At the Final Tribal Council, what did juror Brenda infamously ask finalist Dawn to do?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: To remove her teeth

In the tenth episode "Zipping Over the Cuckoo's Nest", Dawn Meehan lost her retainers in the lagoon and asked Brenda Lowe for help retrieving it, which she did and Dawn thanked Brenda for this act of kindness. In the penultimate episode "Don't Say Anything About My Mom", Dawn reluctantly betrayed Brenda by voting her out. At the Final Tribal Council, Brenda asked Dawn if she would have quit the game if she lost her retainers, in which Dawn said no. Not satisfied, Brenda asked Dawn to remove her retainers to show the other jurors that Dawn would have stayed in the game without them, which Dawn did. This move by Brenda has caused controversy.

16. Who was the Sole Survivor of "Survivor: Caramoan"?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites

Answer: Cochran

After an eventful thirty-nine days, the final three turned out to be Cochran (who won the final Immunity), Sherri, and Dawn. The final Tribal Council turned out to be a grilling session. Ultimately, Sherri was written off for coasting to the finale, and her attitude towards the jury's questions wrote her off. Dawn was likewise criticized for not having a grip on her emotional game and for being too deceptive. In the end, Cochrane was given all of the votes, winning the million dollar prize unanimously and taking the title of Sole Survivor. Malcolm went on to win the 'Sprint Player of the Season' award.

17. Which castaway ultimately outwitted, outplayed and outlasted 19 others to become the Sole Survivor?

From Quiz Survivor: Caramoan

Answer: Cochran

John Cochran is the second person in "Survivor" history to play a "perfect game", having never received a vote against him and receiving all of the jury votes at the Final Tribal Council. The first person to pull off this feat was J.T. Thomas in Season 18, "Survivor: Tocantins".

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